Political Short # 1 Explanation
Political Short #1 is a brief political profile of a person serving in Federal, State or Local government or someone who is running for office on one of these levels. This short should be approximately 1½ to 2 pages long(1inch margins and double spaced) in outline format and you MUST use a .gov website and an article obtained from EBSCO to obtain your information. In addition to the required sites listed above you may obtain your information from any other reputable sources you choose. (Wikipedia may NOTbe used!)A work cited page is required citing all sources used (in text citations are not required). You may NOT use quotes in this or any other paper this semester. Use only your own words. Your paper MUST contain the following information:
- Job description
- Write a detailed paragraph outlining all the job duties of the position the person currently has OR if your person iscurrently campaigning write about the position the person is campaigning for. Do not include information like marital status, educational background, or previous occupations.Just current job duties.
- Public ( Government ) Positions Held
- This is a chronological list (withbeginning and ending dates!) of every elected/nominated position the person held previously and currently (if any) within the government.
Note: For some people this may be very long, for others there may be nothing at all. (use votesmart.org and their own .gov website to locate this information)
- Three Issues currently involved in(court cases for justices)
- Each issue must be its own paragraph.
- Each paragraph should contain a brief detailed summary of the issue.
- Explain in detail how the person is involved and/or the position the person is taking on the issue.
- ONLY IF YOU DREW A JUSTICE! For Supreme Court Justices: Summarize three cases, no more than six months old. Include facts of the case, the constitutional issue, and the courts’ decision on the case.
Note: You MUST use EBSCO to obtain the information for one of these issues.
- Question of accountability
- Write out a question wherein you ask the person you’re profiling how they intend to accomplish one of their stated goals on one of the issues in part III, what they believe their responsibility is to solve the issue, or what should happen if they fail to address the issue.
**Must be under 20% on Turnitin.com!
**This paper is designed to give you a brief overview of one position within your government, who holds that position, and areas for which they are responsible. This paper ideally should take you no more than 2hrs to complete. If you are having trouble with any part of the paper, please email Bob or Javier, or myself for help.