MGTC52H3SBusiness Negotiation – Winter 2011
Answer these Questions using your role information. You have 10-15 min before the negotiation, and you can answer some questions while you are negotiating. You can answer them on the point sheet you are provided and on additional papers. Be sure you use definitions of concepts from lecture/text. Please drop off a copy of your answers (keep one for yourself!) under door of Rm 320 by Friday Feb 14, for participation credit
- What is my goal?
- What are my interests?
- Which issues are most important and which issues are less important?
- Which of my issues are linked to other issues, and which are separated or unconnected?
- What are my positions on each issue?
- What will be my opening request for each issue?
- What will be my preferred settlement (target point) in each issue?
- What is my walkaway point (resistance) on each issue – that is, what is a minimally acceptable settlement for each issue?
- Is there a mix of issues that will be acceptable to me?
- Where am I willing to trade off issues against each other in the mix?
- On what issues can I use the techniques of logrolling, non specific compensation, bridging, super-ordination, expanding the pie, cost-cutting?
- If this negotiation fails, what is my best alternative to a negotiated agreement (BATNA)?
- What is the other party’s goal?
- What are the other party’s interests?
- Which issues are most important and which issues are less important to the other party?
- Which of the other party’s issues are linked to other issues, and which are separated or unconnected?
- What may be their positions on each issue? Do it in terms of initial Guess and ongoing guess
- What may their opening request for each issue?
- What may be their preferred settlement in each issue?Do it in terms of initial Guess and ongoing guess
- What is their walkaway point on each issue – that is, what is a minimally acceptable settlement for each issue?
- Is there a mix of issues that will be acceptable to them?
- Strategy: What future relationship do I need to have, or would I like to have with them? How important are the outcome and the relationship with the other for me?
- What are the tactics I will use?
- What strategy do I expect the other will be selecting?How important are the outcome and their relationship with me for the other party?
- What might be the tactics that the other party will use
- What should be the agenda, how can I help to either create the agenda or participate in its development? In what order and sequence should I present the information / issues?
- Planning the issue presentation and defence:What research do I need to do on the issue(s) so that I can argue for them convincingly and compellingly? Do I have data (or can I get) graphs, charts, and figures that will clearly communicate my preferences?\
- What arguments can I anticipate from the other party, and how am I going to counteract their arguments?What tactics will I use to present my arguments or defend against the other’s arguments?
- What tactics will I use to try to move us toward agreement?
- Who will write down and confirm the agreement? Do we need to have the contract reviewed by a professional (e.g., attorney, accountant, agent)
- To whom is the other accountable for the solution – that is, to whom does s/he report or have to explain or defend the outcome?Does this party also have to be involved in issue definition and goal setting?
- What will we do if the negotiation fails?