Medium Term Planning

ILP: The Scented Garden

Living history – interviews with members of the community.

Week / froWord Focus / Reading Focus / Writing Focus / Mental Mathematics / Maths / Art & Design / Computing / D&T / Geography / History / Languages / Music / PE / PSHE / Science
Engage / Spelling
responsible dependable visible capable
ible or able? How would you know? / Tues/Wed/Thurs1
Finish TABINTGB, but emphasise the age group. / Tues/Wed/Thurs 2
T: BW photos and ideas maps
W:Review ideas and notes Uplevel to sentences and adjectives.
Th: Draft final copy. / Fri 3
Times tables / All days 3
include some time about themselves / Tues 4 07/06
Digital self portrait montage after Warhol’s Marilyn Monroe * / Poster of Euro 2016 with the matches mapped out / Fri 10/06
Singing / Fri 10/06
What can you do a minute combined with tennis skills. / Thurs 4 09/05
Reflect on age group talk.
Best age to be and why.
Question box / Wed 4??? TBC
Membersof com to be interviewed.
Watch time lapse photography of aging.
Question box
Develop / double consonant
word list / Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs1
Coming to England – normal guided reading / Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs 2
Read ch 1-3 TMG
Imagine – ideas map
Planning story (DG)
Develop story (DG)
Present synopsis before Big Write / Fri 3
Speed arithmetic / Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs 3
Data handling
include some data about themselves – eg measurement / Tues 4
Paint a unique clock face. / Wed 4
Discreet RE
Buddhism / Fri 10/06
Singing / Fri 10/06
What can you do a minute combined with tennis skills. / Thurs 4
Sue Sandy / Mon 4
Adaptation activity or chick activity
(Not taken from ILP).
Develop / homophones
word list / Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs 1
Coming to England – normal guided reading
or the referendum
info on the EEC / Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs 2
Growing up synopsis
Features of information (DG)
Group edit to uplevel info paragraph (DG)
Organise info in leaflet form
Create an info leaflet BW / Fri 3
Times tables / Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs 3 / Tues 4
Use data loggers to measure temp
or light intensity / Wed 4
Euros 2016 / Fri 10/06
How has time changed – exploring time lines / Thurs 4
Keeping clean
Puberty / Mon 4
Human reproduction and gestation
Develop / i before and the exceptions
word list / Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs 1
Coming to England – normal guided reading / Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs 2
DG IWB from Coming to England
(autobiography) / Fri 3
Speed arithmetic / Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs 3 / Tues 4 / Wed 4
Discreet RE
Buddhism / Fri 10/06
Edit writing – assess effectiveness of own writing / Thurs 4
Death / Mon 4
Fair test: How reaction change as we age
Innovate / word list / Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs 1
Coming to England – normal guided reading / Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs 2 / Fri 3
Times tables / Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs 3 / Tues 4
Portrait and figures in charcoal / Wed 4
(develop) – someone from the Windrush or similar / Fri 10/06 / Thurs 4
Hopes and dreams / Mon 4
Create an investigation
Innovate / silent letters
word list / Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs 1
Coming to England – normal guided reading / Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs 2 / Fri 3
Speed arithmetic / Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs 3 / Tues 4 / Wed 4
Discreet RE
Buddhism / Fri 10/06 / Thurs 4
Vision of the future / Mon 4
word list / Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs1 / Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs 2
Generate sims and mets
Poem on time
Uplevelast sun / Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs 3 / Tues 4
Time presentation – individual and have a tick list / Wed 4
The journey of the Windrush / Mon 4
Chick report

Date: Summer 2

Memorable Experience: Living history – interviews with members of the community.