NAME: Patricia Wright DATE: 2/19/13TIME: Refer to schedule.
NCECCS: Understand key ideas & detail. Grade level: 9, 10 & 11.
Common Core Objective: Determine the theme/central ideas of the text & select details that relate to it, recount the
OBJECTIVE: The student will be able to…
Symbolic: Student will listen to the review. Identify vocabulary words & pic symbols from the story. Match pic symbols in story. Participate in repeated story line. Sequence 3 main events in the story. Answer “wh” questions related to the story. Identify main characters in story.
Early Symbolic: Students will listen to the review. Point to vocabulary words from a field of 2 pic symbols. Answer “wh” questions related to story. Identify 2 main characters in story.
Pre-Symbolic: Students will listen to the story. Point to/use eye gaze to read vocabulary words using ACC. Answer “wh” questions related to story. Identify 1 main character in story.
LINKS TO PRIOR LEARNING: Match pictures to pictures, listening to a story, daily schedule use & communication skills.
MATERIALS/TECHNOLOGIES NEEDED: Adapted book, Island of the Blue Dolphins. ACC devices including Big Mac. Picture symbols. Vocabulary words: taken from different chapters in the book. Go to the web site: Explore Island of the Blue Dolphins, get it off of google. Prior to lesson run off the island from the web site.
LESSON PROCEDURES: (What the teacher will do) (The assistants will take data, monitor student behavior & assist students w/the task as necessary).
Symbolic: Introduce vocabulary words. Introduce the island Karana lived on. Have students fill in the places on the island where the story took place. Have students identify vocabulary words. Have students answer “wh” questions. Have students identify main characters in story.
Early Symbolic: Same as above except: Have students participate in the island activity using a Big Mac. Have students identify vocabulary words using pic symbols from a field of 2. Have students identify 2 main characters in the story.
Pre-Symbolic: Same as above except: Point/use eye gaze to identify vocabulary words using ACC. Have students identify 1 main character in the story using pic symbols.
INDEPENDENT PRACTICE Matching vocabulary words in other classes, using daily schedule & communication skills.
SUMMARY/CLOSURE/ASSESSMENT: Students will be assessed on individual IEP goals & objectives.