GIRLS are expected to:

  • observe the highest standards of behaviour on the journey to and from school.
  • arrive punctually for morning and afternoon registrations and lessons.
  • remain on the school site throughout the school day, unless permission has been granted to leave the premises and then sign out in the School Office and wait there to be collected. This also means not visiting Tesco at the end of the school day before a club or rehearsal gets underway.
  • sign in at the School Office if returning after an appointment and arriving at school after registration.
  • wear the school’s uniform and appropriate footwear as outlined in the uniform list. Maintain uniform in good condition - hems sewn up, holes and tears repaired or replacement uniform purchased.
  • wear the School blazer to and from the school.
  • not wear jewellery apart from one small ring, a discreet cross on a chain and one small gold, silver or pearl ear stud or sleeper in each lower part of the ear lobe. Girls may be sent home if this rule is flouted and extra piercings cannot be removed immediately by the girl herself.
  • wear no make-up, fake tan or nail polish, no false nails either professionally or home applied.
  • not use permanent or extreme colours of hair dye – such as strong bleach, intense black or red shades. Girls may be asked to visit a hairdresser to restore hair to normal colour and be required to stay home until this is done.
  • tie hair back off the face once it reaches the shoulder using a discreet navy tie. Fringes and side pieces of hair should not fall over the face. Hair should be brushed through neatly and not bundled up untidily.
  • keep mobile phones locked in lockers. They must not be used whilst in school. They will be confiscated if used and returned at the discretion of the Head.Any URGENT phone call can be made by the School Office. Girls will not be allowed to make unnecessary calls. Mobile phones should not be used by girls or parents for contact.
  • not film or photograph any pupils or staff in school and put them on internet sites without teacher supervision.
  • not to put videos or photographs online which would indicate the school and bring it into disrepute.
  • enter the Senior School by the Refectory door: do not use the Senior School Foyer.
  • move around the school quietly and to the left.
  • use the stairs next to the Library to go up and the stairs near the Senior School office to come down.
  • eat food at the prescribed times. Eat break and lunches in the Refectory. Do not eat or drink in other areas.
  • use the litterbins provided.
  • chewing gum and bubble gum must not be brought into school or taken on school trips/visits.
  • bring notes from home detailing all absences promptly - within five working days.
  • maintain the highest standards of respect for all property and people.
  • be aware that illegal drugs, cigarettes, e-cigarettes, alcohol, dangerous implements and correcting fluid are completely forbidden in school.
  • control language and adopt the highest standards of courtesy and consideration in school, on the journey to and from school and on trips and visits.
  • attend all lessons with the necessary books, pens, pencils, clothing etc.
  • attend lessons punctually.
  • take care of all exercise, text books, homework diaries and other equipment.
  • complete and submit all homework assignments and coursework to deadline.
  • avoid bringing large sums of money or valuables to school. If there is no option money/valuables should be deposited with the Form Tutor or in the School Office for safekeeping. The school cannot be held responsible if money or items go missing.

May 2017