Worksession 6:00PM

Town of Rangely January13, 2015 - 7:00pm


Rangely Board of Trustees (Town Council)

Frank Huitt, Mayor

Brad Casto, Mayor Pro Tem

Lisa Hatch, Trustee

Andrew Shaffer, Trustee

Dan Eddy, Trustee

Joseph Nielsen, Trustee

Ann Brady, Trustee

  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call – all in attendance except Brad Casto
  3. Invocation
  4. Pledge of Allegiance
  5. Minutes of Meeting
  6. Approval of the minutes of the December 23, 2014 meeting. Joe Nielsen motions to approve minutes from December 23 meeting. Lisa Hatch seconds motion, motion passed.
  7. Petitions and Public Input
  8. Changes to the Agenda
  9. Public Hearings - 7:15pm
  10. Public Hearing to consider The Camper Park Minor Subdivision, Lot 1 and Lot 3 of the Jim Purdy Estate Subdivision, Together with 3.159 Acres Tract in C.E. 1130, Section 1 TIN R102W 6th P.M., Town of Rangely.
  11. Committee/Board Meetings
  12. BLM collaboration meeting on OHV trail and Biomass Dump Site on January 6th at 1:30pm.Peter Brixius goes over the info from the meeting with BLM and states that BLM was very positive and seemed in support of the OHV trail system. Still working on the grant and hoping to be able to market something by mid to late this year. For the Biomass Dump Site Peter Brixius said that opening a new Biomass site where we originally proposed will not happen. BLM shared a map of available parcels that town could use for a new site.
  13. Supervisor Reports - See Attached

Mike Englert – Building & Grounds/Public Works Supervisor – Mike Englert talked further about the Biomass Dump Site and trying to work out an agreement with Rangely Trash Service where we would continue to use current site and materials would be sorted for RTS to pick up and take to county dump. Andy Shaffer still wants to pursue trying to get land from BLM since it is a 2 year process and for the future it might be beneficial to try. Mike Englert goes over supervisor report for the month of December. Mike then discussed meeting with Dave Morlan from the county on West Rangely Subdivision Road. Dave explained that the county would not accept the road in its current state. He recommended going in and taking the 1 ½” and move it off to the shoulder and then apply the class 6 or comparable to cap that road. Dave said would not accept the road due to maintenance costing so much and that cost going back to the taxpayers. Mike Englert talked about gearing up to start the bathroom renovations in town hall $11,000. Has bids out now. Also White River Village will have some remodeling done to apartments that will be open tomorrow.

Vickie Pfenning – Code Enforcement Supervisor – Vickie talked about Liquor License class that she attended and regulatory changes that will be going into effect. Public Notices are only required on new licenses. Applications will be shorter as well. Other informational items included in the packet.

  1. Reports from Officers – Town Manager Update – Peter Brixius talked to USGS about the funding level approval from last meeting for $2500 and the locations where the monitoring would take place. He pointed out the Town’s portion of each location and the Highway 64 river bridge is $2722 so our funding wouldn’t cover the main site of interest. Peter suggested if we wanted to continue this would need a background sample and a downstream sample historically which would be the Hwy64 site and below Taylor Draw and those two would cost $4045. Alden VandenBrink has been nominated and selected to the Colorado River District Board. A prestigious seat and good board to have a representative on. Met with Elyse Ackerman about the two grant applications we have submitted. Went over some of the rule changes that have taken place, one being that a grant under $1million used to be 75% match and anything over was 50%. Now everything will be at 50% match. Elyse anticipates that the competiveness for money will be extremely high this year. Rangely ranks pretty high due to criteria being an energy impacted community. Usually get full funding but not guaranteed. The grocery store is changing their format and how much grocery they will carry and Peter is not at liberty to discuss it but wants to let the board know that it could change. The owner has yet to complete his negotiations. Police department has two dispatcher resignations within the last two weeks. Looking to hire one at the end of the month. Dan Eddy brings up the USGS program and believes we need to maintain that baseline of what’s in the river. Wants to see the program continue and thinks should be a budget item. Frank Huitt and Lisa Hatch agree that we should continue with the two sites. Frank asks if we can do an action item to approve the extra funding to have the monitoring continue at the two sites and then do an action item at the next meeting to incorporate it into policy. Everyone agrees. Will be action item i. added to the agenda. Andy Shaffer asks if ever go to court and the state has an abnormal reading would USGS go to bat for us. Peter Brixius says would have the study from a certified lab and they would defend their data.
  2. New Business
  3. Discussion and Approval of the December 2014 Check Register Joe Nielsen motions to approve the December 2014 check register. Ann Brady seconds motion, motion passes.
  4. Discussion and Approval of the November Financial Summary Andy Shaffer motions to approve the November Financial Summary. Lisa Hatch seconds, motion passes.
  5. Discussion and Action to approve the Camper Park Minor Subdivision, Lot 1 and Lot 3 of the Jim Purdy Estate Subdivision, Together with 3.159 Acres Tract in C.E. 1130, Section 1 TIN R102W 6th P.M., Town of Rangely. Lisa Hatch motions to approve the Camper Park Minor Subdivision. Joe Nielsen seconds motion, motion passes.
  6. Discussion and Action to approve Interim Grant of Non-Exclusive Easement with the County for the Non-Exclusive Right, to install and/or maintain telecommunications fiber optics lines and equipment over or under all street and alley right of ways owned by Grantor and located in the Town of Rangely. Joe Nielsen motions to approve the Interim Grant of Non-Exclusive Easement. Dan Eddy seconds motion, motion passes.
  7. Discussion and Action to approve Resolution 2015-01, “Designating a Public Place for Posting Meeting Notices during calendar year 2015” Andy Shaffer motions to approve Resolution 2015-01. Dan Eddy seconds motion, motion passes.
  8. Discussion and Action to approve Special Event Liquor License for Rangely Chamber Crab Crack. Dan Eddy motions to approve the Special Event Liquor License for Rangely Chamber Crab Crack, Andy Shaffer seconds motion. Motion passes.
  9. Discussion and Action to approve the issuance of the Certificate of Partial Completion for the West Rangely Subdivision Water and Gas Utility Improvements “only” and authorizing the Town Administrator to sign the Certificate upon the condition that it be first executed by the subdivision owner. Motion by Lisa Hatch to approve the issuance of the Certificate of Partial Completion for the West Rangely Subdivision Water and Gas Utility Improvements “only”. Dan Eddy seconds. Motion passes.
  10. Discussion and Action Regarding Resolution #2015-02, Accepting Easements as Described in Exhibits 1-5 for the West Rangely Subdivision.Dan Eddy motions to accept Resolution #2015-02. Joe Nielsen seconds. Motion passes.
  11. Discussion and Action to increase the funding to $4450 for USGS monitoring. Dan Eddy motions to approve the increase the funding to $4450, second by Ann Brady. Motion passes.
  12. Informational Items
  13. Natural Gas Usage
  14. WoofTrax
  15. Liquor License Meeting Info
  16. Scheduled Announcements
  17. Rangely School District board meeting is scheduled for January 19, 2014 at 6:15pm.
  18. Rangely District Library regular meeting January12, 2014 at 5:00pm.
  19. Rangely District Hospital board meeting is scheduled for January 15, 2014 at 7:00pm.
  20. Rural Fire Protection District board meeting is scheduled for January 19, 2014 at 7:00pm.
  21. Western Rio Blanco Park & Recreation District meeting January 19, 2014 at 7:00pm.
  22. Rio Blanco Water Conservancy District board meeting is January21, 2014 at 6:00pm.
  23. Rangely Chamber of Commerce board meeting is scheduled for January15, 2014 at 12:00pm.
  24. Adjournment Dan motions to adjourn. Second by Ann. Meeting adjourned.

Tracy Hayes initiated a discussion after the adjournment about the acceptance of the West Rangely Subdivision Road. Dan Eddy left. Tracy wants to know where the town stands on the road, will they accept it or not. The council doesn’t see how they can accept it as is, needs to be to the specifications in the agreement. Tracy doesn’t want to sink any more money into the road. The council mentions the meeting with Dave Morlan and his suggestion to take the 1 ½” off and add material to the surface and work it back in. Tracy says will cost them to do that and they are not willing to put any more money into it, the council needs to rededicate it back to the HOA then so that they can begin to develop the subdivision and start to recoup some of their costs. Peter Brixius says he will get with the Town’s attorney to start the process of privatization and it should be about 45 days.



Lisa Piering, Clerk/TreasurerFrank Huitt, Mayor