Metro Nashville Planning Commission
700 2nd Avenue South
Nashville, TN 37219
Matthew Strader, Lindsey Langley
Community Organizers
112 Fern Avenue
Nashville, TN 37207
Subject: 20015CP-012-001 & 2015SP-012-001 (Community Plan Amendment & NRM Batch Plant)
In regards to the email sent on March 17, 2015 from Carrie Logan, Senior Planner, we would like to resubmit the information provided to the Planning Commission in both PDF format and Bound Copies provided at the March 12, 2015 meeting. This information includes;
1. Katie Hill Revitalization Plan and
2. NRM (Nashville Ready Mix) Opposition Presentation.
In addition to this information, we would also have the following questions that came from the Planning Commissioners at the March 12 meeting on this subject.
1. Is there an existing area within Metro Nashville where an IG zoning has been placed within an IWD zoning overlay by use of a SP, and the legality of property rights for businesses who currently operate their businesses within the IWD zoning? Our research has shown no such implementation.
2. How will current IWD zoning laws be enforced in regards to an abutting IG zoning. Currently, IWD would allow for “Child Care Services”, however the proximity of the IG would limit the use of the IWD because of its proximity and not allow the full uses of IWD.
3. Environmental Issues:
a. Air-Has NRM given a report on the effects of” coal ash” (fly ash) on the general neighborhood and more specifically on “open air” produce vendors? Our research has shown that coal ash (fly ash) is volatile, and contains “mercury” as well as a host of other by-products.
b. Water-Has NRM given a report on the current and future effect of “run-off” water from their dust control systems on streams and the river? Records in our “Opposition package” show their violations and lack of regards of these waterways.
c. Riverbank-Has NRM provided a detailed outline of the impact the “Batch Plant” on the Riverfront? In the two Community Meetings held on this topic, NRM and their Attorneys stated that they would not be off-loading from the river, but in the Planning Meeting they stated they would be off-loading from the river and using a conveyor system to do this. Yet there are no plans or specifications on the application about this subject.
4. What is Metro’s long term plan for this portion of the Riverfront? Metro has stated that they have a long term policy for the care and preservation of our Downtown riverfronts. Is this policy change compliant with that policy?
5. Have other area’s (locations) been given as a back-up location? Locations that do not align so closely to sensitive business and neighborhoods? The Batch Plant currently sits in a fully industrial park; however the new location is only yards from residential homes and sensitive Produce Venders.
6. Can NRM provide information on the Batch Plant they propose to build, in relation to that type of plant abutting businesses and residences? Our research has shown no such existence.
7. Is a barge delivery system imperative to NRM profitability? Our research has shown that the current pricing of concrete in Nashville is highly competitive regardless of the delivery system.
8. With less than a quarter mile between the proposed “Cowan Street Development” and the “Lock One Park”, is the placement of a Batch Plant with river off-loading a good policy? The off-loading would create a dead end effect, where future development on the Cowan Street riverfront could not connect with the current Lock One riverfront park.
9. Has NRM or Planning compiled a traffic study for Baptist World Center Drive and Vashti? It has been stated in the meetings that the Batch Plant will not increase the traffic in this area. But our research is that if NRM is consolidating several locations to one location, there has to be a sub sequential traffic increase in which the current roads are not able to handle. This information is illustrated in the “Opposition Packet”.
10. We would also like for reporting to be corrected in regards to the Community Meetings on this issue. Both Community meetings were highly attended in opposition with standing room only at both. Both meetings were recorded if a review of the meetings is needed.
As Representatives of Katie Hill and District 2 Business community, we feel that NRM has not provided sufficient information to address all these issues and concerns towards being a good partner and steward of our Community.