




1.1.1 [Extraction of information from Source 1A – L1]

·  Soviet Union

·  Russia

·  USSR (any 1x1) (1)

1.1.2 [Interpretation of information from Source 1A – L2]

·  The stipulations of the Yalta Conference decided to divide Germany amongst the Western Powers and the Soviet Union

·  Germany was divided into two separate countries

·  West Germany become capitalist under the leadership of the Western Powers

·  East Germany became communist under the leadership of the Soviet Union

·  Berlin was also divided between Western powers and the Soviet Union

·  Berlin was situated in East Germany

·  Both the Soviet Union and the Western Powers tried to spread their sphere of influence in Germany

·  Any other relevant response (any 2x2) (4)

1.1.3 [Explanation of historical concepts from Source 1A – L1]


·  Creation of a classless society

·  Any other relevant response (any 1x2) (2)


·  A system of government by the whole population

·  Any other relevant response (any 1x2) (2)

1.1.4 [Extraction of information from Source 1A – L1]

·  Airlift (1x1) (1)

1.1.5 [Explaining the limitations of Source 1A – L3]

·  The source only contains the views of an American official with regard to providing supplies to Berliners during the blockade

·  The source is biased towards the Soviet Union

·  The views Soviet Union are absent with regard to providing supplies to Berliners during the blockade

·  Any other relevant response (any 2x2) (4)


1.2.1 [Interpretation of information from a visual Source 1B – L2]

·  To show how the Western Powers implemented the Berlin airlift

·  To show how the Western Powers provide supplies to West Berliners

·  To show how the Western Powers overcame the Berlin blockade

·  Any other relevant response (any 1x2) (2)

1.2.2 [Interpretation of information from a visual Source 1B – L2]


·  The airlift was important to provide the West Berliners with essentials

·  The airlift was important to prevent the West Berliners from starving

·  The airlift was import the show that the US would not give into the demands of the Soviet Union to vacate West Berlin

·  The airlift was important to show to the West Berliners that the Western Powers are determined not to abandon them to communism

·  The airlift was important to keep capitalism ‘alive’ in West Berlin

·  Any other relevant response



·  The airlift was a dangerous to undertake as more than 60 pilots died during this operation

·  The Western Powers should have withdrawn from West Berlin as this could have lessen the Cold War tensions

·  The Soviet Union was capable to supply the whole of Berlin with essentials

·  Any other relevant response (any 2x2) (4)

1.2.3 [Comparing of information from Source 1A with 1B – L3]

·  Source 1A – Bingham suggest an airlift to supply the West Berliners with essentials.

Source 1B – it show how West Berliners are supplied with essentials

·  Source 1A – Bingham suggest that the Western Powers must not abandon the West Berliners

Source 1B – The Source suggest that the Western Powers did not abandon the West Berliners

·  Any other relevant response

(NB! Compare 2 sources = 2 marks/ One source = 1 mark) (2 x 2) (4)

1.3 [Interpretation of information from Source 1C – L2]


·  Stalin (1x2) (2)

1.3.2 [Extraction of information from Source 1C – L1]

·  Coal

·  Food (2x1) (2)

1.3.3 [Interpretation of information from Source 1C – L2]

·  The Soviet Union could have started a nuclear war with the Western Powers

·  The Soviet Union would have been seen as the aggressors’

·  He is shocked

·  Any other relevant response (any 2x2) (2)


1.4.1 [Explaining of information from Source 1D– L2]

·  The introduction of a special currency for West Berlin without consulting the Soviet Union

·  The Western Powers policy of separation of Germany

·  Any other relevant response (any 1x2) (2)

1.4.2 [Interpretation of information from Source 1D – L2]

·  Blocking of all roads leading to West Berlin

·  Trains were not allowed to enter East Berlin

·  All canal routes leading to West Berlin were blocked

·  Any other relevant response (any 2x2) (4)

1.4.3 [Explaining the usefulness of Source 1D –L3]

·  The source is useful because Payyushkin as Soviet ambassador expresses official views on the reasons for the blockade

·  The source is useful because Payyushkin gives insight to the manner on how Western Powers dealt with crisis in Berlin

·  The letter is dated an indicates that it was written during the crisis in Berlin

·  The letter is an official response to the manner in which the Western Powers dealt with the crisis

·  It is a primary source because ......

·  Any other relevant response (any 2x2) (4)

1.5 [Interpretation and evaluation of evidence from Sources 2A to 2D – L3]

·  West Berlin was cut off from Western Europe

·  West Berliners could not get to work, visit family

·  The decision to airlift supplies to West Berlin was dangerous as it could have led to war

·  The blockade increased the militarisation of Berlin by both the Soviet Union and the US

·  The blockade increased the tension between East and West

·  The blockade led to the establishment of military organisations (NATO) and (Warschu)

·  Any other relevant response

Use the following rubric to assess the paragraph

LEVEL 1 / · Uses evidence in an elementary manner and cannot explain how blockade intensified Cold War tensions between the Soviet Union and US.
· Uses evidence partially to report on the topic or cannot report on the topic. / Marks: 0 – 2
LEVEL 2 / · Evidence is mostly relevant and can explain how blockade intensified Cold War tensions between the Soviet Union and US.
·  Uses evidence in a very basic manner / Marks: 3 – 5
LEVEL 3 / ·  Uses relevant evidence that demonstrates a thorough understanding and can explain how blockade intensified Cold War tensions between the Soviet Union and US.
·  Uses evidence very effectively in an organise paragraph that shows an understanding of the topic. / Marks: 6 – 8





2.1.1 [Extraction of evidence from Source 2A – L1]

·  Expansionist (colonising) aims

·  The Soviet Union ordered Cuba into Angola (Soviet ‘puppet’) (2 x 1) (2)

2.1.2 [Extraction of evidence from Source 2A – L1]

·  Cuba is too small to think about expanding into Africa

·  Cuba has taken nothing from Angola except its dead soldiers

·  Cuba went to Angola in response to a request for support from Neto (leader of the MPLA government)

·  Angola did not consult the Soviet Union before sending troops to Angola

(any 3 x 1) (3)

2.1.3 [Extraction of evidence from Source 2A – L1]

·  Agostinho Neto (1 x 1) (1)

2.1.3 [Explanation of evidence in Source 2A – L2]

·  The Soviet Union supported Cuban troops with logistics

·  The Cubans had weapons but relied on the Soviets for ammunition

·  The Soviet Union provided additional weapons to Cuba as their war effort expanded

·  Both Cuba and the Soviet Union were supporting the MPLA in their struggle (against UNITA / South Africa - ‘racism’ and ‘colonialism’)

·  Any other relevant answer (any 2 x 2) (4)


2.2.1 [Extraction of evidence from Source 2B – L1]

·  Many of the Cuban people were descended from slaves who were stolen from Africa. (1 x 2) (2)

2.2.2 [Extraction of evidence from Source 2A – L1]

·  South Africa

·  United States (Yankees) (2 x 1) (2)

2.2.3 [Interpretation of evidence in Source 2A – L2]

·  The Angolan government was under attack from South Africa troops in 1975


2.3.1 [Interpretation of evidence in Source 2C – L2]

·  It implies that the Soviet Union is more powerful than Cuba (as an adult tiger is stronger and more powerful that her cub),

·  Cuba is not acting as an independent nation, the Soviets are in control (as a mother controls her cub).

·  Any other relevant answer (any 2 x 2) (4)

2.3.2 [Extraction of evidence from Source 2C – L1]

·  The fact that 10-13 thousand Cuban troops are stationed in Angola which Vorster believes will influence Angolan government policy. (1 x 2) (2)

2.3.3 [Interpretation of evidence in Source 2C – L2]

·  He believed that once the MPLA had consolidated power, the Cubans would attempt to destabilise southern Africa.

·  Vorster believed that the Cubans wanted to spread Communism through southern Africa.

·  He believed that South Africa / southern tip of Africa was of strategic importance to the communists in their plan to dominate the world.

·  The Cape sea route was important for Europeans so the Soviets would be in a strong position if they could take control this trade route

·  South Africa had raw materials which would be valuable to the Soviets in a conventional war.

2.4 [Explanation of different perspective in Sources 2B and Sources 2C – L3]

·  Source 2B is written by Castro the Cuban leader, 2C is written by Vorster the South African leader - they were fighting on different sides in the Angolan civil war.

·  Castro (Source 2B) believed that South Africa was attempting to take control of Angola and spread their racist policies (apartheid); whereas Vorster (Source 2C) believed that Castro was attempting to take control of Southern Africa and spread communism

·  Both leaders need to justify to their people why their countries are involved in a war in Angola.

·  The two leaders had very different ideological viewpoints

·  Any other relevant answer. (any 2 x 2) (4)


2.5.1 [Extract evidence from Source 2D – L1]

·  The hand represents the Soviet Union - The hammer and sickle on the ring is from the Soviet Union flag

2.5.2 [Interpretation of evidence in Source 2D – L2]

·  Cuba and the Soviets are a negative /damaging force in Africa – they are shown using Africa as an ashtray

·  The Soviets are controlling Cuban involvement in Africa – Soviet hand holding Cuban cigar

·  Cuba is the one being ‘burnt’ (cigar) ie suffering the brunt of the war through casualties and costs

·  Any other relevant answer (any 2 x 2) (4)

2.5.3 [Engage with question of historical usefulness in Source 2D – L2]

·  The cartoon is directly relevant to the research topic as it contains references to Cuba and Angola and was printed in 1975, the year the Angolan Civil War broke out.

·  The cartoon provides a perspective from one of the countries involved in the war (South Africa) in 1975

·  The cartoon suggests that the Soviet Union were controlling Cuba and directing their involvement in Cuba – the historian would then investigate to see if there was corroborating evidence to support this idea

·  The cartoon provides insight into the South Africa government’s explanation for Cuban involvement in Angola

·  The researcher would identify the cartoon as biased and would need to look for other sources with different viewpoints (eg to give the Cuban or Soviet view of events)

·  Any other relevant answer (any 2 x 2) (4)

2.6 [Interpretation, analysis and synthesis of evidence from sources and using own knowledge to evaluate their usefulness – L3]

Learners need to include some of the following points in their answer:

·  Cuba aimed to colonise Angola – Castro denies this saying that Cuba is far too small a country to be able to expand into Angola. (Source 2A)

·  Cuba was in Angola under Soviet command and control – Castro claims that the Cubans went into Angola without informing the Soviets (Source 2A and 2D)

·  Cuba was using Angola as a base from which to spread communism in Southern Africa - Castro does say that they are supporting the MPLA (a Marxist-Leninist/ socialist party) but Castro says that his troops will be withdrawn when they are no longer needed (Source 2A)

·  Cuba wanted to extract mineral wealth from Angola – Cuba claims that all they have ever taken from Angola are the bodies of Cuban soldiers (Source 2A)

·  Cuba wanted to destroy Apartheid South Africa – Castro claims that Cuba wanted to defend Angola from being attacked by South Africa

·  Castro claims that Cuba is in Angola to defend the MPLA government as part of Cuba’s internationalist mission to support peoples fighting against colonialism

·  Castro argues that many Cubans are descended from Africans who were sold into slavery – therefore they have a duty to defend their ‘brothers and sisters’.

·  Any other relevant answer

Use the following rubric to allocate a mark:

LEVEL 1 / • Uses evidence in an elementary manner e.g. shows no or little understanding of the different reasons given to explain Cuban involvement in Angola.
• Uses evidence partially to report on topic or cannot report on topic. / MARKS
LEVEL2 / • Evidence is mostly relevant and relates to a great extent to the topic e.g. shows an understanding the different reasons given to explain Cuban involvement in Angola. • Uses evidence in a basic manner. / MARKS
LEVEL 3 / • Uses relevant evidence e.g. shows a thorough understanding of the different reasons given to explain Cuban involvement in Angola.
• Evidence relates well to the topic
·  Uses evidence very effectively in an organized paragraph that shows understanding of the topic. / MARKS

