Memory Wire Bracelets

3rd Grade

approximately 2- 60 min classes


§ The students will learn to work in a new media.

§ Students will learn the term pattern.

§ Students will create a memory wire bracelet.

§ Students will learn about a career in art – Jeweler.

§ Students will learn the term contrast.

§ Students will learn the term visual file.



Memory Wire:



Visual File:



Memory wires, beads, needle nose pliers, bowls, markers, tape, and ziploc baggies.

Visuals: student examples

Interdisciplinary Connections: Math - pattern


1. Twist one end of the memory wire into a loop. Place a memory wire in a Ziploc baggie – 1 for each student.

2. Have the students write their name on a Ziploc baggie in marker; so that the material and project can be stored.

3. Explain to students that they will be creating a memory wire bracelet. Discuss the terms pattern, contrast, and visual file.

4. Show the students examples of student work.

5. Have beads in different containers. Students will pick the colors that they like and begin to string them on the wire. They may have 2 emphasis beads. They will need to put enough beads on so that when they are completely pushed together, they will go around the person’s wrist about 2 ¼ times.

6. If students run out of time before the bracelet is finished have them put it in the Ziploc baggie. Have students finished the bracelet during the next class time.

7. When students complete their bracelet, have them write their name on the piece of masking tape. Students should fold the tape over the end of the flat wire (like a taco).

8. Clip the excess wire on the bracelet (leave about ¾ ”) and then loop it around to close off the end.


Do the students know what the terms pattern, contrast, emphasis, and visual file means?

Did students create a visually appealing memory wire bracelet?

Did students learn that a Jeweler is a career that relies on art?


3.8.1, 3.8.2, 3.9.2, 3.9.3, 3.10.1, 3.10.2, 3.13.1, 3.13.2