METH = SORCERY by Steve Box
Selected extracts
Page 6:
I believe we are living in the end times… I firmly believe that this is the end time drug. The drug that has been unleashed by Satan in these end times to kill, steal and destroy at an increased pace. I’m writing this to expose meth for what it really is –sorcery! I want to reveal the truth and open people’s eyes to this truth.
John 8:32 says, “And you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” I want to bring to light the demonic world of meth and why it has such control over the user.
Page 7:
Meth use and production is equivalent to sorcery. The definition of sorcery is the use of evil, supernatural power over people. In the Greek definition it is pharmakon or pharmacy, which means the cutting of herbs and the mixing of potions. Taking all these different ingredients and stirring them together while it bubbles and smokes produces meth.
Meth takes everything that is sacred to God and the way we should love and twists it into the exact opposite. In the Book of Revelations it refers to these end times. Sorcery is listed four times – more than any other book in the Bible.
Page 30:
There’s an evil in meth - when you combine certain people that have similar characteristics that feed off each other - that ushers in the demonic realm. I [once] witnessed, along with another individual, a manifestation in the demonic realm. When one person is hallucinating, it’s easy to say they’re just tweaking. It’s a whole different ball game when two people are witnessing the same thing appearing.
Page 38:
The truth about methamphetamine is that it is the purest form of sorcery on earth today, The biggest, most subtle lie of Satan is that meth is just another drug. First it was marijuana, cocaine, heroin, LSD, and now meth. Wake up America! There is no comparison between meth and any other drug! When you hear the word methamphetamine, a red flag should go off in your head that says sorcery… There are other types of sorcery and occult, but the most destructive sorcery that is killing, stealing, destroying the most lives is methamphetamine.
Page 40:
There is a certain formula used each time a batch [of methamphetamine] is produced that the cook follows, which is really a ritual. Ritual means a system or form of rites, religious or otherwise. Rite means a solemn ceremonial act as in religious. So in essence, the people who are actually cooking meth are in bondage to the ceremonial act of making it as well as to the drug itself.
Page 44:
[Meth] takes a person’s individual characteristics and bad traits and mimics the actions of Satan. How this is accomplished is through the bewitchment of how it is made, and the sorcery and alchemy that underlies the brew itself. It’s the stirring and bubbling and smoking as it is made, how ingredients are placed in, then taken out. This ritual is what is behind the transformation process of the finished drug. Then when it is taken…it opens a gate; a direct hook-up with the demonic spiritual realm – a place where demonic suggestions becomes truth, a place where individuals are driven insane, a place where other individuals control them. It’s a satanic realm that blunts a person’s emotions. It renders certain emotions almost non-existent.
Page 47:
People cooking meth, or sorcerers…get a rush, or feeling of power, in having others know that they’re a cook, because in the world of meth they are admired and almost worshipped. They also thrive on the control it gives them over other people’s lives and the things that they can make people do with this control. It’s like the highest level of achievement and respect in the world of meth.
Page 54:
Meth takes things that aren’t there and somehow gives a demonic force the ability to suggest to the person on meth, and in turn the drug makes the person able to see what’s being suggested. This is pure evil.
Page 60:
We had been listening several days and night’s to Black Sabbath’s Paranoid. I know now that there are certain demonic bands, CDs and tapes that usher in the presence of demonic spirits. Just like true praise and worship ushers in the Spirit of God.
Page 64:
The [tweaker] thinks or believes, without justification, that other people are plotting or conspiring against him, are harassing him or are otherwise persecuting or trying to harm him in some way; to see two people talking at a distance and to irrationally assume that they are plotting against or criticising him… This person has hallucinations, visual as well as audio, experienced as voices and sounds that are negative to them… Parts of their body or actions and impulses are controlled or dictated by some external force. Hallucinations of touch, taste, smell and bodily sensation occurs… This person has little or no insight into their own condition and realises neither that he is suffering mentally nor that their thinking is out of order. This person’s feelings and emotional characteristics become blunted, flat…
Page 68:
Meth takes whatever character traits that each person has and develops it to the worst possible extent. That’s why people who are prone to violence will be developed to the fullest violently through fear with meth, or whatever character trait or flaw we have, whether it be lying, pride, stealing. The list goes on and on… By ingesting meth, it opens a gate and breaks down our moral ability to resist and to see the truth. It’s like a mist or veil is upon the meth user, and the truth is unable to be seen. You believe the voices in your head and what they’re saying to you… Satan hates the truth and wants everything the opposite of what God wants for us. The blessings and truths of God is what he wants to destroy.
Page 72:
When on meth you have no regard for your body. Eventually you will even reach a point where self-mutilation becomes enjoyable and you will thrive on it. I remember when I would gouge or cut myself when on meth and enjoying the way it looked and how it didn’t heal. I observed this in other addicts also. I had a cousin on meth who was obsessed with cutting his little toe off. One night he tried it with a chisel and hammer but only made it to the bone. Eventually, he shot it but they were able to sew it back on. When on meth you lose all respect for yourself and your body, and finally a gate to self-destruction is opened.
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When I hear of the Gothic movement and how they cut themselves with razor blades, I know that meth is in the background underlying and driving the musicians whom in turn steer our young people down the path to hell and Satan and separation from God. You see, this self-mutilation is nothing new.
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Meth also destroys your immune system. That’s why sores or cuts don’t heal. Also, it will sometimes break out sores all over your body and the first thing an addict will do is pick these sores which then turn into open wounds that leave scars.
Page 76:
When I was addicted to meth, I lied all the time… All the addicts lie to each other continuously… I found that [these] people, when paranoid, would make up lies to try and draw someone into their own tweaked out thing they were dreaming up or to try and catch someone in a lie by lying to them in the first place about a situation. When under the influence of meth, you have no conscience of your own; you take on a lying spirit. When under the influence of meth you lose touch with reality, you become suspicious of everyone and everything… And then the lies begin to look like the truth at the time and no one could tell you any different. Even your best friend, spouse or parents become in on the plan to get you. And if someone tries to tell you the truth, then the person on meth for sure thinks that the person is lying in order to somehow draw him or her in. So in essence, truth becomes lies to the user and lies are the truth when on meth.
Meth turns you into a paranoid schizophrenic. These lies that are being believed by the addict are responsible for much of the blood shed [in America] today. I remember, at times, having it all figured out; who was out to get me, how they were going to do it, and making lists of people who I would kill. Audio and visual hallucinations are so real that these lies are actually sometimes seen by the addict when they’re not really there. The ability to distinguish the truth becomes impossible. You see things that aren’t there. You see people that aren’t there. You hear people talking, voices you recognise. What you are really seeing and hearing are demons that are trying to drive you insane, or trying to get you to do something that will kill you, kill someone else or destroy you in any fashion they can.
Page 80:
When a person is awake for long periods with no food, it allows for demons to enter into this person much easier. It takes a person to a realm where they feel like sleep is needed no more. It’s a false sense of reality. Th e longer you are up, the audio and visual hallucinations become very, very real… One of the favourite sayings I’ve heard by hardcore addicts is “I can sleep when I’m dead!”
Page 84:
Not only does meth destroy your body and mind, but your family and surroundings… I became paranoid [about] always being bugged or under constant surveillance by someone or something… Demonic forces that were always hanging around, watching, trying to influence me into doing things that would kill, steal and destroy others and myself around me… Anything I thought that might contain a listening device, I would destroy. I would stomp radios, computers and phones. Take apart TV electric outlets… Meth opens a gate and breaks down the barriers that demonic forces usually have to go through. After ingesting meth, the sorcery of it invites them [directly] into us. That’s why you feel like you’re under constant torment or someone is always watching you.
Page 85:
Almost anything could set me off. Maybe I was at someone’s house and they had some item that looked similar to something of mine… The meth mind would register that it was mine and they had been at my house earlier and had taken it or were involved with what was going on. The delusions included everyone from my wife, other family members, best friends. It didn’t matter. They were all in on it and I was always trying to catch them, so I could in turn destroy them… What it really was is the demonic realm manifesting itself into our realm by the sorcery that underlies meth.
Page 90:
When a person is under the influence of methamhetamine, they are a servant to the master of meth, and that is Satan.