The Empty Tomb (Easter)


Questions from last week’s lesson.

Vocabulary: (Write the bold words on the board and discuss with students)

What is the book in the Bible about the life of Jesus (the Good News)? Gospel

What is a long sheet of paper that the Bible books were written on? Scroll

What is when you offer or give up things to help someone? Sacrifice

Easter- celebration of Jesus’ resurrection

Resurrection- coming to new life after death

Faith- the gift that helps us believe and trust

Tomb- a cave used to bury the dead


1. Read the story "The Empty Tomb" and ask the following questions to the students.

1. What did Mary Magdalene and two women friends find rolled away from the tomb? The huge stone.

2. Was Jesus in the tomb? No.

3. While Mary Magdalene was at the tomb later by herself who came and talked to her? Jesus.

4. Who ran and told the disciples that Jesus was alive? Mary Magdalene.

5. Did Jesus rise from the dead? Yes.

2. Easter Match Up-

Write the words from the first column on the board and read these words to the students. Read each sentence under second column from the paper to the students and put it into a question. Example: Who did not know if the body had been stolen or if Jesus had really come alive again? The student then answers the question and the teacher then writes the correct number for the answer beside the word.

3. Introduce game: What was rolled away from the tomb where Jesus laid?

Who’s Got The Stone?

Need: One small rock.

Directions: One student is picked to be “It”. All the students (except "It") put both of their hands together and form a cup with just a little hole up on top. The teacher walks around and pretends to put the stone in someone's hand. One student will actually get the stone. The student who is “It” is then asked by the teacher, "Who's got the stone?". Whoever has the stone is "It". (Game is like “Button, Button, Who’s Got the Button?).

4. Introduce craft: Did they find Jesus in the tomb on Easter? Let’s make something that shows what they found.

The Empty Tomb- A cute craft that the children will get to "roll the stone away" on Jesus' tomb to retell the story of the resurrection. Even though this comes from a preschool craft book, it is appropriate for older children to do. (Preschool Christian Crafts by Linda Standke, page 57 & 58).

The New Life Butterfly-

5. Puzzles & Mazes, Worksheets, etc.

More 365 Activities for Kids (do any of the Empty Tomb puzzles, mazes, dot-to-dot, spot the difference, etc. from November 22 - 24).

The Easter Story coloring booklet-

A mini coloring book that tells the Easter story.

Jesus is Alive maze- Amazing Bible Mazes by Anita Reith Stohs

Butterfly maze-

The Empty Tomb (maze)-

Easter Sunrise Surprise (word shape)-

Easter Sunrise Surprise (multiple choice)-

T or F-


Easter puzzles-

6. Introduce snack: What did they find in the tomb? It was empty.

Empty Tomb Snack-

He is Risen Snack-

Note: You can make these cookies below the night before and have the students make another batch during class and seal up the oven. While the students are doing another activity, you can remove their cookies and add the batch you made the night before.

Resurrection Cookies-

Jesus died and received new life. A caterpillar changes into something. What does he become?

New Life Butterfly Snack-