Metadata for Desert Lab Repeat Photos

The Excel file “Desert Lab Repeat Photos.xlsx” contains 2 worksheets. Worksheet “Photo Database” contains all of the stakes, including stakes without coordinates. Worksheet “Photo Geodatabase” contains only stakes with coordinates and was used to create the geodatabase.

Field (column) descriptions for the Excel file “Desert Lab Repeat Photos.xlsx” and the Geodatabase “DesertLabRepeatPhotos.gdb”

ImageName: The prefix of the name of the digital image. This is a concatenation of StakeNum and SubNum. The digital image may not exist yet. This field could be used to join the Excel table to the geodatabase table.

StakeNum: The number identifying the camera station/stake. (In the Photo Database worksheet, rows were numbered sequentially to serve as placeholders for unused stake numbers. Unused stake numbers are removed from the geodatabase)

SubNum: The alpha character used as a suffix to the stake number

Region: The larger geographical area where the camera station is located

Location1: The geographic area narrowed down from Region

Location2: The geographic area narrowed down from Location1

Location3: The geographic area narrowed down from Location 2

State: The two character abbreviation for the state in which the camera station is located

Lat: The latitudinal coordinate where the camera station is located, in decimal degrees, WGS84 datum

Long: The longitudinal coordinate where the camera station is located, in decimal degrees, WGS84

Elev_m: The elevation at which the camera station is located, in meters above sea level

Quadrangle: The name of the USGS quadrangle map where the camera station is located

QuadScale: The scale of the USGS map

Photogrfr: The surname of the photographer who shot the original photo

OrigDate: The date of the original photograph

Collection: The name of the repository to which the original photo belongs or is copyrighted

OrigNum: The photograph’s original identification number from the original collection

MatchDate: The date the original was first matched/repeated

Matches: The number of repeat photos taken to date, including the first match. This number should be updated as additional matches are made. This number may not add up due to the fact that many original photos were panoramic and repeats were usually broken into two or more shots.

Rip_Veg: The presence (Y) or absence (N) of riparian vegetation visible in the photo

EphemPeren: The nature of the stream in the photo, ephemeral (E) or perennial (P)

Notes: Notes made during scanning of negatives to indicate problems or explain discrepancies

BWfilm: The number of black and white negatives physically present for the stake. This number should be updated as new matches are made with film. The count includes 4x5, 120, 35mm (including 35mm globuscope panoramas. Panoramic film encompassing a, b, c views are counted in the “a” row). The original is counted in the “a” row if the original is a panorama that has been broken into a, b, c views etc… The count does not include 8x10 or other film or slides.

ColorFilm: The number of color negatives or positives physically present for the stake. This number should be updated as new matches are made with film. The count includes 4x5, 120, 35mm. The count does not include 8x10 or other film or slides.

ePhotos: The number of digital images in full resolution and view (uncropped) for the stake number. This number should equal the number in the Matches column plus one (the original) unless otherwise explained in the notes column.

eMatch: The number of images digitally matched. That is, the full version of the original and matches has been copied and the copies have been cropped, rotated, resolution reduced, etc… to portray the same view within the same image size.

eFieldNotes: The number of field notes that have been scanned as .tif images. This number should equal the number in the Matches column (the originals do not have field notes).

Flag: This field is only present in the geodatabase. A broad quality control measure for the accuracy of the coordinates. “Y” indicates that the point is 1 or more miles outside of the state boundary listed in the State field. This could be due to a typo in the coordinates or the state listed in the State field is incorrect (Region and Location could also be incorrect). Null values indicate that the point is inside the state which is listed in the State field.

Folder: The name of the digital folder where the photos reside. This field could link the digital folders to the geodatabase. The digital folder may not exist yet.