Regular Public Meeting Minutes January 26, 2016


Regular Public Meeting Minutes – Media Center 7:00 p.m.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Mr. Kramer called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

"In accordance with the provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act, the West Long Branch Board of Education has issued notice of this meeting to be publicized by having the date, time and location of the meeting posted at Betty McElmon Elementary, Frank Antonides School and the West Long Branch Public Library and mailed to the Asbury Park Press and The Link, which have been designated as the Board's official newspapers. Notice was also filed with the Borough Clerk and sent to those persons requesting that such notice be mailed to them."


The Pledge of Allegiance was led by the following students:

Valerie Hayes & Zev Kallman


Often times it may appear to members of our audience that the Board of Education takes action with very little comment and in many cases a unanimous vote. Before a matter is placed on the agenda at a public meeting, the administration has thoroughly reviewed the matter with the Superintendent of Schools. If the Superintendent of Schools is satisfied that the matter is ready to be presented to the Board of Education, only then, is it placed on the agenda for action at a public meeting. In rare instances, matters are presented to the Board of Education for discussion at the same meeting that final action may be taken.

The Following Members of the Board of Education were present:

Mrs. Cavanaugh Dr. Christopher Mrs. Hegglin

Mr. Kramer Ms. Sarfaty

The Following Member of the Board of Education was absent:

Mrs. Arvanitis Mrs. Cistaro Mrs. McLaughlin

Mrs. Trocchia

Also in Attendance:

Thomas Farrell, Superintendent

Dennis Kotch, BA/Board Secretary


·  Auditor Presentation: Mr. Robert Hulsart

·  PARCC Testing Scores: Dr. Jeanette Baubles and the Administrative Team




December 15 2015 Workshop Meeting

December 22, 2015 Regular Public Meeting

January 5, 2016 Re-Organization Meeting

Motion offered by Ms. Sarfaty and seconded by Mrs. Hegglin was approved by a roll call vote of 5/0.


The West Long Branch Board of Education by means of a Consent Resolution accept various resolutions of a routine and non-controversial nature at one time; and

Whereas, the below listed resolutions are hereby accepted by the said Board of Education in whole as if the same were individually acted upon.

1. Move to approve, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, use of the Ferris Antoon Gymnasium by WLB Girl Scout Troop 18 for an “International Night” of Girl Scout troops of WLB on Friday, April 22, 2016 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Motion offered by Mrs. Hegglin and seconded by Dr. Christopher was approved by a roll call vote of 5/0.


The West Long Branch Board of Education by means of a Consent Resolution accept various resolutions of a routine and non-controversial nature at one time; and

Whereas, the below listed resolutions are hereby accepted by the said Board of Education in whole as if the same were individually acted upon.

1. Move to approve, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the following class trips:

February 16, 2016

Monmouth Beach Elementary School, Monmouth Beach

Grades: 7 & 8 (15 students)

Social Emotional Health, Interpersonal Communication, Character Development

Mrs. Siino-Murphy

Approximate cost to the Board - $0.00

May 2, 2016

Shore Regional HS, WLB, NJ

Grades: Symphonic Band (15 students)


Mr. Clymer

Approximate cost to the Board - $81.40

2. Move to approve, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the attendance at the workshops listed below with associated program costs for the employees referenced below:

Date / Name / Workshop / Location / Cost of Program Excluding Associated Mileage Costs
February 9, 2016 / Jodi Siwiec / Helping your Students Master the Next Generation of Science Standards / Cherry Hill, NJ / $239.00
February 9, 2016 / Megan Steel / Best Practices for K-2 Readers / Eatontown, NJ / $100.00
February 11, 2016 / Molly Cauterucci / Everything You Need to Know About Podcasting / Brookdale, Lincroft, NJ / $0.00 (monies approved)
February 22, 2016 / Maria Whitehead / 2016 Physical Education Annual Convention / Long Branch, NJ / $60.00
February 25 & 26, 2016 / Melissa Siino-Murphy / ASAP NJ 30th Annual Conference SACs: Key to Preserving Students’ Futures / Atlantic City, NJ / $295.00
February 26, 2016 / Kim Saniscalchi / Addressing the Prompt. Close Reading/Learners Focused in a World Gone Multi-Tasking. / Brookdale, Lincroft, NJ / $0.00 (monies approved)
March 16, 2016 / Laura Duffy / Executive Functions & ADHD in Children & Adolescents / Eatontown, NJ / $199.99


3. Move to approve, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the following Monmouth University student to participate in an Administrative Internship program commencing January 19, 2016 as noted below:

Student Name / Placement / Cooperating Administrator
Justin Clymer / Administration / Dr. Michael Fiorillo

4. Move to approve, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, for the following staff to conduct a Kindergarten registration program Thursday, February 25, 2016 from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. in the Media Center at the rate of $46.00 per hour for two (2) hours, for a total of $276.00:

Pat Falco Caroline Tallarico

Carmella Ferraro

5. Move to approve, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, to provide Home Instruction for Student ID #7632325726, as per the IEP from MOESC, for ten (10) hours per week at the daily rate of $75.00 per hour effective Monday, January 11, 2016 until further notice.

6. Move to approve, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, for Student ID #3771499804, as per the IEP, to attend SmartPalate Speech/Language Therapy at Cornerstone Speech & Language, Manasquan, two (2) times per week for 30 minute sessions each at $80.00 per session effective Wednesday, January 27, 2016 through Thursday, June 23, 2016. Transportation to be provided by parent at their expense.

7. Move to approve, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, for Student ID#3771499804, as per the IEP, to attend behavior therapy at By Design Social Skills, Spring Lake, one (1) time per week for a 60 minute session at $85.00 per session effective Wednesday, January 27, 2016 through Thursday, June 23, 2016. Transportation to be provided by parent at their expense. In addition, consultative services will be provided to appropriate staff not to exceed two (2) hours per month at $100.00 per hour.

8. Move to approve, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, for Student ID#6402661376, as per the IEP, to attend identified pre-vocational workshop(s), at Small Factory Productions, Fair Haven, at approximately $63.75 per session. Appropriate sessions will be determined on a monthly basis effective Monday, February 1, 2016, through Thursday, June 30, 2016. Transportation to be provided by parent at their expense.

Motions 1-7 offered by Ms. Sarfaty and seconded by Mrs. Cavanaugh were approved by a roll call vote of 5/0.

Motion 8 offered by Ms. Sarfaty and seconded by Mrs. Cavanaugh was approved by a roll call vote of 4/0/1 with Ms. Sarfaty abstaining.


The West Long Branch Board of Education by means of a Consent Resolution accept various resolutions of a routine and non-controversial nature at one time; and

Whereas, the below listed resolutions are hereby accepted by the said Board of Education in whole as if the same were individually acted upon.

1. BE IT RESOLVED, that the financial reports of the Secretary to the Board of Education and the Report of the Treasurer of School Monies datedDecember 31, 2015 which are in agreement, be accepted and submitted and attached to and made part of the minutes of this meeting, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the bills list for the month of December in the amount of $173,141.14, void check in the amount of $120,765.25 (#3785) and the bills list for January in the amount of $352,663.87 be approved, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that pursuant to NJAC 6A:23A-16.10(c)4 that after a review of the secretary’s monthly financial report and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials, to the best of our knowledge, no major account or fund has been over expended and that sufficient funds are available to meet the District’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year.

2. Move to approve the Borough of West Long Branch School District in a transportation jointure agreement with the Ocean Township Board of Education to act as joiner as follows:

Host District Destination Duration Joiner Cost

Ocean Township Hawkswood School ESY 7/6/15-8/14/15 $2,313.60

Ocean Township Hawkswood School 9/2/15-6/13/16 $12,117.60

3. Move to approve, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, Dr. Noah R. Gilson M.D. as an additional Neurologist for the 2015-2016 school year, at the rate of $375.00 per evaluation.

Motion offered by Dr. Christopher and seconded by Ms. Sarfaty was approved by a roll call vote of 5/0.


The West Long Branch Board of Education by means of a Consent Resolution accept various resolutions of a routine and non-controversial nature at one time; and

Whereas, the below listed resolutions are hereby accepted by the said Board of Education in whole as if the same were individually acted upon.

1. Move to approve, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the employment of the following staff members as the Basic Skills Afterschool Program Instructors (Grades 3-8), to be funded out of the No Child Left Behind Title I Part A grant from February, 2016 through March, 2016 for one & one-half hours per day, at the rate of $46.00 per hour:

Instructor’s Name
Megan Heslin
Angel Somers
Karen Sandoz
Ellen Scherr
Kristy Sinkhorn
Felicia Tvrdik

2. Move to approve, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the tuition reimbursement of $1,935.00 for Caryn Anderson for the completion of a college course, as per contract.

3. Move to approve, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the tuition reimbursement of $2,356.00 for Renee Freeman for the completion of a college course, as per contract.

4. Move to approve, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, a paid leave of absence for Merrie Dellert, BME/FAS Office Assistant, for the period fromThursday, February 11, 2016 through, on or about, Monday, April 4, 2016in accordance with Article XVIII, Paragraphs A and C, of the collective negotiations agreement between the Board and the West Long Branch Education Association. Ms. Dellert will utilize the following accumulated unused paid leave days: two (2) family sick days, two (2) personal days, 7 vacation days and sixteen (16) sick days.

5. Move to approve, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, an unpaid maternity leave for Tammy Yarbrough, licensed RN providing nursing services as per IEP for student ID#5969246672, for the period from Tuesday, January 26, 2016 through, on or about, Wednesday, March 23, 2016.

Motion 1 offered by Dr. Christopher and seconded by Mrs. Hegglin was approved by a roll call vote of 4/0/1 with Mrs. Cavanaugh abstaining.

Motions 2-5 offered by Dr. Christopher and seconded by Mrs. Hegglin were approved by a roll call vote of 5/0.


The West Long Branch Board of Education by means of a Consent Resolution accept various resolutions of a routine and non-controversial nature at one time; and

Whereas, the below listed resolutions are hereby accepted by the said Board of Education in whole as if the same were individually acted upon.

1.  Enrollment report for the month of December 2015:

Pre-Kindergarten / 19
Kindergarten / 63
1 / 50
2 / 49
3 / 61
4 / 61
5 / 62
6 / 69
7 / 65
8 / 75

2.  Move to accept, upon the recommendation of Superintendent, the following report of the Fire and Evacuation drills conducted during the month of December 2015:

School: / Betty McElmon Elementary / Frank Antonides School

December 2015


December 2015

Date/Time / 1. 7th @ 1:03 PM – 1:06 PM / 1. 7th @ 1:03 PM – 1:06 PM
2. 16th @ 10:00 AM – 10:07 AM / 2. 16th @ 10:00 AM – 10:07 AM
Type of Drill / 1. FIRE DRILL / 1. FIRE DRILL
Duration of Drill / 1. 3 Minutes 10 Seconds / 1. 3 Minutes 10 Seconds
2. 7 Minutes 20 Seconds / 2. 7 Minutes 20 Seconds
Weather Conditions / 1. Cloudy & Mild / 1. Cloudy & Mild
2. Cloudy & Mild / 2. Cloudy & Mild
Participants of Drill / 1. Students of Grades Preschool through Grade 4, Teachers & Staff. / 1. Students of Grades 5 through 8, Teachers & Staff.
2. Students of Grades Preschool through Grade 4, Teachers & Staff. / 2. Students of Grades 5 through 8, Teachers & Staff.
Brief Description of What Was Drilled / 1. Fire Drill. The BME front lobby pull station was used. All students and staff exited through the fire drill exits. / 1. Fire Drill. The FAS pull station # 7 was used. All students and staff exited through the fire drill exits.
2. Lockdown Drill. Mr. Erhardt announced the drill throughout both buildings. Mr. Erhardt, Dr. Fiorillo, Mr. Dale and Mr. Pierson all assisted in the drill. Police were asked not to participate, but Detective Paolantonio and Patrolman Kampf waited to be debriefed after the drill. / 2. Lockdown Drill. Mr. Erhardt announced the drill throughout both buildings. Mr. Erhardt, Dr. Fiorillo, Mr. Dale and Mr. Pierson all assisted in the drill. Police were asked not to participate, but Detective Paolantonio and Patrolman Kampf waited to be debriefed after the drill.

3. Move to accept, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the following Pupil Attendance Report for the month of December 2015: