Cllrs: K. Amiss (Chair), J. Dyson, S. Flippence, M. Hamer, G. Hill, G. Ketchen, A. Parmenter, G. Terry, M. Vardy, C. Wheeler.
Cllr: Stuart Wheeler (Wiltshire Council), Mrs Sarah Cardy (Burbage Primary School), Teresa Herbert (PCSO)
Members of the Public: 1.
327. Apologies
Cllrs: C. Brown, D. Butler, K. Copp,
328. Declarations of Interest
Cllr. Amiss declared an interest in the Burbage News, Cllr. Ketchen declared interests in regard of the Burbage News and the Village Hall. Cllr. Hamer declared an interest in Community First.
329. To confirm the Minutes of the Meetings held on August 13th, 2012
Cllr. Hamer proposed the Minutes be accepted as a true record, Cllr. Hill seconded the proposal and the meeting approved the Minutes Nem Con.
330 Public Forum under Adjournment
- Wiltshire Councillor – Stuart Wheeler. Cllr. Wheeler advised the Council that the expected the Burbage Wharf planning application would be reviewed at the November Planning meeting. With regards to Persimmon Homes there has been no formal application at this time and Cllr Wheeler understands they are re-drafting their plans with a view to presenting them again at a later date.
- Officer Theresa Herbert of the Wiltshire Constabulary presented her report, which is available on the Council Website.
- Mrs Sarah Cardy, Burbage Primary School, advised the Council that the school is hoping to acquire Academy status and is seeking sponsors and a partner school to assist and support the process.
331. Matters arising
278.1 - Councillor Training courses - The Clerk advised the Council that 18 applications (10 from Burbage Councillors)
had been received for the 20 available places, and that Liz Read of Community First who was organizing the course had now taken over the remainder of the organisation. The Clerk asked the Councillors to ensure that they returned their application forms in good time. ACTION: Clerk/ALL
296.3 – Finger Post at Stibbs Green – One quote for the work has so far been received.
315.1e - Allotments – Crown estates have written to Cllr Amiss suggesting several possible sites within Burbage. Cllr Hill has reviewed these with the allotment group. Cllr Amiss to arrange meeting with Crown Estates representative involving himself and Cllr Hill. ACTION:KA
322.a – Proposed change to Council Standing Orders – Cllr. Hamer proposed that the Council’s Standing Orders 1.2 and 3.2.1 be changed to require ‘5 clear days’, including Saturdays, between the publication of a Meeting Agenda and the actual Meeting. Cllr Dyson seconded the proposal which was accepted Nem Con. ACTION: Clerk
322.b – Proposed delegation of authority – Cllr. Hamer proposed that the Village Maintenance sub-committee have authority to request the Clerk write letters on their behalf without further endorsement by the full Council, assuming that such letters are supported by a relevant, specific and agreed Minute. Seconded by Cllr: Hill. Approved by 8 votes in favour with two abstentions. ACTION: VMT/Clerk
323 – Office space for Clerk – Cllr: Amiss reported that despite extensive negotiations with the Village Hall Committee, Burbage Post Office and the Church Centre committee, no office space has so far been found to be available. Efforts will continue to find a suitable location. ACTION: KA
325.3 – Village Gates – Cllr: Hill had nothing further to report at this time.
332. Sub-committee reports
1. Finance
a. RFO asked for authority to pay the following invoices:
Burbage Post Office Dog litter bags £40.00
Burbage News Information Box materials £28.80
Community Heartbeat TrustDefibrillators x 2£3,500.00
J RitchieSeptember Salary£325.60
HMRCClerk’s PAYE July-Sept£244.20
Authorised: Nem Con.
b. Monthly Accounts
Accounts were published in the Councillor's Area on the Parish Council website and no questions were raised.
c. Precept Overview
Cllr. Amiss asked councillors to submit their Precept requirements so that a meeting of the Finance Committee can be arranged to discuss the requests.
Proposed: Cllr. Amiss, seconded Cllr: Dyson. Agreed Nem Con
2. Planning
- Supported - Retention of single mobile classroom unit – Burbage Primary school.
- Supported – Crown reduction of 2 Hazel trees.
- Supported – Felling of large cherry tree
- No comment – Felling of Willow tree
3. Village Maintenance & Wellbeing
The Village Maintenance Team will be holding a formal meeting on September 17that 19:45hrs in the Church Centre, Eastcourt.
- White Hart footpath – at present no date scheduled for re-surfacing.
- Soil enchroachment near the Three Horshoes. Wiltshire Council to action.
- Seymour Pond – weed clearing to be carried out in the Autumn – Cllr. Butler to obtain the ecology report from Persimmon Homesand Cllr Hill to contact appropriate bio-diversity organisations to determine correct procedures. ACTION: DB
- Plan required to deal with deteriorating condition of equipment in Children’s Playground: ACTION: VMT.
- Letter to Chief Executive Network Rail concerning unsatisfactory footpath railway crossing. ACTION: GH/CLERK.
- Letter and photograph sent to Church Wardens detailing circular bench to be located around Jubilee Oak.
4. Community Communications
- Parish Council Information point in the telephone box outside the White Hart now open.
- The Communications sub-committee asked for the assistance of the other Sub-Committees and the P.C. as a whole, as per the memo circulated to all. This is so the CSC can act in some way as the ‘Public Relations’ for the P.C. to assist in getting all relevant information and news out. ACTION: ALL
5. Governance
- Cllr: Hamer is to investigate with Wiltshire Association of Local Councils (WALC) the viability and legality of using Skype to allow Councillors to participate in meetings when they have a valid reason for not attending a meeting in person. ACTION: MH
- Neighbourhood Plan – approval sought for the development of a Neighbourhood plan with no expenditure at this time . Any future expenditure for the Neighbourhood Plan will require formal approval by the full Council. Proposed by Cllr: Hamer, seconded by Cllr: Vardy. Agreed 8 votes for, 1 against. ACTION: Gov
6. Transport
As Cllr: Brown was not at the meeting due to work commitments, it was agreed that his report would be heard at the next meeting.
333 – Clerk’s report
- The Clerk’s report was read out to the meeting and will be made available on the Council Website.
The meeting closed at 21:20Hrs.
The next meeting will be held on Monday October 8th, 2012 at 19:45 at the Church Centre, Eastcourt, Burbage.
Chairman: Keith Amiss. 3, The Withies, Burbage, SN8 3TT. Contact: 01672 811350Page 1 of 3