Message Prep Sheet

Club Date Message Category What did you Say? Scripture

WHAT DID YOU SAY? (the Body of your talk) State specifically in one sentence the ONE TRUTH that you want to get across and list the steps in the development of that Truth.

SO WHAT? (Conclusion) Write out what action they should take based on the Truth you have conveyed.

SHOW ME! (Illustrations) List some Biblical passages, personal experiences, or 3rd person stories that show what this Truth looks like in real life.

“HO HUM…” (Introduction) Write out your opening statements which will introduce your subject and/or win your audience.

Young Life Message Prep Sheet (page 2)

WHAT DID YOU SAY? (Central idea, purpose, main thought) What is the one truth that I want to communicate? What is the one point I want to get across? What is the benefit that I want them to have?

SO WHAT? (Conclusion) Why should they know it? What should a kid do if he believes this Truth? What is the necessary action he should take if he wants to benefit from this Truth?

SHOW ME! (Illustration, Biblical account) What does this Truth look like in a life? What Biblical account brings this point across?

HO HUM….(Introduction) How will I begin? What can I do to gain their attention, arouse their interest, focus their attention and introduce the subject? How will I take them from a ‘ho-hum” posture into a “on the edge of their seats” posture to lean in to what I will share about Jesus?