SAFETY ALERT – May 2, 2017

Incident / Approximately 16:00MT, a contractor Toplift machine experienced a vertical break in the left spreader beam while lifting a loaded container to a railcar. This caused the left side of the container to fall and come to rest on the walking platform of railcar. The break waslocated approximately 10 inches inside the center beam housing. Container was a load of plywood lifts weighing 71,551 lbs.
Post-accident inspection of the spreader revealed signs of dark discoloration and some evidence of rust, consistent with an old crack along both the horizontal and vertical steel plates. Additional signs of wear and rust suggesting old cracks were noted around the beam spacer weld location.

All intermodal Supervisors will validate weekly, monthly and annual mechanical inspections of Intermodal Lift equipment to ensure compliance with regular inspection and maintenance schedules.
Additionally, all supervisors will complete a minimum of 2 of the following efficiency tests per day for the next 7 days. Every ground person, shunt driver and operator will be spoken with and conversation documented in our system. All test results/conversation must be emailed daily to your Director and respective Superintendent.
Test Code IMST004 – Material Handling Equipment (Toplift daily inspection)
Enter the employees name as the observed person and in the “comments” section record Safety Alert and the topic discussed
Toplift operator must perform an inspection of the equipment prior to putting it into service.
Rule Tested:
Safety Rules for Intermodal Operations – Section II Function-Specific Rules-I-5
8,9,10,23,24,25 page 15
Conducting officer must be in position to view operator approach and walk around equipment
Conducting officer will verify with the daily logbook “inspection complete” entered
Test Failure:
Not performing the inspection as indicated on inspection sheet within machine.
No notification of faults made to supervisor/maintenance dept.
Not recording “inspection complete in daily logbook.
Test Code IMS 011– Suspended Loads, Traveling, working with
Rule Tested:
Safety Rules for Intermodal Operations – Section II Function-Specific Rules-I-5
8,9,10,23,24,25 page 15.
Conducting Officer must be in position to monitor/observe equipment operators handling suspended loads.
View operators under various conditions when handling suspended loads
  • Traveling
  • Stacking
  • Loading / unloading track
  • Loading / unloading chassis
  • Extensions
Test Failure:
Carrying or swinging suspended loads over people or vehicles
Carrying or swinging suspended loads over unprotected track
 Leaving a suspended load unattended
 Not following the instructions given by ground guide
 Traveling with the suspended load above recommended levels (Toplift)
 Not operating within the equipment’s prescribe load limits and guidelines

Work Smart, Stay Safe