Meriden Soccer Club Meeting
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Meriden Y.M.C.A. 6:30 p.m.
The Meriden Soccer Club met on May 22, 2007 because the planned meeting of May 24 could not be scheduled because the room was already in use. President, Tom Moore brought the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. No minutes were available due to a computer issue. The minutes will be presented at the next meeting.
Members in Attendance: Joe DiNino, Bart Soriano, Weve Valery, Al Haag, Tom Moore, Denise Chancy, Ray Wong, Lee Pandiani
Treasurer’s Report: No Report
Vice-President’s Report: Bart Soriano reported that the concession stand is making $40 to $50 every day. The pizza worked well and was continuing to sell. We would like to sell hot dogs but we need a permit. There is $220 to $230 in the cash box from the concession stand. Tom Moore has the money from the candy. Gina Daniels still needs to return the keys to the building at Kronenberger. Bart reported that there is new graffiti on the concession stand, which Tom Moore reported to the Parks and Recreation Department. Also, there are golf balls on the soccer fields.
Boy’s Director Report: Lee Pandiani reported that the boys travel is going well. He took a survey asking parents for their comments and opinions. He presented them for review to the general membership at the meeting. He reported that he had one coach for the fall travel team. Lee redesigned the registration form to reflect the fall season.
Girl’s Director Report: No Report
Registrar’s Report: Al Haag reported that there were only 18 players signed up for the fall season so far. He needs more times and dates for registrations. There are issues about what to do if the child makes their school team in addition to be signed up for MSC. There will be registration on May 29 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at Midstate with an $80.00 fee. The question was brought up if we needed to order new uniforms for the fall season. The answer was no, unless the child was new to the club.
District Representative’s Report: Ray Wong reported that CJSA would sponsor a U11 cup game for the fall. U11 will be 8v8 starting the fall of 2008. Starting in the fall of 2008, all 8v8 U10’s can play up to U11. U10 players must use the correct ball size. Ray talked about the website for travel teams. He encouraged all coached to check the website. If their game is highlighted in red, it means that the score was not accepted. He also mentioned that a lot of teams are showing up without player passes or roosters. If this occurs, we should report this to Mr. Conte. CJSA is talking about having players and parents sign a soccer goal waiver due to liability issues. CJSA has not yet voted to approve this measure. Registration fees are due to Paul Duffy by May 15, 2007. Al Haag needs to give an Alpha list for the spring season. Next year, CJSA would like to have all teams in a division play both a home and visitor league game against the same team. This will allow for more league games.
In-Town Director’s Report: Denise Chancy received a letter from the Department of Recreation about the fields. Denise inquired about obtaining a permit for Kronenberger for the use of the fields for this fall. She was told to wait until the Boys and Girls Club submitted their permit. Denise asked if MSC should buy corner markers for each coach so they could put them up and take them down after each game. Cost was a concern and no motion was made. Denise requested $200.00 for end of the season parties for in town teams. Tom Moore made a motion, which was seconded by Al Haag and approved by all. Denise reported that trophies were in for the younger children and sponsor plaques were also received. Denise also asked permission to post on our website the need for a Mites and U8 in town coordinator. Tom Moore made a motion to grant permission; Al Haag seconded. Dan Admik will volunteer to line the fields next year instead of being the Mites coordinator.
President’s Report: Tom Moore reported that CL&P removed the old transformer from the Midstate property. Chris Borden will set up a meeting with CL&P to give specifics on what we need to do to connect the power. CL&P wants us to remove the cement vault that supported the transformer and they want us to move the meter box on the Midstate building. Tom reported that the grass on the fields appeared to be growing in thicker due to all the hard work of the volunteers on field day. Tom reported that many parents have had positive comments about the use of the professional instructors. Tom is still concerned about not having a budget. We are still going through records and trying to come up with a tentative budget. Fall registration has started off very slowly. Tom has encouraged directors and coaches to encourage their players to sign up.
New Business: None
Denise Chancy made a motion to adjourn which Ray Wong seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
The next meeting of the Meriden Soccer Club will be held at the Meriden Y.M.C.A. on Tuesday, June 26, 2007 at 6:30 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted By:
Joe DiNino
Meriden Soccer Club