Mentoring Undergraduate Student Experience (MUSE)

SECTION 2: Mission

To help students transition into college by providing individual and family style peer mentoring to first year students while at the same time providing resources and opportunities that foster academic, professional, social, and leadership development; To provide a network of students for support and encouragement throughout the college experience.

SECTION 3: Organization History and Original Purpose

MUSE was created because of the lack of a universal mentoring program for students at Ohio State. We wanted to create an organization where ALL students could be eligible to join, therefore showcasing the diversity of our school. Our organization hopes to target first-year students who weren’t necessarily outstanding in high school (in academics, involvement, community service, etc.), but rather students who possess a strong desire to succeed and do well in college. We also wanted to create one-to-one relationships between students and actively keep track of it by encouraging these relationships throughout the year and planning meetings and socials to ultimately give opportunities for mentors and mentees to see each other on a regular basis and help each other grow along the process. We hope to encourage student success, immerse them within the university, and help mentors and mentees establish professional and personal relationships that will exist long after the first year.

SECTION 3: Non-discriminatory Policy

This organization and its members shall not discriminate against any individual(s) for reasons of age, color, disability, gender identity or expression, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status.


SECITION 1: Membership Selection Process

A week before school starts, applications for mentors and mentees should be posted on the organization website. At least one information sessions shall be held before the application deadline. Applications should be due the end of the 3rd week of school.Member requirements and expectations should be listed on the application. In order to become a member, whether mentor or mentee, all must fill out an application and the Executive Team will decide whether or not the applicant has potential to become a member. Qualifications are based on academics, honors, involvement, leadership potential, and overall desire to be in the organization. The 5th week of school, interviews will be conducted. Interviews will take place with the Advisor, at leastone of the Executive Team members, and preferably with a member from the previous year. It will last no more than 30 minutes long. Members should be notified of status by the end of the 5th week of school.

SECTION 2: Membership Matching Process

The matching process will consist of a draft. The President and Director of Membership will work together to place the selected mentors into families. Once formed into families, each family will be given to a Director. The Director will pick and preference their desired mentees for each mentor they receive in their family. The Executive Team will come together and go mentee by mentee to match members together. Directors will get a chance to explain their reasoning for choosing the mentor for the given mentee. The President shall facilitate the draft. The first general body meeting will take place the 6th week. This meeting will explain general expectations of the organization and its members. Mentor and mentee pairs and mentoring families will also be revealed.

SECTION 3: Mentees

Menteesare first year students to the Ohio State University who are paired with an upper class student mentor based on similar interests, backgrounds, or goals. Mentees will also be assigned into a mentoring family composedof multiple mentor-mentee pairs. Mentees are considered “members” of the organization. As a mentee, that person will always have someone to go to for advice or support. Mentees will develop relationships with their mentor and other members while at the same time acquiring new skills and learning new resources that will help them grow and develop. The goal is that their experience during their first year will carry throughouttheir time in college and beyond. Eventually, they will have the opportunity to become a mentor themselves! They will have a mentor officially for a year, but the goal is that the relationship will last much longer.


  • Must be in their first year at Ohio State
  • Maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA
  • Attend bi-weekly Wednesday meetings at 7:30 PM
  • Miss no more than (2) meetings a semester (excused absences)
  • Attend the 1st Official Meeting of MUSE and the MUSE Retreat
  • Continue consistent communication with their mentor


  • Be respectful
  • Communicate
  • Be open-minded
  • Take time to build your relationship

SECTION 4: Mentors

Mentorsare upperclassmen who are paired up with an individual first year mentee and placed into a mentoring family. Mentors are considered “members” of the organization. Mentors are not babysitters, tutors, or experts by any means. Mentors are regular students who are there to help guide, coach, support, and share their life experiences to new students. By joining, mentors will gain leadership experience and more in depth knowledge on mentoring. As a mentor, they will be able to share their experiences they have had during college and apply them to their mentee. They have an opportunity to make a difference in someone else’s life. They will be assigned to their mentee for one year, but the goal is that the relationship will last long afterwards.


  • Must be in their second year or more at Ohio State
  • Maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA
  • Attend bi-weekly Wednesday meetings at 7:30 PM
  • Miss no more than (2) meetings a semester
  • Attend the 1st Official Meeting of MUSE and the MUSE Retreat
  • Continue consistent communication with their mentee


  • Be respectful
  • Communicate
  • Be open-minded
  • Be optimistic
  • Take time to build your relationship
  • Respect your mentee’s privacy

SECTION 4: Membership Size

Minimize size of members in order to exist is 20 (10 mentors and 10 mentees). There is no cap. There should always be an equal amount of mentors and mentees so as to create a 1:1 ratio.

Section 5: Membership Transition

Existing mentors in the organization have the opportunity to renew their membership for the following year by completing a short form. Existing mentees must complete a short 250-word essay on why they would like to become a mentor for the following year. Every year, applications will be open for mentors and mentees. The number of mentors selected will depend on the number of mentees selected. If mentor applicants exceed the number of mentee applicants, then the Executive Team will decide which mentors will remain in the organization based on their application and previous experience in the organization.


SECTION 1: Requirements and Expectations

The Executive Teamis comprised of upperclassmen that operate the whole organization by organizing the application and selection process, pairing mentors and mentees, and managing mentoring families. The officers coach members and encourage positive relationships between mentors and mentees. The Executive Team also plans all meetings and coordinates events for members.


  • Meet a 2.5 GPA Criteria**
  • Must have minimum sophomore standing
  • Must have attended the Ohio State University for one year or more
  • Must attend weekly hour long Exec Team meetings (time and day negotiable)
  • Must attend bi-weekly Wednesday meetings at 7:30 PM
  • Cannot miss more than (2) Exec board meetings a semester (subject to negotiation by President)
  • Cannot miss more than (2) General Body meetings a semester (subject to negotiation by President)
  • Let the President/VP know beforehand when you will not be able to make a meeting
  • Any unexcused absences will be brought to the attention of the President/VP
  • Must be available to attend Interviews, Applicant Selection/Matching, the 1st Official Meeting and the MUSE Retreat
  • Preferably be active in MUSE during previous year as a mentor or Executive Team member


  • Be open minded, non-judgmental, understanding, inclusive, and positive
  • Hold other Executive Team members accountable for their actions
  • Be flexible and work together as a team
  • Communicate to the Advisor, Executive Team and General Body members regularly
  • Take on an active, leadership role for your mentoring family
  • Fulfill all duties prescribed in the corresponding position and let the President, VP, or Advisor know if you are unable to fulfill those duties any more

SECTION 2: President

  • Oversee Executive Team meetings
  • Oversee General Body meetings
  • Create the vision of the organization, create the calendar, and handle internal issues
  • Communicate with the Advisor and Exec Team regularly
  • Creates families along with the Director of Membership; facilitates the Selection Draft
  • Send weekly emails to Exec Team and general members
  • Respond to emails in the organization Gmail account
  • Manage officer transition process
  • Attend University Training
  • Maintain SOURCE organization information
  • Act as the face of the organization
  • Maintain organization website
  • Preferably be an active part of the Executive Team during previous year

SECTION 3: Vice President

  • Take notes during Executive Team meetings
  • Assist President with above duties
  • Act as advisor to the President and other Executive Team members
  • Handle logistics of meetings – Schedule event spaces/times, make sure meeting agendas are being followed, order any necessary food or drinks
  • Ensure vision of the organization and its constitution are aligned
  • Presides over meetings when President is absent
  • Work to solve any other internal issues
  • Assist other Directors where needed
  • Be an integral part of the fall recruitment process:
  • Create all flyers and other marketing materials for publicity
  • Discuss with media about publicizing events through other mediums
  • Coordinate all activity at the Student Involvement Fair
  • Email out organizations, advisors, or students interested in applying for the organization
  • Take photos of members/events
  • Advertise and publicize all external programming and keep members up to date
  • Establish an active leadership role in a mentoring family

SECTION 4: Director of Finance

  • Attend University Treasurer training
  • Perform organization audits
  • Prepare necessary financial documents
  • Create and maintain organization budget
  • Collect all receipts and log it
  • Fill out all money forms
  • Maintain tax forms
  • Collect member dues and payments
  • Come up with fundraising ideas and implement them
  • Establish an active leadership role in a mentoring family

SECTION 5: Director of Membership

  • Organize member recruitment which includes:
  • coordinating information sessions
  • creating applications and maintaining applications
  • creating member selection criteria and scoring
  • assist in organizing families and the Selection Draft
  • Handle all membership forms and files
  • Keep record of attendance at meetings and events
  • Notify members if they are not meeting member requirements or expectations
  • Meet with anyone failing to meet requirements or expectations
  • Coordinate any recognition events or incentive programs for members
  • Ensure mentor-mentee relationships are progressing
  • Oversee mentoring families
  • Create and maintain a Carmen website for members

SECTION 6: Director of Programming

  • Come up with ideas for programs for meetings (academic, professional, leadership, social, etc.)
  • Communicate with outside resources and/or guest speakers
  • Communicate with Vice President on desired event spaces and food
  • Implement and facilitate programs
  • Provide or print any material necessary for programs
  • Plan icebreakers/team builders
  • Organize any collaboration with outside organizations
  • Receive input from members, working with them to implement meeting ideas
  • Establish an active leadership role in a mentoring family

SECTION 8: Director of Community Engagement

  • Plan social outings and events outside of meetings for members
  • Plan service-based activities for members
  • Work with President to organize the Retreat and an End of the Year Event
  • Assist Director of Programming with any events
  • Assist with any other events, programs, activities, or initiatives that does not fall in any of the above categories
  • Establish an active leadership role in a mentoring family

SECTION 9: Executive Team Election

Only members can apply to be a part of the Executive Team. Anyone wishing to be a part of the Executive Team must meet with the current Exec Officer holding that position. They are allowed to run for more than one position, but must meet with corresponding Exec Officer for that desired position. They will be notified that they have to perform a 2 minute speech in front of the organization during elections which will be the 11thweek of spring semester. The Advisor should facilitate the election process. At that meeting, current members will vote and elect their Executive Team by a written ballot. The new Executive Team will be notified via email, announced to the organization via email, and also announced at the next meeting. In case of a tie, the current Executive Team (not including anyone that is currently in the positions and reapplying) will decide the outcome. If there is no one that falls under the category, the organization members must collectively come up with a decision.

SECTION 10: Executive Team Transition

Once elected into the Executive Team, they must attend Executive Team meetings from there on out. The last meeting of the year, the new Executive Team will lead the meeting confirming their new positions. Previous Executive Team Officers will have been officially resigned from their positions at this meeting. There will be one last Executive Team meeting with the new Team before the year is over. The new Executive Team should come up with a strategic plan for next year over the summer.


SECTION 1: Members

If members and officers fail to meet any of the GPA requirements, attendance requirements, or fail to fulfill necessary expectations, these members will meet with the current Director of Membership and discuss the necessary steps in order to retain current membership. If again the member or officer fails to meet these requirements or expectations, they will be removed from the organization.

SECTION 2: Executive Team

If members and officers fail to meet any of the GPA requirements, attendance requirements, or fail to fulfill necessary expectations, these members will meet with the current Advisor and discuss the necessary steps in order to retain current membership. If again the member or officer fails to meet these requirements or expectations, they will be removed from the organization.


SECTION 1: Requirements

Advisors must be able to attend at least half of the Executive Teammeetings and attend twoGeneral Body meetings a semester. Advisor should be able to attend Interviews and the Election meeting. They must be available to members and act as a resource and guide for the organization. They also should share a passion for the organization’s mission.


SECTION 1: Meetings

Part 1: Purpose

Executive Team members will meet weekly for an hour long (time and date are flexible in order to accommodate for Officers’ schedules). All other members will meet every other Wednesday night at 7:30 PM.Meetings will consist of providing speakers, workshops, and resources to members in order to further develop members into better students and people. The Director of Programming in charge of the meetings should plan programs that fall under the categories of:

  • academic enhancement
  • professional development
  • leadership skill building
  • health and wellness awareness
  • social needs
  • overall immersion within university culture

Meetings should be interactive in a way that helps develop both mentees and mentors.

Part 2: Structure

The beginning of meetings should have either an icebreaker, energizer, and/or Executive Team updates. At the end of meeting, students should be allowed to make personal announcements to share for the group regarding their involvement in other organizations, opportunities for other jobs, upcoming events they would like to share, etc. After the announcements, students will be given M&M time (Mentor-Mentee time) to get in touch with their mentor/mentee and make arrangements to meet on their own.

Part 3: 1st Official Meeting

During the 8th-10thweek of the semester, the first official meeting of the organization for the year will be the Official Mentor-Mentee Kickoff Event. Mentors and Mentees will first meet separately to go over training as to what the organization’s expectations of them throughout the year are. These expectations are under Article II, Section 3 and 4. These expectations, along with an overview of the organization, and Constitution should be compiled into a Mentor Handbook and Mentee Handbook to give to members. Members should sign a form included in the Handbook explaining their recognition of these expectations. Once training is finished, all members will come together, and mentor-mentee pairs and families will be revealed.