Programs offered by the Cultural Services of the French Embassy in the United States


1. Teaching Assistant Program in France

A unique opportunity to spend 7 to 9 months in France with a salary, to master the French language through linguistic immersion and to gain valuable teaching experience! The French Ministry of Education and the Cultural Services of the French Embassy in Washington, D.C., offer approximately 1,500 teaching assistantships each year for American citizens and permanent residents of the United States to teach English in French schools. Assistants work in primary schools or secondary schools, and teach English conversation classes 12 hours a week.

For more information , please visit : p ip.php?rubrique424&tout=ok

2. Grants for K-12 Teachers of French: Stages Pédagogiques de Courte Durée ( SPCD )

Improve your language skills and enhance your knowledge of French culture through pedagogical training in France! The French government offers grants to qualified K-12 teachers to spend 3 weeks in July at a teacher training center in France for an intensive study of French linguistics, the teaching of French and modern French culture through writing, theater, cinema, etc.

For more information , please visit :

3. French-American Commission for Educational Exchange

The French-American Commission provides grants to French and American students (graduate and post-graduate levels), young professionals, scholars, teachers and language teaching assistants to expand their educational experience by spending a year in the host country.

For more information, please visit: b r ight-f r anc e .org/ and bri g

4. Memorandums of Understanding between American and French educational authorities

This program fosters professional development exchanges and the sharing of pedagogical projects for students, teachers, and student teachers. It aims to improve both American and French educational systems and to develop an international dimension in teaching (K-12 or K-16).

For more information , please contact your regional French consulate (see A ppendix A and B ).


5. Partner University Fund (PUF)

The Partner University Fund (PUF) promotes innovative, long lasting partnerships in research and higher education between French and American institutions of higher learning and research. PUF supports emerging transatlantic partnerships in all disciplines over a three year period, such as joint initiatives in research and publication, faculty and postdoctoral mobility, collaboration in teaching, shared programs, as well as joint and dual degrees at the master’s and Ph.D. level.

For more information , please visit :

6. Chateaubriand Fellowships for the Humanities and Social Sciences

Chateaubriand Fellowships are grants offered by the Embassy of France in the United States that allow doctorate students enrolled in American universities and post-doctorates to conduct research in France for up to 12 months and to benefit from an educational experience in the French university system. 15 fellowships are granted per year. Recipients receive about 1300€/month, a round trip ticket to France, health insurance, and about 30 days of per diem for travelling in France for research purposes. The Chateaubriand Fellowship is highly competitive and the awarding of the fellowships is very selective. Applications must be submitted by December 15. The selection process takes place in January and February and decisions are sent out in March.

For more information , please visit: /chateaubriand3/chateaubriand_/

7. The Eiffel Excellence Program: Eiffel Scholarships and Eiffel Ph . D . Scholarships

The Eiffel Excellence Program offers grants to outstanding foreign students identified by French higher education centers as especially deserving of a place in their courses. The grants cover training in France to prepare students for taking up positions of responsibility in the public or private sector (excluding education and research).

For more information, please visit:


8. Maison de la France and French Government Tourist Office Resources for French Teachers

The French Government Tourist Office has created a website dedicated exclusively to French teachers, ! French teachers can also obtain posters, brochures and information on France by calling the Maison de la France’s hotline at (514) 288-1904 or by contacting Nancy Anderson at .

For more information, please visit:

9. Educational and Cultural Audiovisual Resources for French Teachers

The Audiovisual Bureau invites French teachers to visit its websites to download a large amount of audiovisual material, free of charge. A number of complete programs are available, including materials, resources and exercises for use in the classroom such as French music videos, Francophone culture shows, etc., all with related study guides.

For more information, please visit: or (Media/Cinema > Media Library > Videos for the Classroom)

10. Cinema Resources for French P rograms

· Tournées Festival :

A French American Cultural Exchange (FACE) program, the Tournées Festival is designed to help bring contemporary French cinema to your college or university campus.

For more information, please visit: ecouncil. o rg/t o urnees/index.html

· Le Bureau du Documentaire :

3000 documentary films are available for non-commercial viewing.

For more information , please visit :

(France-Diplomatie > France priorities > Documentary > Non-commercial distribution > Documentaries)

· Series and collections:

The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs provides more than 300 French films for screenings at festivals, universities, museums, etc. These fiction films range in style and period, from the classical to the contemporary.

For more information, please visit : ( France priorities > Cinema )

· U niversciné :

Universciné offers more than 100 French films with English subtitles for non-commercial public screenings (the rights have been purchased by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs). The films can be downloaded over the internet. Requirements: Computer and Internet access, DSL/High-Speed Connections, Projector.

F or more information, please visit:

11. Authors on Tour

With the support of the French Cultural Services, fiction and non-fiction authors from France tour the U.S. giving talks, lectures and master classes.

To receive a list of the Authors on Tour in your region over the next few months, please contact your regional French Consulate (see Appendix B).

12. Free S ubscriptions to our Newsletters :

Each regional French Consulate in the U.S. has its own educational and cultural newsletters that feature upcoming French and French-related regional events, the cultural agenda for the area as well as a French-related news pieces.

For more information on how to subscribe, please contact your local French Consulate (see Appendix B ).


13. CampusFrance

All students planning to study in France for more than 3 months (individually or through a study abroad program) must register and fill out an application through Campus France. This step is essential to getting a long stay visa.

For more information, please visit: p usfr a

14. Test de Connaissance de Fran?ais ( TCF )

The Test de Connaissance de Fran?ais (TCF) is a new tool designed to assess the French language skills of non-native speakers. Sanctioned by the French Ministry of Education, the test is geared towards teachers, students, individuals, professionals etc. and serves as the official pre-entrance test for foreign students who wish to enter a French university.

For more information , please contact your regional French Consulate or visit: ww w / tcf


15. Le fil du bilingue

? Le fil du bilingue ? is a website dedicated to French bilingual education initiatives around the world. Created by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Centre international d’études pédagogiques, the site aims to provide information and resources for bilingual program teachers, schools and educational authorities. The website also offers a free electronic newsletter.

For more information and to subscribe to the newsl etter, please visit:

16. Summer Camp s in Frenc h: Les vacances franco-fun!

The French Language Heritage Program, a part of the French American Cultural Exchange (FACE) Council, offers French-language camps each summer for children and teenagers of Francophone backgrounds to strengthen their abilities to speak and write in French. The day camps take place in Chicago, in New York City and Miami. Over the course of two weeks, students participate in numerous workshops taught by Francophone professional artists, including workshops in theater, painting, writing and dance. The full program totals 60 hours of immersion in the French language and Francophone cultures. Through rewarding indoor and outdoor activities, camp participants get to discover the wealth of their own French-speaking cultures while practicing their language skills in a fun, multicultural environment.

For more information, please contact the local French Consulates (see Appendix B).


17. The World Speaks French Advocacy Campaign

Learn more about the benefits of studying the French language and Francophone cultures, and download free promotional material at the website for “The World Speaks French” Advocacy Campaign.

For more information, please visit:

18. Francofil: Newsletter on the Promotion of French in the W orld.

Francofil is the electronic newsletter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, dedicated to the promotion of French around the world. The quarterly newsletter takes a look at the current state of French language on all continents and provides a snapshot of projects underway in the Francophone world. Subscription is free.

For more information on how to subscribe, please visit:

Appendix A



MOUs alr eady in effect :

Kentucky / Dijon: Signed in February 2002 and renewed in June 2005

Connecticut / Toulouse: Signed in February 2002 and renewed in February 2006 at the University of Yale

Nebraska / Besan?on: Signed in June 2005 in Nebraska

Wisconsin / Bordeaux and Aix-Marseille: Signed in April 2006 in Wisconsin

Indiana / Strasbourg: Signed in July 2005 in Indianapolis , Indiana

Louisiana / Rennes: Signed on March 19, 2007 in Baton Rouge , Louisiana

Oklahoma / Amiens: Signed on March 20, 2008 in Oklahoma City , Oklahoma

South Carolina / Clermont-Ferrand: Signed on March 20, 2007 by videoconference

Delaware / Créteil: Signed on June 5, 2008 in Delaware

Maine / Nantes: Signed on February 24, 2009 by videoconference

MOUs in progress :

Utah / Grenoble

Missouri / Lyon

Washington / Nantes

Hawaii / Nouvelle Calédonie

Oregon / Poitiers

Appendix B

french cultural services in the united states

September 2009

The French Language Initiative: The World Speaks French

Programs Offered by the Cultural Services of the French Embassy in the United States Page 1 of 7


( Alabama , Georgia , Mississippi , North Carolin a , South Carolina , Tennessee )

Consulat Général de France

Service Culturel

Prominence in Buckhead, Suite 1840

3475 Piedmont Road, NE

Atlanta, GA 30305

Tel : 404.495.1660

Carole Scipion, Attaché culturel

Emilie Renouvin, Attachée culturelle adjointe


(Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont)

Consulat Général de France

Service Culturel

Park Square Building, Suite 750

31 St. James Avenue

Boston, MA 02116

Tel : 617.832.4460

Anne Miller, Attachée culturelle

Samantha André, Attachée culturelle adjointe

( Illinois , Ind iana , Iowa , Kansas , Kentucky , Michigan , Minnesota , Missouri , Nebraska , North Dakota , Ohio , South Dakota , Wisconsin )

Consulat Général de France

Service Culturel

205 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 3710

Chicago, IL 60601

Tel : 312.327.5230/35

Marie-Anne Toledano, Attachée culturelle

Jean-Fran?ois Rochard, Attaché culturel adjoint

Laurence Geannopulos, Assistante


( Arkansas , Oklahoma , Texas )

Consulat Général de France

Service Culturel

777 Post Oak Boulevard, Suite 600

Houston, TX 77056

Tel : 713.985.3285

Dominique Chastres, Attaché culturel

Marie Maurannes, Attachée culturelle adjointe


( Arizona , Southern California, Colorado , New Mexico , Southern Nevada )

Consulat Général de France

Service Culturel

10390 Santa Monica Boulevard, Suite 410

Los Angeles, CA 90025

Tel : 310.235.3200

Jean-Christophe Harel, Attaché culturel

Yann Perreau, Attaché culturel adjoint


( Bahamas , Florida , Cayman Islands, Puerto Rico, Turks and Caicos , U.S. Virgin Islands )

Consulat Général de France

Service Culturel

Esperito Santo Plaza

1395 Brickell Avenue, Suite 1050

Miami, FL 33131

Tel : 305.403.4150

Norbert Duffort, Attaché culturel

Martine Johnston, Assistante de l’Attaché culturel


(Louisian a )

Consulat Général de France

Service Culturel

1340 Poydras Street, Suite 1710

New Orleans, LA 70112

Tel : 504.569.2870

Olivier Brochenin, Attaché culturel

Aude Ghespière, Attachée culturelle adjointe


( Bermuda , Connecticut , New Jersey , New York )

Ambassade de France

Service Culturel

972 Fifth Avenue

New York, NY 10021

Tel : 212.439.1400

Fabrice Jaumont, Attaché linguistique

The French Language Initiative: The World Speaks French

Programs Offered by the Cultural Services of the French Embassy in the United States Page 1 of 7

(Alaska , Northern California, Guam , Hawaii , Idaho , Montana , Northern Nevada, Oregon , Utah , Washington , Wyoming )

Consulat Général de France

Service Culturel

540 Bush Street

San Francisco, CA 94108

Tel : 415.616.4908

Denis Bisson, Attaché culturel

Ivan Bertoux, Attaché culturel adjoint


( Delaware , District of Columbia , Maryland , Pennsylvania , Virginia , West Virginia )

Ambassade de France aux Etats-Unis

Service de Coopération et d’Action Culturelle

4101 Reservoir Road, NW

Washington, DC 20007

Tel : 202.944.6052

Catherine Pétillon, Attachée de Coopération Educative

The French Language Initiative: The World Speaks French

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The French Language Initiative: The World Speaks French

Programs Offered by the Cultural Services of the French Embassy in the United States Page 1 of 7

The French Language Initiative: The World Speaks French

Programs Offered by the Cultural Services of the French Embassy in the United States Page 1 of 7