NUMBER: 130.1300
PAGE: 1 OF 3
PURPOSE: To define the Hospital’s policy and practice regarding wage and salary compensation.
POLICY: Wage and salary policies for Hospital employees shall conform to applicable Federal and State laws and provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding.
1. Work day/ Pay period
A "workday" for the purpose of computing daily overtime shall is defined as a twenty-four (24) hour period commencing at 11:00 pm and ending at 10:59 pm the following day.
A "pay period shall consist of fourteen (14) consecutive "workdays" commencing at 11:00 pm Saturday night and ending on the following fourteenth day at 10:59 pm. There are twenty-six (26) pay periods in each calendar year.
2. Payment of wages
Paydays are the Friday following the end of each pay period. Checks will be distributed to Department Managers at 4:00 pm on the Thursday following the end of each pay period. The hospital provides for direct deposit of employee paychecks. Authorization forms are available from the Human Resources Department. Employee paychecks will be released to each Department Head or his designate for distribution to department employees. Unclaimed checks shall be returned to the Payroll Department. Checks not claimed by the following Monday will be sent to the employees last known address. Checks will be released only to employees unless written authorization is provided by the employee.
3. Salary advances
Salary advances are limited circumstances where an employee's vacation falls on a regularly scheduled payday or in cases of extreme emergency. Request must be submitted to the Payroll Department for approval. The request and the amount of the advance is limited to actual hours worked or vacation hours claimed during the current pay period.
4. Garnishments/liens
The Hospital shall comply with all garnishments and liens in accordance with applicable state laws.
5. Bargaining Unit Employee Wages
Wages for Bargaining Unit Employees shall be paid in accordance with the wage classifications and rates specified in the current Memorandum of Understanding.
Newly hired Non Licensed Bargaining Unit employees will be placed at the step of their pay grade deemed appropriate based upon applicable experience.
Newly hired licensed Bargaining Unit employees shall be assigned to the appropriate grade and step defined by each grade in the Memorandum of Understanding.
Per Diem employees shall be compensated at their base hourly rate for their position plus fifteen (15) percent in lieu of benefits.
Bargaining Unit employees who perform work in a position with a higher wage grade for an entire shift shall be eligible for relief in higher classification pay corresponding to their current step in the higher paid position they are relieving.
If the employee relieves a department supervisor or manager they will be eligible for fifteen (15) percent in addition to their base hourly rate for each full hour of relief. Prior authorization by the employee's supervisor is required to be eligible.
Full and part-time Bargaining Unit employees shall only be given step increases after twelve (12) consecutive months in their current step unless they become eligible for a higher grade based upon promotion or certification.
Per Diem employees shall be eligible for step increases after completing twelve (12) or more months in their current step during which time they have worked a minimum of 1040 hours or unless they become eligible for a higher grade based upon promotion or certification.
Full and part-time employees at the top step of their classification will be eligible to receive a longevity bonus of three hundred fifty dollars ($350.00) For those licensed classifications with clinical ladders, the top step shall mean the top step of the highest level (e.g. RN III, step VIII).
6. Non-Bargaining Unit wages
Salaried Exempt and Non-Exempt employees shall be paid in accordance with wage classifications and ranges determined by the Chief Executive Officer and based upon market conditions, relative worth, position content and responsibility, and performance.
New: Revised: 09/95, 05/06, 03/08
Approval Signatures:
Chief, Human Resources Date
Chief Executive Officer Date
President, Board of Directors Date