Minutes of the Shevington Parish Council
Policy Committee Meeting
Held 11 April 2013
7.30pm Shevington Library
Present: Councillor J Ball (Chairman), Councillors W McKnight, I Whiteley, C Horridge and C Chadwick.
Co-opted Members: Mr B Lomas, Mr B King (non-voting), Mr M Thomas and Mrs E Longmore.
2 members of the public.
Officer in Attendance: Mrs K Pilkington (Clerk)
1. Apologies
Cllrs C Miles and H R Bridge
2. Declaration of Interests
Mr B King re Item 6.
3. Minutes of the Policy Committee Meeting (7 February 2013)
The previously circulated minutes were considered.
Resolved: That the Minutes of the Parish Council Policy Committee Meeting of 7 February 2013 be approved as a true and correct record.
4. Village Issues
Local Business News
The Chair reported that the sale of the former book-maker’s shop had fallen through and that ‘The Gift Box’ had closed down the previous weekend.
Boats Mooring Along the Canal Bank
Narrow boats had recently been observed mooring along the canal bank adjacent to Otters Croft Wood. It was suggested that the ownership of the canal bank should be established. If it was owned by the Parish Council, the possibility of charging rents for moorings would need to be considered.
Gate at Allotments
A member asked whether gate facilities at the allotments could be improved in order to prevent travellers from entering. This was followed by a short discussion.
Grass Cutting
Another member observed that he was very impressed by the standard of the cutting of the grass verges so far this year.
Late Evening Bus Contract
It was reported that it had been found that the previous company operating all the late evening buses from Wigan to Shevington had no insurance and so it had to cease trading. New contract had subsequently been awarded to Wigan Transport (Monday to Friday) and South Lancashire Transport (Saturday & Sunday).
Remembrance Day Walk
Jim Rigby, who organises the Annual Parish Walk, was planning a shorter Walk for Remembrance Day. The Walk will start and finish at Crooke Village, but would be timed so as to include the Remembrance Day Service at the Shevington Memorial en route.
Canal Bank Improvements at Crooke
Arrangements had been made for a group of soldiers to improve sections of the canal bank at Crooke by laying stones along the towpath in the area.
Smartwater Project
Smartwater cover had been offered to all residents of Crooke Village at a very competitive price. The take-up had been 100%. The Clerk advised that the Smartwater representative had agreed to make a presentation to the Parish Council’s General Purposes Committee on 9 May.
Inspection of Otter’s Croft Wood
Mr Thomas and Cllr Horridge would be carrying out an inspection of Otter’s Croft Wood to assess work that might need to be carried out. An invitation would be extended to Cllr Bridge to join them.
Unauthorised Horse Riding on Footpaths and Open Spaces
Horses had been observed being ridden along some of the footpaths in the area and along the trimtrail path in Memorial Park (neither of which were bridleways). The resident who had spotted them had written to both the Clerk and to the Rights of Way Officer at Wigan Council to report the incidents and to ask whether there was anything that could be done to prevent this happening. The Rights of Way Officer was hoping that the local representative of the HRA would be willing to visit local livery stables, as she had done a couple of years ago, and ask them to remind their clients that they should keep to roads and bridleways. The Clerk had advised the resident that the matter would be an agenda item on the Council meeting later in the month.
A group of travellers had set up home in the car park at Gathurst Golf Club last week. Rumours about their behaviour had abounded. They had left the previous day after having come to an agreement with a group of Police Officers who were attending a function at the Golf Club.
Breach of Planning Conditions in Relation to Beechwood Villas
The Clerk had received a letter from Donna Hall’s PA acknowledging the receipt of the Parish Council’s letter expressing disappointment that there was no intention on the part of Wigan Council to prosecute Taylor-Wimpey for breaching planning conditions in relation to Beechwood Villas. The Council’s letter had been forwarded to the Legal and Planning Departments, so that they could reply to it.
Wigan Archives
A representative of WLCT who were in the process of taking over the management of Wigan Council’s Archives would be coming on 25 April to make a presentation about what they could for the Parish Council.
Abandoned Peugeot
Following a complaint made by a resident, the Clerk had reported a Blue Peugeot that appeared to have been abandoned too close to the junction of Broadacre with Whiteacre in Shevington Moor to the Police and had been removed by the following day. During the discussion it emerged that the car had not been abandoned, but belonged to the son of the owner of a nearby property. He had parked it there for safe-keeping while he went abroad on holiday
Spring Newsletter
The Spring edition of the Parish Council’s newsletter had been distributed.
Planting in Shevington Memorial Park
The Weeping Willows intended to aid drainage in the park were planted the previous week by Staff of Moss Bank Nurseries and the Willow Whips were planted on Tuesday by pupils of St Bernadette’s School. By Wednesday about 50 whips had been removed and strewn over the park and had had to be replaced by a member of Shevington in Bloom
Chinning Bars
Carolyn Mack of WLCT had written to advise that the chinning bars in Memorial Park would be removed the following week. However, the painting of the play equipment was being deferred because temperatures were still too low for this work to take place. Both jobs had originally been scheduled to be carried out at the same time.
20 mph Flashing Speed Signs
A resident had recently requested that the Parish Council support (possibly fund) the introduction of 20mph speed signs that flash outside the school in Miles Lane - similar to the ones in Church Lane. He had already approached Wigan Council about this and had been told that they did not have sufficient funds to cover the cost of such a project. The Clerk had advised the resident that she would report the request to the Council.
5. Commemorating World War One
The Committee discussed suggestions for ways in which the 100th Anniversary of the beginning of World War One could be commemorated.
Resolved: A Sub-Committee was set up to look into and advise the Policy Committee on ways in which the beginning of WW1 could be commemorated.
Cllr C Horridge, Mrs E Longmore, Mr B King and Mr J Whiteley agreed to form the Sub-Committee. Cllr H R Bridge, who had requested that this item be placed on the agenda, was to be contacted and asked if he would like to join it.
6. Stall at Shevington Fete
The Clerk had been asked by the Secretary to the Fete Committee if the Council would like to book a stall at Fete 2013. The matter was discussed.
Resolved: The Parish Council would have a stall at Fete 2013 on 3 August.
7. Inspector’s Views on Modifications to Wigan’s Core Strategy
Mr King’s report on the Examination Inspectors’ views on modifications to Wigan’s Core Strategy (See Appendix A) was received and the issues raised were discussed.
Cllr Chadwick withdrew from the meeting.
It was anticipated that the following six weeks should see some further development.
Cllr Chadwick rejoined the meeting.
Mr King’s report was noted. It was agreed that further action would be considered once more information was available.
8. The Wigan Core Strategy and Implications for the Transport Strategy
Mr King’s report was received. See Appendix B.
During the discussion that followed it was suggested that the Transport Strategy was more likely to create inequality than equality. Ten schemes were listed in the strategy that would not benefit the North West sector of the borough at all.
Resolved: The Clerk would write to the District Councillors to ask them to take the following requests from the Parish Council to the Wigan Council Cabinet;
· that the Parish Council is consulted on future revisions of the Transport Strategy;
· that the Transport Strategy is reviewed immediately to take account of the proposed modifications to the Core Strategy;
· that the comments in Appendix B should be incorporated into any future revisions of the Transport Startegy;
· that the information requested in Appendix B be provided to the Parish Council.
9. Herons Wharf Development
Mr King presented his report, which was received. See Appendix C.
The report accompanied a document from Morris Homes which contained, among other information, the comments of all those who had responded to their preliminary consultation, including the Parish Council. The document also contained Morris Homes’ responses to the comments.
Mr Lomas left the meeting.
Information obtained by residents from Wigan Council via a FOI request had also been circulated.
A flooding survey had been carried out – the results indicated that this would not be an issue. It was vital that a contamination survey should be carried out and that effective remediation should take place. It was known that there had been cases of work-related Cancer amongst former employees of the glue works.
The issues were discussed at great length.
Resolved: The Clerk would write to the Environmental Protection Officer at Wigan Council to ascertain the level of contamination and the remediation required and also to the Planning Enforcement Officer to express the Parish Council’s concerns about aspects of the document.
10. Financial Aid Applications
11. Planning Applications
· A/13/77867: – Dean Lock House, Gathurst Lane, Shevington – Listed building consent to extend existing dwelling house – two storey to the side
If Dean Lock House were not a listed building this extension would not need planning permission.
Resolved: The application was noted.
· 2013/0263/FUL – Erection of six dwellings – Stonemill Rise, off Mill Lane, Appley Bridge
This application was for the erection of six dwellings which would complete this West Lancashire development and, in doing so, replace a former plant. The latter would be out of place adjacent to a housing development.
Resolved: The application was noted.
12. Dates of Next Meetings
Council: 25 April; General Purposes and Finance Committees: 9 May.
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the Meeting at 9:14 pm.
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