JOINT SMALL PROJECTS FUND- Cross border cooperation BG-RO 2004


Contract number / Application
Number / Project’s title / Beneficiary
BG2004/016-783. / 044 / New Bridge Over The Danube - Let's Shake Hands / “Tsar Simeon Veliki” Secondary School- Vidin
BG2004/016-783. / 037 / Development of effective models for cultural tourism in the region of Vidin and Dolj / Vidin Chamber of Commerce and Industry
BG2004/016-783. / 114 / ‘Divine Balkan Patrons- the route of Sveta Petka Relics’ / Industrial Association-
BG2004/016-783. / 009 / Establishment of an effective model of trans-border cooperation between NGOs, municipalities and professional agricultural schools with predominantly agricultural orientation / Ekolinks – GSUPROOS
BG2004/016-783. / 056 / Vocational and Cultural Exchange Between students on Both Sides of the River Danube / Vocational School for garment and Catering –
BG2004/016-783. / 006 / Networking tourism and training centres in Novo Selo and Giurgita / Municipality of Novo Selo
BG2004/016-783. / 097 / Bridge - Bulgarian-Romanian Initiatives for Development and Growth of Enterprises / Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vratsa
BG2004/016-783. / 107 / Among friends and good neighbours”
Development the youth tourism between Northwest Bulgaria and Republic of Romania / Friends of Natural Park “Vrachansky Balkan" Club
BG2004/016-783. / 038 / Forming up of adequate competences and an active civil position in the cross-border cooperation and the accession to EU among representatives of the border regions Vidin and Dolj and establishment of ‘Local initiatives Association as a stable structure unifying the efforts in this direction / National Centre for Vocational Training- Vidin
BG2004/016-783. / 024 / BRAVO – Bulgarian-Romanian Actions for Viable Organizations / Open Society Club – Rousse
BG2004/016-783. / 102 / Joint Projects - Stranegical Framework for Regional Cross-Border Development / NGO „Association Europe”
BG2004/016-783. / 033 / We all are consumers / Agency for Regional Economic Development and Investment - Dobrich
BG2004/016-783. / 050 / “ Classrooms without borders “ – Youth volunteer network for democratic initiatives / St.St. Cyril and Methodius High School,
town of Kozloduy
BG2004/016-783. / 042 / “ Cross-Border network for preservation of the green wealth in the Danube riverside municipalities of Mizia and Craiova” / Mizia Municipality
BG2004/016-783. / 104 / Cross-border cooperation for promotion of eco-tourism in Danube municipalities in the districts of Pleven and county Olt / Association for hunting and fishing - Pleven
BG2004/016-783. / 030 / Tourist Destination - Dobrudja / Business Center Dobrich
BG2004/016-783. / 073 / Creation of virtual sustainable development centre for joint environmental management of the cross border region Tsenovo/Comana / Tsenovo Municipality
BG2004/016-783. / 111 / With joint goals to United Europe / Municipality of Boichinovtzi
BG2004/016-783. / 010 / Creation and Promotion of Cross-Border Cultural Itinerary: “From the Mediaeval Monastery Complex of Ivanovo Village and the Rocky Monastery “St. Dimitar Basarbovsky” through the Orthodox Temples of Ruse and Giurgiu to the Monastery of Komana Village / Association Euroregion Danubius- Rousse
BG2004/016-783. / 120 / Successful Integration of Art and Business - Support of Crafts Business in the CBC Region of Vidin and Craiova” / Regional Artisans` Chamber of Vidin
BG2004/016-783. / 095 / Traditions and Fashion on Both Sides of the Danube / National Producer and Contractor Association “Choose the Bulgarian” – Branch Rousse
BG2004/016-783. / 090 / Increasing the participation of young people from the crossborder region Rousse-Gyutgevo in the regional development process through capacity building trainings and the use of contemporary technologies / Idea for Rouse-
BG2004/016-783. / 067 / The Municipality - Catalyst of the Economic Development / Vratsa Municipality
BG2004/016-783. / 087 / Cross border mobile SME advisory Service / Bulgarian-Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry/BRCCI/