Memory Concept Web: AP Psychology 12 Assignment
Ms. Dunne’s AP Class
Memory is one of the most difficult concepts to understand in Psychology. We can talk about how each of the systems work and how they function together, but research states that to encode learning to “memory”, you need to see visually how they are connected to each other.
You will be creating a concept web that links all the following concepts together. Remember to DESCRIBE all the functions in point form and then link them together into concepts.
You will need to include:
- Encoding, Storage and Retrieval of Memories
- Short term memory, long term memory and Sensory Memory
- Within long term memory, demonstrate the organization of it.
- Forgetting: Why we forget, Measuring forgetting, Repressed memory
Physiology of Memory: Anatomy of memory, neural circuitry and Biochemistry of memory.
- Memory Systems: Explicit Memory, Implicit memory, Declarative memory, procedural memory, semantic vs. episodic memory, and prospective vs. retrospective memory.
How to Create a Concept Web/Map:
1. Identify the general/broad topic that you are interested in. Example: You are interested in the general topic of Memory2. Brainstorm on the general topic and list all the concepts and themes that are related to the topic on a large piece of paper. Keep the concepts as concise as possible.
3. Using unlined paper, write the main theme in the center of the page.
4. Take the other concepts identified in the brainstorming and connect them to the center concept. You can use other organizational patterns such as branches, arrows or groups. More important ideas should be put nearer to the center and less important ones closer to the edge. Identify the relationship between the concepts.
5. After the map has been created, look at the organizational patterns to see if the pieces fit together and make sense and if there is anything missing. After the map has been created, look at the organizational patterns to see if the pieces fit together and make sense and if there is anything missing.
Examples of Concept Maps/Webs
Your map will be evaluated on two items:
All content is describe, accurate and link together in a concept web format
30 marks
Neatness/easy of understanding15 marks
Total: 45 marks