January 22, 2003
Minutes – AL NENA Executive Committee Meeting
Location – BellSouth Alabama Operations Center, Birmingham AL 35243
1.Meeting called to order – Roger Humphrey
2.Welcome – Roger Humphrey
-PresentRoger Humphrey
Roger Wilson
Richard Holt
George Williams
Pat Hall
Ray Preston
Jerry Jackson
Jo Tranter
-Announcement of death of Chapter Member Pat Neuhouser, Sumter CountyE911/EMA
-Discussion and agreement to send flowers to Sumter EOC for family. The funeral occurred too quickly to send for funeral.
-Appreciation by President Roger Humphrey for use of BellSouth facilities
-Floor open for comments
--Roger Wilson expressed appreciation for NENA donation to a Walker County E911 dispatcher who lost home in tornado
--President Humphrey expressed appreciation for St. Clair County E911 for meeting notice mailout.
3.-Review of Agenda
--Added to item 12 – Old Business: Review of 501.c.3 status, and Wireless
-Motion to approve agenda by Roger Wilson, 2nd by Bill Brodeur, unanimous approval
-Minutes of past meeting reviewed and approved.
4.Financial report presented by Richard Holt – Treasurer
5.Election of Executive Committee Officers
--1st VP Bill Brodeur nominated, motion to close nominations by Richard Holt, 2nd by Ray Preston, unanimous approval.
--Secretary – Ray Preston nominated, motion to close nominations by Roger Wilson, 2nd by Richard Holt, unanimous approval.
--Treasurer – Richard Holt nominated, motion to close nominations by Ray Preston, 2nd by Roger Wilson, unanimous approval.
6.Conference Report by Jo Tranter. Conference made $17,408.24 in profit.
--Discussion of Vendor sponsorships. Event sponsorships by vendor at conference do not cover the cost of the event. Discussion to investigate the possibility of allowing co-sponsorships or an exclusive sponsorship if the vendor agrees to fund 50% of the total cost of the event. Report due to Executive Committee at April meeting by Bill Brodeur.
7.2003 Conference – Bill Brodeur. Will begin solicitation of new vendor sponsorships.
--Jo Tranter requested input for educational sessions needed
--Discussion of not scheduling classes during vendor hall hours
--Discussion of vendor hall hours. Most likely will expand Sunday hours by 1 hour (6-9PM) and Monday by 1 hour (9-12).
--Since vendors do not get a conference bag, request to place a conference schedule into the vendor’s registration packages.
8.Legislative – Roger Wilson
--Minimum Standards – little likelihood of law passage in 2003. Must develop a reliable funding source.
--911 Law – recommendation that the 911 law not be opened for modification this year.
--Wireless 911 Law – recommendation that the Wireless 911 law not be opened for modification this year.
9.Minimum Standards – Richard Holt and Jo Tranter
--Immediate Goals
---Develop the number of CEU’s required per year
---Develop a list of certified instructors
---Develop a list of approved curriculum
---Find a funding source
---Rewrite the proposed legislation to include an advisory board, with a future option to employ an administrator for records keeping.
---Solicit agencies statewide to submit their training programs for review
--Training Sources
---Locally developed
---HITS/AST sources
--Appoint Roger Wells to Minimum Standards Committee, motion by Roger Wilson, 2nd by Richard Holt, unanimous approval.
10.Managerial Training for 2003
--1 Day Classes Proposed
---Management and Leadership Critical Differences by Margaret Moreford, NENA Cost approximately $4,000. Will charge a minimal amount to attendees, but NENA will cover part of the cost.
---Introduction to 911 Technology, Approximately $3,000 cost to NENA, will charge a minimal amount to attendees, but NENA will cover part of the cost.
---Introduction to GIS – No details yet
---Expenditure of 911 Funds – How can I spend them? No details yet
2003 Conference will offer a national NENA ENP Exam, must register with national NENA. Also hope to offer an Ethics class at conference.
11.-LATA Reports Nothing to report from any LATA
12.-Old Business:
--501.C.3 Richard Holt stated the CPA he had met with recommended AL NENA establish a new association with a different name, fund the new association with approximately $500 seed money. Afterward, migrate all existing AL NENA resources into the new, 501.C.3 association, and then dissolve the existing association. This would allow AL NENA to properly establish a 501.C.3 organization. Motion to proceed with new association establishment by Roger Wilson, 2nd by George Williams, unanimous approval.
--Language Line charges – Richard Holt notified of 2 unusual charges to AL NENA account. He is investigating and will correct.
--Wireless – Roger Wilson conducted a survey that indicated a majority of calls to 911 are from Wireless handsets, but a much smaller percentage of the funding came from wireless.
--Wireless Tariff – Roger Wilson notified that BellSouth will file tariffs soon to charge $190/month for Wireless Phase 2 and stated the original intent of the Wireless Law was to allow cost recovery from any provider, but that the term “Wireless” was inserted into the law, thereby preventing Local Wireline Exchange Carriers from recovering costs from the Wireless Board.
13.New Business
--Goals for NENA – Roger Humphrey presented 5 proposed goals and solicited others. Will post on the AL NENA web site for review and prioritization.
--State Insurance Letter – Roger Humphrey provided information about new restrictions in the State Insurance system that may prevent retirees form keeping their current State Insurance after retirement
--Critical Issues Forum – Bill Brodeur discussed the upcoming CIF in Washington and suggested Alabama NENA be represented.
14.Next meeting date – 2:00PM the day prior to Quarterly Chapter Meeting in Wetumpka.
15.Adjourn –Motion by Roger Wilson, 2nd by Bill Brodeur, adjourned.