December2007 / Volume 1, Number 7
In This Issue
  • President’s Corner
  • February Luncheon
  • Membership Drive & Membership Renewal
  • CDFM Module 3 Audio Training
  • DFAS SD Commemoration of Service; and, DFAS News
  • December (Toys-for-Tots) and October (Identity Theft) Luncheon Reviews
Save the Date!
8 January – DFAS San Diego Commemoration of Service, onboard the USS MIDWAY(CV-41), 0930-1015
29-30 January – CDFM Module 3 Audio Training
13 February Luncheon(Weds) Healthy Heart Month
12 March (Weds)
10 April (Thurs)
24 June (Tues) Mbrs Appreciation
14 Aug (Thurs)
22 October (Weds)
Important Links

San DiegoASMC organization

National ASMC organization
ASMC CDFM information

Discussion of issues that affect anyone working within the defense financial management community
Contact Us

Anthony Embrey

Exec Vice President:
Sherry Major

Admin Vice President:
Karen Dalton

Debbie Wignall

Nanette Gutierrez

National Chapter Rep:
Jorgi Stever

Newsletter Editor:
Michael Oquist

Asst Newsletter Editor:
Vacant (volunteer?)
Tina Malabanan

Information Technology:
Edgar DeGuzman

CDFM Coordinator:
Tom Stone

619-990-3515 /

President’s Corner

Happy New Year! Did you make your New Years resolution yet? January is a time of reflection and renewal for me. Reflection on life events the past year and a fresh look at where I want to focus my energy in the coming year. One of mine is to dedicate more of my personal time to volunteer in my local community. So many organizations depend on volunteers to make things happen. ASMC is no exception and we need more of our members to be involved in our San Diego chapter. So as you think about how you can best focus your energy in 2008, I encourage you to direct some of it to support the chapter and volunteer on one of our committees. Please contact me or any of the board members and let us know you want to help. I promise we will put you to work!
Finally, please take a moment to check on your membership status. Are you current on your membership dues? Active members receive a discount at our luncheons so it pays to be a member.
Cheers and see you in February!

Upcoming 13 FebruaryLuncheon– Healthy Heart Month Luncheon HelloAll, Please join us for our annual health education luncheon meeting. This year’s speaker is Christine Favus, a Registered Nutritionist at Naval Medical Center San Diego, NMCSD. She is the Nutrition Programs Manager at NMCSD, has been in this field 6 years, and is going to help us all to become a lot smarter about what we are eating. Her subject for the luncheon is “WHAT THE #@!* ARE WE EATING?”. We live in a fast-paced time, so this important part of our health management can truly influence our quality of life. Location: MarineCorpsRecruitDepotBay View Club Time: 11:30 -13:00. Please contact your AMC Rep or Sherry now with your RSVP NLT 07 Feb. No penalty for early responses!

NOTE: You are responsible for your RSVP! If for some reason you are unable to attend, please try to get a replacement so you do not have to pay for the reservation already promised to the club. Thanks!

Thank You,
Sherry / Membership Drive
ASMC National is giving away money! Each chapter will earn $5 for each paid membership as of 31 March 2008. To maximize on this windfall, we urge you to recruit new members and to ensure your own membership is paid-up!
We are inviting all of you to recruit new members! Credit will be given to the recruiter only if the application is submitted through a board member, so bring those new applications to the February luncheon. New applicants will be given “members only” pricing at the luncheon! Prizes will be given for the top recruiters!
Current members -The bad news is that 231 people in our chapter of 480 have memberships that expired between 1/1/07 and 12/31/07! By 31 March 2008 another 90 memberships will expire! The chapter depends on you paying your membership, so we need you to renew your membership ASAP; if you don’t know if your membership is paid up, contact meat , and I’ll be glad to look it up for you!
Additionally, if you have moved or changed email addresses or phone number(s), give me the updated information so I can update your profile with National. Correct address/phone number/email address will ensure you continue to receive the Comptroller magazine, PDI mailings, and ASMC emails.
Upcoming Events
CDFM Module 3 Audio Training
Your San Diego chapter with the cooperation of local commands is hosting sites where you can attend Module 3 CDFM training on 29 and 30 January for “free”. The class is presented in two four-hour sessions from 0900-1300 each day. You must attend both sessions to obtain CPE’s. Training will benefit both the CDFM candidate and those with CDFM certification that need the training CPE’s. Call the person indicated to register for the training at the following sites:
FISC San Diego, 937 N. Harbor Drive, 3rd floor, Nautical Room – POC Karen Dalton 619-532-1505
Site at NAVSTA- POC will be announced later

DFAS SD Commemoration of Service (1963-2008)
Attention - All former shipmates’ of the DFAS San Diego organization who have moved-on in their career or retired: This is your invitation to participate on Tuesday, 8 January 2008 (9:30-10:15) in a very special ceremony aboard the USS MIDWAY(CV-41) to mark the 45 wonderful years of Service to the Fleet provided by this soon-to-close entity.
If you would like to attend, it is essential to RSVP: JoAnne Fehlhaber, 616-4700; Kevin McQuillen, 616-4801; or, Mike Moberg, 616-4811. (Area Code is 858. Alternatively, an e-mailed RSVP using the‘’ convention will work).
Since the ceremony will be on Midway’s Forward Flight Deck, you may wish to dress warmly. The ship is berthed near the intersection of Broadway and N Harbor Drive, opposite the FISC (Broadway Complex).

Employers Take Note! – DFAS News
Because of a BRAC decision, the Defense Finance and Accounting Service office in San Diego will be closing on February 29, 2008. As a result, a large number of highly qualified individuals with extensive backgrounds in Navy accounting and finance are seeking employment in the local area. If your organization has openings and you are interested in reaching these individuals, please ensure the area of consideration on your job announcements specifies all DoD activities. If you would like further information on the personnel resources available at DFASSD, please contact John Maxwell at 858.616.4702.
As a follow-up reminder, DFAS San Diego personnel have been registered for PPP. If you have any questions on the program, please contact your HR office. Eds. note: The closing date for DFAS San Diego was changed from 29 February to 31 March 2008.
Past Luncheons
Seventy-threemembers and guests attended the annual, and always popular, Toys-for-Tots luncheon held 5 December at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot Bay View Club. In attendance were the following special guests: Personnel from Expeditionary Warfare Training Group Pacific, EWTGPAC, who represented the Marine Corps; and, NBC television 7/39 representatives Mr. Whitney Southwick, Meteorologist, and Ms. Isabel Valdez, Community Relations Manager.
As members and guests enjoyed a traditional Holiday Buffet luncheon, LT Col Scott Wertz, EWTGPAC spoke on the Marines very important role in this great program. LT Col Wertz has been working this annual program for several years and volunteers proudly with his key role in Toys For Tots. The Marines are instrumental in collecting the toys donated from all the San Diego sites and then have the very rewarding job of distribution throughout San Diego.
Mr. Southwick recounted how a Marine Corps Reservist, Major Bill Hendricks, began the Toys-for-Tots program in 1947based upon an idea developed by his wife, Diane, how this charity drive has grown-up to what it is today, as well as the association 7/39 has had with the program.
Quoting from the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation website 5,000 toys were collected for Christmas, 1947 distribution –in contrast, this number increased to over 19m in 2006. To-date, the Marine Corps have collected over 370m toys to benefit over 173m needy children – and the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation supplemented this with another 70m toys, valued at approximately $387m. What a long ways this program has come since the very first toy, a handcrafted Raggedy Ann doll, was passed-out in 1947!
In keeping with both tradition and the spirit of this event, attendees’ were requested to bring a new, unwrapped, toy for donation to this Marine Corps effort, and members who brought an unwrapped gift received a ticket for a special drawing. Many items were raffled-off, what with the assistance of Mr. Southwick and Chapter personnel!
A hearty “Thank You” to everybody who participated in avery special Chapter luncheon that brought some Christmas Cheer to the less fortunate in our community! You are all the best when it comes to giving!

Octobers’ Luncheon –Identity Theft &ASMC San Diego Chapter Officer Installation
The10 October luncheon held at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot Bay View Club event was educational, as we learned about identity theft and we installed the incoming Chapter Officers’ who will continue to guide and inspire our Chapter!
Ms. April Langwell, of the San Diego FBI Public Affairs Office, presented a comprehensive overview of both the San Diego FBI office and the reasons it becomes involved with identity theft investigations and how we can protect ourselves.
Ms. Langwell reported three FBI concerns: white-collar crime, computer intrusion, and, terrorism. How this plays out: With bank fraud, federal funds in the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, FDIC, cover insured losses; should computer hacking occur, telecom resources crossing-over state lines are used; and, terrorism, either internal or external to the United States, occurs if somebody steals your identity to live off of your name. Each situation invites a federal law enforcement response.
The speaker noted that anybody who has access inside your home could potentially steal your identity during a “crime of opportunity”, and that it’s frequently stolen by another member in the same family.
Among the FBI’s recommendations: Keep personal information locked-up, and do not leave it in a car. Since identity thieves fish through mailboxes and trash bins looking for information, be careful where you deposit your mail, and do not leave incoming mail sitting in your mailbox. Last, shred everything with personal information on it and opt-out of pre-approved credit card offers. FBI case history shows crooks, besides doing one-time only hits, are able to patiently piece together pieces of information obtained over time from mailboxes, dumpsters, and elsewhere in order to more effectively mirror your identity.
Important Note: Don’t make any more personal information available other than what is absolutely necessary for that particular transaction to be conducted. If anyone pries, then find out who wants to know, and why. Of course, beware of e-mail scams and don’t respond to pleas for information without verification.
Crooks are creative in their quest to steal another’s identity, and once you realize your identity is being used elsewhere it is “too late” as the damage has been done. Further, this year, approximately 10 million people, or one in 30, will be affected by identity theft, requiring, on average, approximately 267 hours from each person to get their “good” name back.
Another of the many helpful suggestions advised by the speaker was to request a copy of your credit report at least once per year from but, don’t check it just annually. By alternating requests among the three major credit bureaus [Experian (TRW), TransUnion, and Equifax], you’ll obtain a free report every four months (granted, in a different format), and you may become aware of unusual activity that’s going-on, but without the additional cost that’s associated with using one bureau for everything.
FBI’s bottom-line: Protect your personal information at all times. Should you become a victim, contact the fraud department of all three credit reporting bureaus and place fraud alerts; also, notify the account holders in question by phone, and then follow-up your phone call in writing. Contact your police department and file a report with them. Keep detailed records of all contacts, as well as keep copies of all police reports you receive.
For more information, see the FBI’s web site at
In addition to the identity theft discussion, Ms. Karla Horn swore-in the incoming Chapter Leadership team. Congratulations, elected officials, with very best wishes for a successful year to Mr. Tony Embrey, President; Ms. Sherry Major, Executive Vice President; Ms. Karen Dalton, Administrative Vice President; Ms. Debbie Wignall, Secretary; and, Ms. Nanette Gutierrez, Treasurer.