Membership Categories

qProfessional Member

Limited to those individuals who are engaged as one or more of the following: (a) practitioners of HR management; (b) certified by SHRM or HRCI; (c) faculty members in HR management or any of its specialized functions at an accredited college or university; (d) consultants or third-party associates practicing in the field of HR management; and/or (e) attorneys experienced in counseling and advising clients on matters relating to the HR profession. Professional members may vote and hold office in the chapter. ($40 annual with national SHRM membership, $20 after 7/1; $50 Non-SHRM member, $25 after 7/1)

qAssociate Member

Individuals who do not meet the qualification of the other classes of membership but who demonstrate a bona fide interest in HR management and the mission of the Chapter. Associate members may vote and hold office in the Chapter. ($50 annual, $25 after 7/1)

qStudent Member

Individuals who are (a) enrolled as full-time students; (b) enrolled in a 4-year or graduate institution and/or a consortium of these or a 2-year community college. Student members may not vote or hold office in the Chapter. ($5 annual)

qMilitary/Veteran Member

Individuals who are active duty or honorably discharged from any military branch or reserve unit of military. ($0 annual)

Member Information

Full Name


q Company Name q School Name

q Business Address q Home Address

City State Zip


q Business Phone q Cell Phone

Email Address

How did you learn about the Grundy Will HR Association?


Are you a current member of SHRM? qNo qYes Membership #______

Certifications: q SHRM-CP q SHRM -SCP qGPHR qSPHR q PHR

I hereby apply for membership in the Grundy Will HR Association, a chapter affiliated with the Society for Human Resource Management, and agree to pay the current applicable membership dues.

Signature Date

Professional Member dues are $40 for calendar year, January – December. Non-SHRM/Associate dues are $50 for calendar year, January – December. Members-in-Transition dues are discounted by 50%; Student Member dues are $5. Military/Veteran dues are waived. After July 1, dues for the remainder of the calendar year are $20/$25 ($5 per student). Please make check payable to “Grundy Will HR Association”

Send completed form and payment to:

Becky Kowall, 1403 West Acres Road, Joliet IL 60435