RA I/TCC-22/Doc. 6, Add 1, p. 5

Technical Plan


The RA I Tropical Cyclone Committee for the Southwest Indian Ocean

Plan Technique


Comité des Cyclones Tropicaux de la RA I pour le Sud-Ouest de l’Océan indien

1. Strategic Objective 1: Support and Maintain the Regional Meteorological Observing System / Soutenir et maintenir le système régional d’observation météorologique

S. No / Country / Activities / Outcomes / Key Performance Indicators
1. / Malawi / Provision and installation of weather radar and Automatic weather stations in Malawi. / Improved observations and rainfall estimates due to tropical cyclone and severe storm.
Improved station data network to minimise blind spots / Number of sites identified for RADAR installation
Number of operational weather RADAR
Number of AWS procured and installed
Number of observations for severe weather
2. / Malawi / Provision and installation of upper-air stations in Malawi. / Improved upper air observations / Installation and operationalization of 3 digital theodolites and 3 radiosondes stations
3. / Swaziland / Install 12 AWS around the country with spare parts. / Improved station data network / Widespread data collection
4. / Swaziland / Upgrade Lightning Sensor with spare parts / Continuous lightning data without gaps that will be shared with neighbouring states / Reliable data
5. / Swaziland / Have a Regional Instrument Calibration Centre. / More instruments will be calibrated regionally / Reliable instruments
6. / Swaziland / Weather Radar network in the region that will improve severe weather monitoring in Swaziland / Improved severe weather monitoring and early warnings / Number of sites identified for RADAR installation
Number of operational weather RADAR
7 / Swaziland / Have a dissemination tool that will disseminate weather products directly to the users and stakeholders, like Meteofactory. / Improved service delivery / Timely and reliable products leading to satisfied customers.
8. / Seychelles / ·  Weather radar (or a low-cost weather radar)
·  Automatic Weather stations, including marine observing stations
·  Doppler Lidar that can be used to detect low level wind shear at the airport. / Improved observation data availability;
Improved early warning system and climate monitoring / Reduce negative impacts as a % from the action taken before disaster strikes;
Number of Automatic Weather Stations installed.
9. / Seychelles / Maintenance assistance, including Instrument calibration. / Improved accuracy of weather measurements / Instrument properly maintained and calibrated
10. / Seychelles / Regional facility for data sharing and build relevant capacity of Technical staff / Faster and more efficient communication and dissemination of weather/climate and risk information / Regional facility for data sharing established and capacity building program developed and implemented.
11. / Zimbabwe / Provision and installation of
6 Radar storm detectors in Harare, Bulawayo, Victoria Falls, Buffalo Range, Gweru and Mutare / to improve observations and warnings on rainfall forecasting including tropical cyclone motoring. / Number of radar installed completed by 2016.
12. / Zimbabwe / Installation of Radiosonding equipment and hydrogen generator at Victoria Falls, and Goetz Observatory. / To ensure that upper air data observations are carried out which will help in the forecasting process. / Number of upper air stations installed with the first one in Victoria Falls installed by mid 2013.
13. / Zimbabwe / Resuscitation of pilot balloon stations throughout Zimbabwe. / Upper air winds contribute towards forecasting and monitoring of storms/cyclones. Provision of consumables like hydrogen gas and balloons. / Number of pilot balloon stations resuscitated. Operations should start in 2013 for some of the stations
14. / Zimbabwe / Networking of all Automatic Weather Stations in Zimbabwe. / Improved data collection in turn will improve the forecasting monitoring and tracking of storms/cyclones. / Number of AWS installed.
15. / Kenya / Establishment of Upper Air Observing stations (including purchase of hydrogen cylinders, balloons and regulators) in Lodwar & Garissa / Improved upper air station network / Upper Air Observing stations established (Lodwar & Garissa)
16. / Kenya / Procure wind tunnel for Regional Instrument Calibration Centre (RIC) / RIC has capability to calibrate meteorological wind instruments / Wind tunnel installed and operational
17. / Kenya / Procure and install assorted Automatic weather stations in different parts of Kenya / Improved network of observations / Number of Automatic weather stations installed
18. / SASSCAL Project Countries, namely: Angola, Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia / Install 20 AWS through SASSCAL project all over Botswana / Improved network density, monitoring and tracking of tropical cyclones and various weather systems. / Installed stations by 2015
19. / Botswana / Rehabilitation of radiosounding launch and equipments, hydrogen plants and provision of consumables at Maun (68032), Letlhakane (68040), SSKIA (68240) / Improved analysis of upper level systems, and better forecasts and warnings. / Up and running stations by 2018
20 / Botswana / Establishment of Upper Air Observing stations and purchasing of hydrogen cylinders and accessories in Francistown Kasane Airport stations. / Improved upper air operational network. / Upper air Observing stations established (Francistown & Kasane) by 2020
21. / Botswana / Provision of satellite imageries up to 1000E (priority) / Regular reception of Satellite imagery for the region East of Africa to 1000E (as sat data is sparse) for improved tracking and forecasting of TC / Reception facilities by 2018
22 / Botswana / Purchasing and installation of 4 weather Radar storm detection in Bokaa, Gantsi and Serowe & Maun ; with training packages on operating and maintenance of the weather radar. / Improved weather observations and early warning system on severe weather events and climate monitoring. / 4 weather radar are operational by 2020
23 / Botswana / Acquisition and installation of 8 Agrometeorological AWS in various parts of the country. / Increase the network of agrometeorological stations for improved forecasts for farmers / 8 Automatic Agrometeorological stations installed by 2020
24. / Mauritius / Provision and installation of a wind finding radar at Rodrigues Island / Upperwinds at Rodrigues contributes towards the improvement in monitoring and tracking of storms/cyclones / Installation of wind finding radar completed by 2020
Improved storm/cyclone track
25. / Mauritius / Provision and installation of upper-air station at Agalega / Upper winds at Agalega contributes towards monitoring of storms/cyclones / Installation of equipment by 2020
26. / Mauritius / Maintain radiosonde launch at Vacoas station 61995, Mauritius / Improved analysis of severe weather, including monitoring and tracking of storms/cyclones / Overall improvement in tropical cyclone track forecasting
28. / South Africa / Ensure that Mozambican radars (Beira and Xai-Xai) are available to SAWS forecasters (in accordance with existing, functional data-sharing agreement and MOU between SAWS and Mozambique) / Conditional to Xai-Xai and Beira radars successfully refurbished on site. No other challenges anticipated. Data flow has been fully operational in the past. / Refurbishment reports from Mozambique
29. / South Africa / Procure and install automatic weather stations (AWS) and automatic rain (gauge) stations (ARS) in various parts of eastern and north-eastern South Africa / Enhance existing network of observations. / Number of AWS / ARS weather stations installed.
AWS/ARS deployment plan.
30. / South Africa / Investigate feasibility (technical and financial) of resurrecting (re-starting) upper air soundings at Polokwane (68174), Limpopo
South Africa / Feasibility reports / Feasibility report/s and/or sounding data from 68174
31. / South Africa / Additional drifting buoys or DCP’s deployed in Mozambique channel and/or Durban East region of Metarea VII / Active support / servicing by SAWS to one or more of the following oceanographic projects/cruises / moored arrays:
RAMA / Monthly reports provided on status of drifting buoys. Data relating to specific drifting buoys can be supplied on a daily basis. Voyage reports of SA Agulhas II or other oceanographic research vessels
32. / South Africa / Maintain and continue to develop SAWS RSMC website for SWFDP
South Africa / An improved RSMC website to allow for a convenient and efficient means for fast access and visualisation of a variety of real time and near real time observational and NWP information for RA1 members collectively. A secure website that can be accessed only by those who are authorised. / URL for Pretoria RSMC website:
(login and password required)
33. / South Africa / Augment existing VOS (Voluntary Observing Ship) AWS installations and moorings within the SW Indian ocean domain. / Additional VOS AWS installations / Reports relating to new VOS installations. Data on moored buoys can be requested from the various PIs.
34. / Lesotho / Provision and installation of 8 Automatic Weather Stations at Maseru, Oxbow, Semongkong, Sani and Let’seng, Quthing and Qacha’s Nek and Mafeteng. / Improvement in monitoring, forecasting and tracking of storms/cyclones. / Installation Completed by 2014.
Improved storm/cyclone track.
35. / Lesotho / Provision and installation of upper-air station at Maseru (Moshoeshoe 1 International Airport). / Improved track forecasting and monitoring storms/cyclones. / Installation completed by 2015.
Improvement in tropical cyclone track forecasting.
36. / Lesotho / Installation of Software for the Utilization for Meteorological Outlook (SUMO) in Lesotho / Necessary for forecasting and monitoring severe weather events and tracking storms/cyclones. / Installation Completed by 2013.
Timely warnings issued.
37 / Madagascar / 1er. Installation of 01 weather radar / Enhance the watch and forecasting of rainfall and tropical cyclone. / 01 radar station is operational
38 / Madagascar / 2em. Assistance in the setting up of aeronautical observation stations / To have an ISO standard for the stations / stations at the airport to be normalised
39 / Madagascar / 3em. Establishment of an equipment maintenance laboratory / Well-maintained hydro-meteorological stations / Laboratory operational
40 / Madagascar / 4em. Acquisition and installation of river gauge, measuring instruments for hydrology and rainfall stations / Network of reliable observation for the forecast and the detection of floods, rainfall updated and determined / Reliable flood forecast for the protection of the population.
41 / Comoros / Acquisition of weather radar with training on using and maintenance
Sharing Mozambican channel data radars between countries / Watch heavy rainfall episodes.
Enhancing floods early warning system / Quantitative precipitation forecast
Data sharing system existing and operating
42. / Comoros / Acquisition and installation of 3 Marine meteorological buoys / Marine observation and marine weather forecast / Marine forecast available
43. / Comoros / Acquisition/Establishment of AW, AR and modern synoptic and climate Stations including for VOS / Improved network of observation and promote research / A good network of observation station
44. / Comoros / Establish hydrometric stations / For the forecasting of floods in the basin, monitoring of watercourses / Real-time water flow and height data
45. / Comoros / Establishment of coastal hydrological stations / Hydrological surveys of the oceans / Coastal Hydrology Data
46 / Comoros / Benefit from hydrometric formations / Service strengthening / Technical basis
47 / Comoros / Acquisition and installation of 10 automatics weather stations:5 AWS and 5 Agrometeorological AWS / Increase the network of observation stations for improved weather forecast and Agrometeorological forecast / A good network of observation station
48 / Comoros / Formations on Java programming and Big Data / Develop a platform to communicate with all Weather stations by integrating Arduino Electronic Modules. / Sharing of weather data with the Disaster Management
49 / Comoros / Acquisition and installation of 200 rainfall stations / Watch heavy rainfall episodes and rainfall distributions / Quantitative and distribution precipitation
50 / Comoros / Establish new synoptic and climate station / Support network of observation and promote research / A good network of observation station
51 / Comoros / Acquisition and installation of 5 air pollution Stations / For GHG inventory emissions / Accurate and precise GHG emissions
52 / Comoros / Have tools Calibration to calibrate our instruments. / More instruments will be calibrated / Reliable instrument and data measure
53 / Comoros / Wave riders and drifting buoys or DCP’s deployed between islands / Support network of observation and promote research / Information on sea state are available

2. Strategic Objective 2: Enhance dissemination of severe weather warnings and other weather information to the general public (TV weather service) as to mitigate hydrometeor disasters / Renforcer la diffusion des avertissements du temps violents et d'autres informations météorologiques auprès du grand public (service météorologique de la télévision) afin d'atténuer les catastrophes hydrométéores

S. No / Activities / Outcome / Key Performance Indicators
1. / Mauritius / Develop understanding with the Media on issuing of Early Warnings. / Improved awareness of weather including Severe Weather Warnings and climate issues / Early warning system operational
Improved coordination among stakeholders
2. / Mauritius / Provision of a media system (for e.g. MESSIR-MEDIA) for improved dissemination of weather information and weather warnings through TV stations / The population in the Republic of Mauritius are forewarned of severe weather associated with tropical storm/cyclone / Improved TV weather bulletin by 2020
3. / Mauritius / Capacity building in MESSIR-MEDIA / Fully trained personnel to produce quality graphics for TV weather / Increased audience for TV weather programme.
4. / Seychelles / Continue and develop public relations, especially outreach activities concerning disaster preparedness and with primary and secondary education. / Increased outreach activities / Improved disaster awareness
5. / Seychelles / A new website to replace the existing one which does not have the provision to update new services and products and therefore cannot meet the expectation of the users and public at large. / Improved access to information services for an expanding range of users / New website developed.
6. / Seychelles / Agree colour codes and warning protocols with partner organizations. / Colour codes use consistently across all organizations involved in disaster planning and response. / Colour codes agreed by all stakeholders and published
7. / Seychelles / Upgrade and improve TV weather presentation / Live presentation and in 3-D with improved weather graphics / TV weather presentation upgraded from analog to digital;
Live presentation instead of recorded
8. / Kenya / Construct RANET FM station buildings (Matungu and Nyando Resource Centre-Bunyore) / Improved awareness of weather and climate issues including extreme events disasters / Number of RANET stations set up