Members Present:Bill Rice, Dick Peterson, Scott Goodwin, Justin Bournoville, Aaron McCullough, Tracy Beckman

Staff/Guests Present: Lindsay Peterson, Amanda Nelson, Ann Hruska, Darcy Rutkowski, Casey Ford, Charlene Peterson, Ben Determan

Agenda: There were no additions or corrections to the agenda. Motion by Dick Peterson/Justin Bourneville to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried.

Minutes: The minutes of the August meeting were reviewed. Motion by Scott Goodwin/Aaron McCullough to approve. Motion Carried.

Grants/Treasurer’s Report: The report was given by Ann Hruska & Amanda Nelson. The balance in the undesignated fund remains unchanged from August at $340.47. Ann referred to the grant spreadsheet dated 9/30/16. She stated $96K is the approximate balance of the current grants under which 2016/2017 work will be completed. She explained because of the lateness of a recent reimbursement request, payroll was almost missed. She mentions so the Board of Directors are aware of the precarious nature of paying employees under grants. Dick Peterson/Scott Goodwin moved to approve the financial update. Motion Carried.

Action Teams: Lindsay explained that teams didn’t meet because of the busy summer season, however members did stay in touch. She is looking for volunteers for the Monitoring Team and the Organizational Development Team and will discuss this later in the meeting.

Project Updates/Reports: Lindsay gave the Coordinator’s update and explained how the summer season went. She went through the Boat Wash Grant/CBCW Grant/Phragmites Grant/Knotweed Grant. She explained deliverables have been met or are on track to be met without issue and has reach figures available. An award letter was received for the WMA Grant for the full $14,200 requested. An employee from Florence County LCD has been hired and has begun work on this grant and has been helping wrap up some work with the GLRI grants as well. An award letter has been received for the Strike Team II grant for the full $76K (for 2 years 2017/2018) requested. This grant will fund coordinator hours and a two-person crew to work with the USFS.

Old Business

a)Grant Proposals submitted - $162K has been requested in other grants for coordinator hours to work on the strategic management plan and other invasive species work. A full proposal was submitted for the Michigan Invasive Species Grant Program for a three year grant. If awarded, this will help off-set the 2-year funding cycle which is resulting in the current funding gap or limited funding. Lindsay said she is working on a fall newsletter, summer staff is done and she gave other updates. Lindsay will send out a list of upcoming events.

b)WRISC Summer Staff Exit Interview/Feedback – Lindsay listed the suggestions such as banners and brighter shirts. Staff also suggested better scheduling, more field work, a team leader and someone to show them how to work hands-on in the field. Everyone felt the group of workers were enthusiastic and want them back again.

c)UMISC –Lindsay explained she is not attending due to the amount of work left to wrap up the field season and upcoming grant reporting. However, Tracy Beckman and Scott Goodwin are attending and they can take brochures, etc. from WRISC and will report useful information at the next meeting after the conference.

New Business:

a)Conflict of Interest Policy – Members reviewed the proposed Conflict of Interest Policy. Aaron McCullough noted that ‘financial gain/loss’ has to be added to the ending as well. Tracy Beckman/Scott Goodwin moved to accept the policy with the proposed change mentioned above. Motion Carried.

b)Call for Action Team Members – Lindsay explained since Tracy Beckman and Brian Bousley have had to step down, more members are needed for Organizational Development Action Team to make the needed personnel policies. Scott Goodwin offered to join the Org Dev Team and Charlene Peterson offered to review documents the team has written. The team will meet in November.

c)It was noted that Tracy Beckman is stepping down from Action Teams but will finish her term as the Board Secretary.

Round Robin: Members took turns speaking about their organizations’ conservation projects within their areas. Dick Peterson thanked Amanda and Lindsay for what seems to be a smooth transition after Emily’s departure. Darcy reported that 750 acres of phragmites were treated this year under UP RC&D’s grants. She also reminded members to be on the lookout for Flowering Rush after recent discoveries. Dick Peterson said Spring Lake (which flows in to the Shakey Lakes chain) may have Reed Grass or Phragmites. Also, that the drawdown will be occurring October 25th and the lake will be drawn down 40” by November 10th. Justin Bournoville submitted a proposal to treat Wild Parsnip and Thistle for 18 miles of highway in Florence Co. and suggested a partnership with WRISC under the Strike Team Grant if the proposal is approved. Scott Goodwin mentioned that Florence County has a new boat landing that will need to be staffed by CBCW. Dick Peterson mentioned that Stoney Point (Menominee Co.) boat landing has been updated and is seeing a lot of activity. Florence County LCD – submitting spectrophotometer grant to Lumberjack RC&D. Aaron McCullough gave an update regarding Phragmites control where 62 acres were treated to preserve Piping Plover habitat.

Other Business: There was no other business discussed.

Next Meeting Date/Location: Wednesday, December 7th in Dickinson County at 10:00am. Lindsay will double check the location.

Future Agenda Items: Establishment of a Personnel Committee.

Adjourn: Dick Peterson/Justin Bourneville moved to adjourn at 11:15am. Motion Carried.

Submitted by Secretary Tracy Beckman on 10/5/2016
Edited by Interim Coordinator Lindsay Peterson on 10/13/2016