Chairman: D. MatthewsTreasurer: B. ChampionSecretary: L-A. Button

Apologies the minutes were taken by me Brian and I forgot to make a list of attendees !!!!

Apologies Lori-Anne Button,Christine Murphy.

Due to the presence of ...... (arranging ‘Puckle Ruck’) the meeting order was changed.

1)Puckle Ruck 6mile race.

This is almost completely ready to go entry forms ready to print, The race will start at Pucklechurch school at 12:00 the school being used for changing and secure store for runners kit. And finish on the rec. at the edge of the arena. It is estimated the race will end between 12:45 and 1:30 with some stragglers. The race was unanimously approved by the committee. The running club will provide timing gear jackets for marshals etc.

TO DO race licence in hand, use of school to be discussed with head today 27th February, Hire inflatable sign £50:00 for the day. £25 ;00 will be required to pay initial costs. There will also be a kids race (aprox 250yds) starting at 11:30 on the rec. Organised by the school. There will be an admission fee of £10.00 for the race including a tee-shirt or mug to be decided (Quote from prison tee-shirts around £5:00 or mugs £3.50 for 150), prizes or medals for top 3 men, women and veterans. The estimated entry is around 150 and flyers will be handed out at each race between now and the Revel . There will be a need for marshals and it was discussed about advertising for them in the Pucklechurch news and also for helpers on Revel Day.

2)Village Emergency planning committee

It was asked for and agreed that there would be a simulated scenario for an emergency involving local organisers, emergency services and the Pucklechurch Players. This would last aprox. 1 hour and be performed in the main arena it was unanimously agreed to include it in the programme of events.

3)Cider/Beer Festival

Apparently the beer festival committee needs ideas for bands as they have not yet got any. Also the committee was concerned about the fact that the member from the beer festival team has not been attending Revel meetings it was suggested that either a joint meeting is held or that the beer festival send someone else if Steve cannot attend.

4)Liability insurance for Revel day.

Brian to get quote by next meeting for 500/1000 attendees.

5)Bid to council for a grant

It was agreed to put in a bid for a PA system and for the Samba band. This bid needs to be submitted by 13th March.

6)Garage in Goldfinch Rd

Apparently Revel has use of a garage as a store in Goldfinch and this garage is in need of substantial repair. This was discussed and due to ownership issues it was decided to pursue the idea of purchasing an old shipping container for storage and finding somewhere central to store it.

7)Pucklechurch Revel signs

These will cost £20.00 to update and this was agreed.

8)Pucklechurch Community Association

9)The Affiliate fee for the Pucklechurch Community Association of £25.00 is due by 31st March, this was agreed.

10)Action Tracker

Fair man agreed plus ice cream

No radio or press interest so far

Elaine has offered to do the Poets corner and walk for health again

Marquee idea not financially viable

Futsol (Brazilian football school) not interested

Still to be agreed/checked

Copy of constitution

Pucklechurch has got talent

Great Pucklechurch bake off Judging etc

First aid it was agreed that radios were superfluous as everyone has mobile phones numbers needed still awaiting quote on liability insurance.

Timings/arrangements for set up on the day.

Assistants on the day and marshals it was agreed to advertise in the Pucklechurch news etc.

The next meeting was due to be 26th March but several members cannot make this Lori Anne has suggested 19th March in the Rose and Crown.