Members’ Briefing

4 November 2010

The Members’ Briefing is an in-house document produced for Members of the Court of Common Council by the Public Relations Office, Town Clerk’s Department, PO Box 270GuildhallEC2P 2EJ.

A copy is placed on the Intranet for staff and a version is sent to Clerks of the Livery Companies for their members.

Members who would like to receive the Members’ Briefing via electronic mail should contact Sophie Galasinski at Members will usually receive the Briefing sooner via electronic mail than through the post. The new layout of the Members’ Briefing increases functionality if viewed in an electronic format.

Please contact the relevant officer with any questions about individual entries. For general comments on the Briefing, contact its editor, Sophie Galasinski, 020 73321739 or via e-mail at . Comments are particularly welcome on the new format and any further changes which could usefully be made.


Lord Mayor

Values and Ethics Conference

Visit to Brazil, Colombia and Mexico

Dragon Awards

Chief Commoner

Policy Chairman

City of London Annual Brussels Reception

Chairman of Policy visit to Frankfurt

Lunch with Hon Christine Whitman

Damian Green Breakfast


Replacement works in the Guildhall area

Corporate Plan Members Consultation Meeting

The London Fire Brigade’s Union Strike

City Briefing

Abridged telephone directory

LAA reward funding

Queenthithe Aldermanic election

Aldermanic vacancies

Annual canvass

Loadingand UnloadingReview, City of London


Board of Governors for the City of London School for Girls

Epping Forest and Commons Committee

Police Committee Dinner

Parliamentary and Legislative development


London Transport Investment

Party Conferences activity 2010


Catherine Ennis: 25th Anniversary as the Organist at St Lawrence Jewry Church

Dinner on the occasion of theCommonwealth Economic Partnerships Forum in London

Lecture and Reception to Mark the 350th Anniversary of the Royal Society

Lloyd’s International Regulators Reception

25th anniversary of the British German Forum

London Councils Youth Aspirations Conference

Achievement in Learning and Development Awards

Private events



Open Spaces

Community Services

Environmental Services

Police and Security



Museum ofLondon



Guildhall School of Music and Drama

London Symphony Orchestra

Gresham College

What did 18th Century men want?

Published reports

Publication of new research examining the predictability and competitiveness of the UK’s taxation of financial services

New research published on the International Capital Raising in Emerging Markets

Forthcoming events

White Ribbon Day 2010

City in thenews




Lord Mayor

Values and Ethics Conference

On 4th October the Lord Mayor hosted a high level conference in the Egyptian Hall to discuss how a culture of the right values and ethics could be embedded throughout the City. The Lord Mayor gave the opening address and speeches were also given by Marcus Agius, Chairman of Barclays and Hector Sants, the Chief Executive of the Financial Services Authority. Delegates also discussed in groups how to take forward the issues set out in the speeches.

In his speech the Lord Mayor stressed the important role the City played in serving the economy and the public. He pointed to lapses in the past, but set out how the culture of the City had changed. He called for an open, public debate, in which the City should be pleased to participate, because the City offered so much to the nation. He counselled caution against over-regulation by the Government. It was for the City to show that it could act with probity and integrity. That was how trust would be restored.

Contact – Hugo Deadman ext. 2603

The Lord Mayor's 'Ethics and Values Conference' (4 October) received widespread media coverage in the national press. Financial Times, The Independent, The Guardian, The Daily Mail, and City A.M. all published substantive articles based on the debates held at Mansion House.

Contact Sanjay Odedra ext. 1835

Visit to Brazil, Colombia and Mexico

The Lord Mayor led a successful 10 day visit to Mexico, Colombia and Brazil between 9th and 19th October.

Mexico has a growing importance as a trade partner for the UK. This visit highlighted London as a centre for expertise and liquidity for raising capital, its specialist skills in Public Private Partnership and carbon markets and promoted the value of listing on the Stock Exchange. It also promoted further strengthening of links in legal services and London’s role as a centre for arbitration. Above all, the Lord Mayor sought to build bilateral investment and trade relations.

Meetings were held with President Calderon, the Finance Minister, Central Bank Governors and discussions took place with a range of existing and potential inward investors. The Lord Mayor also addressed well attended events on carbon markets, capital markets and Public Private Partnerships.

This was the first visit to Colombiaby a Lord Mayor’s delegation for 15 years. Meetings were held with President Santos and other government figures. There are an increasing number of UK investors in Colombia and the Lord Mayor supported them through setting out the skills and expertise on offer in the City.

The Lord Mayor’s visit to Brazilsought to build on the existing sound trade relationship with Brazil. In Rio the delegation found major investment opportunities in public infrastructure and the private sector, especially oil and gas. The delegation met the President of the Brazil National Bank and the Rio Governor.

In Sao Paulo the Lord Mayor spoke at events hosted by HSBC and the Sao Paulo Stock Exchange and called upon professional bodies.

Lord Mayor’s overseas visits now take up over 90 days of a mayoral year. They are an increasingly important part of the City’s efforts to sell its unique brand and expertise across the world, particularly in the face of competition from the emerging markets.

Contact – Hugo Deadman ext. 2603

The Lord Mayor’s visit to South America gained widespread media coverage in Mexico, Colombia and Brazil, including in El Economista, La Cronica, Revista Fator, La Republica, Portafolio and RCN Radio. The coverage also included a major op-ed piece by the Lord Mayor in the Brazilian publication Valor Economico.

Contact -Greg Williams ext. 1455

Dragon Awards

On 20th October the Lord Mayor hosted the annual Dragon Awards, presenting coveted dragons to different City institutions for their work for the community.

In his speech the Lord Mayor reminded the audience that the ethics and values of the City were about more than serving clients well, but were also about service to the community, especially those in need. The seriousness with which the City took its corporate responsibilities was not perhaps given the prominence it merited; five of the leading City banks alone, for instance, gave back community investment worth around £270million a year.

Over 300 guests attended the event, representing business, community organisations and local authorities from across Greater London.

The award winners were: Allen & Overy LLP (Education Award), London City Airport (Economic Regeneration Award), Taylor Bennett (Social Inclusion Award), London Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Heart of the City Award), Nomura (Heart of the City Award), Ernst & Young (Lord Mayor's Award) and Hidden Art – in partnership with UBS (Community Partners Award).

More information about the evening and the winners can be found online at:

Contact - Anish Shah ext. 3608

The Daily Telegraph (25 October) featured a letter from the Lord Mayor on corporate social responsibility in the financial and professional services industry, which highlighted the important role of the Dragon Awards.

Contact - Greg Williams ext. 1455

The Guardian (6 October) published a letter from the Lord Mayor welcoming the Government’s commitment to investing in transport infrastructure and expressing a hope that this would extend to both Crossrail and the London Underground Network.

Contact - James Abbott ext. 1754

The Independent (6 and 19 October) published two letters from the Lord Mayor on the subject of bank bonuses. The newspaper also ran a major profile piece (14 October) in which he defended the financial services industry and highlighted the City's efforts when it comes to corporate social responsibility ahead of the Dragon Awards presentation ceremony.

Contact - James Abbott ext. 1754

India’s Economic Times (6 October) carried an op-ed piece from the Lord Mayor about the importance of the UK having an immigration system which welcomes skilled workers from overseas. Hindu Business Line (27 October) also carried an op-ed which talked about building further links with India and encouraging Indian banks and law firms to come and set up businesses in London.

Contact Susanna Howard ext. 3450




Chief Commoner

As Members are aware, Deputy Robin Sherlock was hospitalised until recently and is now recovering from heart surgery. Whilst his recovery is proceeding well and he has every intention of resuming his duties as Chief Commoner shortly, those duties are being covered for the time being by the Deputy Chairman of the City Lands & Bridge House Estates Committee (Deputy Richard Regan) and the immediate past Chief Commoner (Deputy Bill Fraser) as appropriate.

Essentially, the Deputy Chairman will stand in for the Chief Commoner on most occasions (e.g. Committee and Court meetings). However, there are some situations (e.g. Common Hall) where it is more appropriate for the immediate past Chief Commoner to step into the breach. Beyond that, there may be issues (e.g. privileges matters) where, if they arise, a ‘double act’ is most appropriate and where in normal circumstances the Chief and Deputy Chairman would have acted together these should fall to the Deputy Chairman and the immediate past Chief Commoner.

There has been full consultation with the Chief Commoner on this matter, and with Deputy Regan and Deputy Fraser as regards the arrangements and they are in complete agreement as to their respective roles in deputising for the Chief at this time.

Contact - David Milnes ext. 1410



Policy Chairman


City of London Annual Brussels Reception

The Policy Chairman made a visit to Brusselson 25 October to host the sixth City of London Brussels reception. The event, which has become an established part of the autumn calendar in Brussels, was well attended and saw a speech delivered by Sharon Bowles MEP, Chairwoman of the European Parliament’s Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee, on the subject of EU supervision. The reception was followed by a policy dinner, attended by three MEPs and senior Commission officials, together with senior City of London practitioners.

Contact - Corinna Weddige 00 32 2 282 8455 (Brussels)

Chairman of Policy visit to Frankfurt

The Policy Chairman, along with the two International Regulatory Strategy Group members Elizabeth Corley (CEO, Allianz Global Investors Europe) and Sean McGovern (Head of Legal, Lloyd’s insurance) took part in a visit to Frankfurt on 14 and 15 October.

The City of London delegation met with Gertrude Tumpel-Gugerell (European Central Bank, Member of the Executive Board) in order to establish a more regular dialogue with the ECB, given its increasing involvement in the area of financial supervision. A lunch was organized by Morgan Stanley Germany for the City of London delegation and German practitioners which provided a very useful insight into the current concerns of the German financial services industry, including the German government’s proposal on executive pay and the difficult issue of the Landesbanken (state banks).

The Chairman was also able to provide the group with a brief overview of the foundation of TheCityUK and its relationship with the City of London Corporation.

The last meeting was with Carlos Montalvo, the Secretary General of the Committee of European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Supervisors (CEIOPS). The meeting was set up as the City of London is keen to establish a more regular dialogue with CEIOPS, given its new powers in the area of EU financial supervision. Mr Montalvo set out the changes envisaged within CEIOPS after the transformation period.

Contact - Corinna Weddige 00 32 2 282 8455 (Brussels)

Lunch with Hon Christine Whitman

On 30th September, the Policy Chairman hosted a lunch with Hon Christine Todd Whitman, the former Administrator of the United States' Environmental Protection Agency and Governor of New Jersey. Other guests attending the lunch included the Director General of the World Petroleum Council and the Chief Executive of Climate Exchange plc.

Contact - Adam Maddock ext. 1771

Damian Green Breakfast

On 21st October the Policy Chairman hosted a breakfast where the guest of honour was the Immigration Minister Damian Green. The breakfast gave representatives of key City Firms the opportunity to discuss the Government's proposals for immigration and how the impact on City Firms could potentially be lessened. Firms represented at the breakfast included JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley and Clifford Chance.

Contact - Adam Maddock ext. 1771

The Policy Chairman was interviewed on BBC Radio 4’s PM show (25 October) in response to Prime Minister David Cameron’s speech at the CBI Conference. He talked about the importance of financial services to the UK’s economic growth.

Contact - James Abbott ext. 1754

The Daily Telegraph (7 October) featured a letter from the Policy Chairman emphasising the need to promote diversity within the economy and highlighting the important role the financial services industry will play in any future economic growth.

Contact - James Abbott ext. 1754

Financial Times, The Daily Telegraph, City A.M. and Agence France-Presse (15 October) reported on a new City of London report examining how the fiscal regime has affected the perceived competitiveness of the UK financial services industry, which quoted the Policy Chairman.

Contact - James Abbott ext. 1754

Financial Times (5 October)published a letter from the Policy Chairman responding to Chancellor George Osborne’s speech at the Conservative Party Conference, emphasising that “it is not the City that should slow; it is other sectors that must grow”.

Contact - James Abbott ext. 1754

The Policy Chairman was interviewed by ITV London News (28 September) for a segment on potential plans to put up temporary covers on Tower Bridge during renovation work, that could feature logos of Olympic sponsors.

Contact - James Abbott ext. 1754

The Evening Standard (18 October) carried a letter from the Policy Chairman in response to an article entitled the ‘Ring of Steel’. In it he writes that the City must keep its existing security measures, and that they are “vital in safeguarding the City”.

Contact - Fiona Milligan ext. 3451




Member Information

Thames Water Victorian Mains Replacement works in the Guildhall area

Thames Water will soon be undertaking works to replace some of the City’s oldest and leakiest water mains, in the streets surrounding the Guildhall.

The works are essential to replace the City’s dilapidated water mains, (some of which are over 150 years old and half are over 100 years old), and will save over 17million litres of water per day, and significantly reduced the number of burst water mains.

Staff from the City Corporation’s Highways Division in the Department of Environmental Services, are working closely with Thames Water and their contractor Clancy Docwra to ensure that any local disruption to businesses and traffic is kept to a minimum. Thames Water will also send letters to all occupiers giving prior notice of all works to be undertaken on their particular street.

The streets near to the Guildhall are proposed to be completed by 31/07/2011. More information regarding the dates during which specific streets will be affected are available on request. Please note that all proposed start and finish dates are subject to change.

Contact - Steven Bage ext. 1910

Corporate Plan Members Consultation Meeting

On 13th October, the Deputy Chairman of the Policy & Resources Committee hosted an informal Member consultation meeting to begin the review of the Corporate Plan for 2011-15. The meeting was attended by 33 Members and broad agreement was reached with regard to the Strategic Aims of the City Corporation and the Key Policy Priorities for 2011-15. In brief, feedback from the discussions indicated broad agreement to retaining the existing three Strategic Aims (with minor rewording), and identified five areas of work which Members considered to be priority areas for the coming four years.

Should any Member wish to receive a note of this meeting please contact Joanne Crawley on 020 7332 1275 or