JUF’s Lawyers Division Mentoring Program

We are pleased to introduce the Jewish United Fund’s Lawyers Division Mentoring Program. The Mentoring program aims to connect Jewish attorneys with more senior Jewish attorneys practicing in the public and private sectors in the Chicago Metropolitan area. This program is modeled after the highly successful JUF Lawyer-Law Student Mentoring Program, which is currently in its second year.

As a mentee in the mentoring program, you will be paired with a more experienced attorney who we hope will meet your mentoring needs. Mentor pairings will be made late summer, after which the mentoring program will be inaugurated with a kickoff event. From that point forward it is up to you and your mentor to maintain the relationship. Please note that this program is not meant to be a job placement service and a mentor is not guaranteed. Participation is based on availability.

Requirements to qualify to be a mentee:

§  You must complete the attached application

§  You must participate on some level in a JUF organized group (i.e., YLG, YLD, TOV, Lawyer’s Division Dinner Committee)

§  You must make a minimum gift of $180 to JUF’s 2009 Annual Campaign

§  You must be willing to become a mentor for a law student in our Lawyer/Law Student Mentoring Program

Please contact Tovah Domenick, Division Director, at (312) 357-4836 or with questions.

JUF’s Lawyers Division Mentoring Program

Mentee Application

Please complete this application to be considered for the mentoring program. Participation is based on availability and a mentor is not guaranteed.






Current Area of Practice/Specialty:

Years Practicing Law:

JUF Involvement:

Other Civic Involvement:

What law specialties are you interested in?

What are you looking for in a mentor?

Return application to Tovah Domenick by July 31st by faxing to (312) 553-5475 or email to .