Call for tender by open procedure № 2009CE160AT047

"Demographic and migration trends in the outermost regions: impact on economic, social and territorial cohesion"


The model service contract refers to Article I.3.3 where specific per diem rates should be indicated which are applicable to this contract.

However, the mentioned article does not exist in this model contract and thus we would like to ask which daily subsistence allowances are applicable for the outermost regions.

According to points 13 and 14 of the Tender specifications, the price for this contract is a flat-rate all inclusive. The daily subsistence allowances are not reimbursable apart, but these expenses must be included in the price quoted. Therefore, the model contract for the specific procurement does not include Article I.3.3 which is to be used only in case the Commission reimburses travel, accommodation,etc... expenses apart.

As a matter of general information, attached you will find the standard Commission Rules on daily subsistence allowances as mentioned in Commission Decision C(2008)6215 of 18/11/2008.


At point I.1) it is mentioned that further specifications and additional documents (including documents for competitive dialogue and a dynamic purchasing system)could be obtained from DG Regional Policy, Unit B2, and for this purpose we should contact you directly. Are further documents related to these tender available?


Point I. 1) and the mention you refer to:"Specifications and additional documents (including documents for competitive dialogue and a dynamic purchasing system) can be obtained at: As in above-mentioned contact point(s)" is a standard text of the Contract Notice, which we cannot change.

All the documents related to this call for tenders are published on the Inforegio website. There is no additional document.

Point IV. 1.1) specifies the type of procedure (open). Hence, there are no documents related either to competitive dialogue or dynamic purchasing system.

However, please note that the model contract has suffered a small change in Article I.3.1. You'll find the changed contract on the website.


A solemn declaration (annex III) is needed for every agent we plan to subcontract or is it enough with the contractor’s solemn declaration?


According to point III 2 C of the Contract notice and 17 C of the TenderSpecifications, the exclusion criteria have to be fulfilled by every economic operator involved in the tender. Therefore, a declaration on honour has to be provided by each economic operator involved in the tender when presenting the offer, in line with the requirements referred to in the Tender Specifications.