Member Name:

Member Name: Date of Birth:

Outpatient Agency: Outpatient CM:

Outpatient CM: email address:______Outpatient CM Phone #: ______

OOH Provider Agency: OOH Type: ☐BHRF ☐BHSH ☐HCTC

Name of specific home/facility: ______

Date of Admission: ______LCD:______Review Period:

OOH Agency Reviewer: ______Phone #:______

OOH Agency Reviewer email address: ______

Clinical Update:

  1. What are the current target symptoms/behaviors being addressed in this level of care?
  1. List each observable, measurable ISP goal being addressed and progress toward its completion. If there are more goals, please list each one and describe the progress and/or attach current Service Plan.

Goal #1:
Goal #2:
Goal #3:
  1. What is the member’s current level of functioning? If not documented above, include information on sleep and eating habits, ADLs, interpersonal interactions, school and/or work performance.
  1. What interventions [not services] were used during this reporting period to address the current target symptoms and accomplish the above goals?
  1. What family involvement occurred during this reporting period? If no family involvement, explain why not.
  1. What were the dates and outcomes of clinical team meetings during this reporting period? Please attach most recent CFT/ART notes.
  1. Current Diagnoses: Please attach most recent Psychiatric Note or Evaluation

Psychiatric Diagnoses:
Medical Diagnoses:
  1. What are the member’s current medications? Please attach most recent medication sheet/MARS.

Psychotropic Medications with Directions / Medical Medications with Directions

Discharge Planning Update:

  1. What is the targeted level of functioning for the member to be considered ready for discharge? This must be in observable, measurable terms.Please attach most recent discharge plan.
  1. How does the member’s current level of functioning prevent him/her from returning to the community with outpatient services and supports?
  1. How many more days of service are being requested to reach the targeted level of functioning?
  1. What is the specific discharge plan? Include the specific living arrangement as well as

the planned outpatient services and supports and their frequency after discharge.

  1. Are there any barriers to implementing the discharge plan at this time? If yes, list the specific barrier(s) and outline the intervention(s) planned to remove it/them.

Revised 12/3/2015 Page 1 of 2

PMF 3.17.6