2205 Victoria Ave, Regina, SaskatchewanS4P 0S4

Phone (306) 780-9245Fax (306) 780-9242

Email:eb Site:



Greetings from the Chairperson:

Skate Canada-Saskatchewan has had a busy fall.

At the end of September the annual SGI CanadaSask Skate / Sask Open competition was held in Saskatoon. There were 160 more entries than last year, and competitors traveled from British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, Central Ontario, Northern Ontario and Saskatchewan. It was a very busy and successful weekend.

October 20th – 21st was the annual Club Development Seminar in Humboldt. One hundred and fifty registrants were able to choose from seminars for those in club executive positions, training for officials, while skaters enjoyed the CanSkate Leadership or Its Awesome to be a STARSkater seminar. We were very pleased that Lynda Thompson from Skate Canada was able to attend this year and offer her ideas and expertise as CanSkate coordinator from her club in Hamilton. One of the seminars addressed the Regional Restructuring happening in the province. Information will be forwarded to clubs in the future about this, with the Spring 2008 Regional meetings being held under the new regional restructuring. If you have any questions please contact your regional coordinator or the Section Office.

This year the 2008 BMO Skate Canada Sectionals - Saskatchewan will be hosted by Moose Jaw SC on November 2nd – 4th, 2007. To all the competitors, I extend best wishes for personal success. To the coaches who have put in countless hours of preparation for your skater to be at this competition and other competitions through out the year---thank you. To the officials, thank you for your commitment to these very busy weekends. To the parents who do everything possible to have their skaters where they should be---thank you. To the volunteers who ensure that all of our events are a success---thank you.

Have a great skating season.


2008 SaskEnergy STARSkate Championships

Qualifying Tests

The initial information and test requirements from Skate Canada for STARSkate indicated that there would be required Free Skate test for the Triathlon events. Skate Canada has since the received some very valid concerns presented to them regarding these test qualifications changes. Such examples include programs already created, Sectionals holding these events at competitions other than the Section STARSkate event, and skater’s inability to pass tests by the November 15th test deadline.

Continued on next page 

 Inside:

- “Let’s Dance” Seminar Announcement

- SaskEnergy Pre-Competitive STARSkate Announcement

- “All Male” Seminar Announcement

Clubs Only:

- Achievement Awards Package

- Evaluators / Judges’ List

- 2008 Bursary Road Show Announcement

- Coaching Fee Survey

- 2008 SaskEnergy STARSkate Championships Announcement

A decision has been passed that the implementation of these new qualifications for the Triathlon events as previously communicated will now take place July 1st, 2008.

For the 2007/2008 skating season. The test qualifications for the Triathlon events are as follows:

Bronze Triathlon

TEST: Must have passed at least two (2) of the following tests: Junior Silver Free Skate test and / or Junior Silver Skating Skills test, and / or Bronze Interpretive Test.

Silver Triathlon

TEST: Must have passed at least two (2) of the following tests: Senior Silver Free Skate test, and / or Senior Silver Skating Skills, and / or Silver Interpretive Test.

Gold Triathlon

TEST: Must have passed at least two (2) of the following tests: Gold Free Skate test, and / or Gold Skating Skills test and / or Gold Interpretive test.

Please find enclosed the 2008 SaskEnergy STARSkate Championships Announcement. A copy is also available online at under Events and Competitions.

Competitive Test Standard Restructuring to CPC

Taken from “Competitive Test Restructuring to CPC: A Basic “How to” for Test Judges.

With the widespread success and use of the Cumulative Points Calculation (CPP) system for competitive events, the need to revise the Skate Canada Competitive Test Standards has become clear. The primary goal of this restructuring is to align the competitive test standards to the existing standards applied in competitions.

After extensive development and analysis, a revised set of standards are now in place for all competitive tests. The updated test standards are closed linked to the current well balanced program requirements and care has been taken to avoid imposing new or different standards.

The implementation of the new standards required revisions to the test tests and testing methods. As you will see, the new sheets are easy to use, provide a greater level of feedback to the skater and more closely match the type of assessment taking place in competition.

As with the previous system, there are two (2) different ways of taking tests, in a competition setting and at a test day. Each method arrives at the final result in a slightly different way.

Tests taken in Competition

A separate panel of judges for competitive testing during competitions is no longer needed. Now, the results generated by the panel on the event are used to calculate test results. The skaters completes thief competition free program. At the completion of the performance, the Data Specialist signals the computer to calculate and print the test results.

For each level there is a minimum technical score, skating skills score, total competition score and mandatory technical requirements (e.g. meeting the double Axel or triple jump requirement at the Junior level) needed to pass the test. If all requirements are met, the result is a pass. If one or more requirements are not met, the result is a retry.

The total passing score was developed by creating theoretical programs based on the minimum acceptable standard for the given level of competition. The passing standards are based on skaters performing elements with good quality, meaning that fifty (50) percent or more of their elements should be at a zero (0) Grade of Execution or higher. A minimum technical score is also required to pass the tests ensuring that program component scores cannot be used to bring the total competition score above the standard in cases where the technical elements are lacking.

The Pre-Novice dance test is currently the only competitive test that cannot be taken within the competition setting.

Continued on next page.

Tests taken outside of Competition at a Test Day

Tests will be evaluated by a panel of three (3) judges, with a pass from two (2) of the three (3) judges needed for the test to pass. Tests outside of competitions are evaluated on the quality of the elements executed as well as the five (5) program components scores. There are minimum passing requirements for GOE and program component scores along with mandatory technical elements. This can be found in section 5000 of the Skate Canada Rule Book.

More information can be found on-line at Members Only under Technical and Program Information / Tests Sheets.

All Male Seminar

Saturday, January 5th, 2008

Whitewood, Saskatchewan

Cost:$45.00 (includes lunch and a special activity)

Additional seminar fee for “Let’s Dance - $25.00

Application Deadline:December 14th, 2007

Applications have been enclosed for your convenience or available on-line at under Events.

SaskEnergy Pre-Competitive STARSkate Seminar

Saturday, January 5th, 2008

Whitewood, Saskatchewan

Cost:$45.00 (includes a manual, all snacks & lunch)

Additional seminar fee “Let’s Dance” - $25.00

Application Deadline:December 14th, 2007

Applications have been enclosed for your convenience or available on-line at under Events.

“Let’s Dance” Seminar

Sunday, January 6th, 2008

Whitewood, Saskatchewan

Cost:$45.00(includes lunch)

Additional Seminar Fee for All Male Seminar OR SaskEnergy Pre-Competitive Seminar - $25.00

Application Deadline:December 14th, 2008

Applications have been enclosed for your convenience or available on-line at under Events.

2008 Bursary Road

Skate Canada – Saskatchewan Skater Development Committee is now accepting Bid to Hosts for the 2008 Bursary Road Show.

Available dates:

Saturday, March 1st, 2008

Sunday, March 2nd, 2008

Monday, March 3rd, 2008

Tuesday, March 4th, 2008

Bid to Hosts are due December 17th, 2007.

For more information please see the enclosed information. Information is also available on-line at under News.

Have You Heard the News????

Skate Canada will be holding the 2008 Annual Convention and General Meeting (ACGM) in Regina on May 29th – 31st, 2008.

Watch your January / February mail for more details.

Skate Canada – Saskatchewan would like to encourage all clubs to attend. Remember if you can not attend please forward your proxy to the Section Office. Wouldn’t it be great to have representation for all of our clubs?

If your club attended the 2007 Club Development Seminar in Humboldt, you will be entered to win a 2008 ACGM Delegate Package. The prize package will include: two (2) nights accommodation, convention opening, workshops, AGM, Awards Gala and Section Hospitality Evening.

If you did not attend Club Development, your club still has two (2) more opportunities to be entered – attend the Spring Regional Meeting and the Skate Canada – Saskatchewan AGM (April 26th in Saskatoon).

The more you attend the more times your club will be entered. The draw will be made at the 2008 Skate Canada – Saskatchewan AGM April 26th in Saskatoon.

2007/2008 Skaters’ Lottery

Is your club interested in participating in the 2007/2008 Skaters’ Lottery program? Ticket books are still available.

For more information please contact the Skate Canada – Saskatchewan office at (306) 780-9245 or email .

Office Closure

Please note the Skate Canada – Saskatchewan Office in Regina will be closed the following dates (subject to change):

Nov 2nd – BMO Skate Canada Sectionals in Moose Jaw

Nov 9th – Office Closed (Holiday)

Nov 12th – In Lieu of Remembrance Day

Nov 23rd– EDO

Dec 21st & 24th – EDO

Dec 25th – Christmas Day

Dec 26th – Boxing Day

Dec 27th – 31st – EDO

Jan 1st – New Year’s Day


Carnivals, Achievement Days, Invitational Competitions, Exhibition skates are Hockey games, etc must be sanction. Sanctions are available on-line at

Be sure to check the web site ( for upcoming NCCP Courses, Seminars and other news.

Don’t forget to change the club mailing address with both Skate Canada and Skate Canada – Saskatchewan. Mail continues throughout the summer

Be sure to check the Skate Canada Members Only Login for information for the upcoming skating season.

Is your club holding a CanSkate Fun Festival? Have you applied for a sanction??

Fast Approaching Deadlines!!

November 30th – MAP Grant Spending Plans

December 14th - SaskEnergy STARSkate Championships entry deadline

December 14th – All Male Seminar application deadline

December 14th – SaskEnergy Pre-Competitive Seminar application deadline

December 14th – “Let’s Dance” Seminar application deadline

December 17th – Bid to Hosts 2008 Bursary Road Show

Coming Soon!!!!

2008 Jean Norman Competition Announcement

2008/2009 Skate Canada – Saskatchewan Board of Directors Nomination Forms


Calendar of Events

Subject to Changes

Nov 1 – 4HomeSense Skate Canada InternationalQuebec City

Nov 2 – 42008 BMO Skate Canada SectionalsMoose Jaw

Nov 9 – 11NCCP Level 1 Technical Phase 1Saskatoon

Nov 9Office Closed (Holiday)

Nov 12Office Closed (In Lieu of Remembrance Day)

Nov 23Office Closed (EDO)

Nov 30MAP Grant Spending Plans DUE

Dec 5 – 9BMO Skate Canada Western ChallengeMississauga

Dec 21 – Jan 1Office Closed

Jan 5All Male SeminarWhitewood

Jan 5Pre-Competitive SeminarWhitewood

Jan 6Let’s Dance SeminarWhitewood

Jan 11 – 12Section Board of Directors’ MeetingRegina

Jan 16 – 20BMO Canadian Figure Skating ChampionshipsVancouver

Jan 18 – 19Region 13 Invitational CompetitionWynyard

Jan 19Region 8 Invitational CompetitionMelville

Jan 19Region 12 Invitational CompetitionCanora

Jan 19 – 20Region 1 Invitational CompetitionRedvers

Jan 19 – 20Region 11 Invitational CompetitionRosetown

Jan 24 – 27SaskEnergy STARSkate ChampionshipsYorkton

Jan 26CanSkate Fun FestivalGrenfell

Jan 30 – Feb 2BMO Skate Canada Junior NationalsOttawa

Feb 2 – 3Weyburn First (Region 2) Invitational CompetitionWeyburn

Feb 2 – 3Region 10 Invitational CompetitionWarman

Feb 2 – 3 Region 16 Invitational CompetitionHudson Bay

Feb 2 – 3Region 17 Invitational CompetitionSpiritwood

Feb 9Region 5 Invitational CompetitionWhitewood

Feb 9Region 15 Invitational CompetitionEdam

Feb 9Synchronized Skating CompetitionLloydminster

Feb 9 – 10Region 4 Invitational CompetitionSwift Current

Feb 16Region 9 Invitational CompetitionBalcarres

Feb 16 – 17Region 3 Invitational CompetitionMossbank

Feb 18Office Closed (Family Day)

Feb 28 – Mar 2BMO Skate Canada Synchro ChampionshipsChilliwack

Feb 28 – Mar 2Jean Norman CompetitionSaskatoon

Mar 1MAP Grant Follow Ups DUE

Mar 1Skaters’ Lottery tickets & monies DUE

Mar 8 – 9Region 18 Invitational CompetitionParadise Hill

Mar 14 – 15Section Board of Directors’ MeetingSaskatoon

Mar 16Denyse Hoult Fun FestivalRegina

Mar 21 – 24Office Closed (Easter)

Mar 28Nominations for the Section Board of Directors’ CLOSE

April 2 – 6National HomeSense STARSkate ChampionshipsBrampton

April 25Section Board of Directors’ MeetingSaskatoon

April 26Skate Canada – Saskatchewan Annual General MeetingSaskatoon

April 26Skaters’ Lottery DrawSaskatoon

April 26Awards DinnerSaskatoon

April 27Section Board of Directors’ MeetingSaskatoon

May 29 – 31Skate Canada Annual Convention & General MeetingRegina
