French (MFL) 2014-2015
KS2 Long Term Plan
The teaching of a foreign language is to be made statutory for KS2, from September 2014. At St Basil’s, we will be teaching French.
Meeting the requirements of the new POS
- Teaching of a foreign language should allow pupils in KS2, to make substantive progress in 1 language.
- Progress needs to be shown in the four skills of listening and responding, speaking, reading and writing.
- The development of the knowledge of grammar in the foreign language is seen as important, with an awareness of phonology and vocabulary.
- Laying foundations for transition into KS3 and of further foreign language teaching.
The four skills of listening and responding, speaking, reading and writing, will be accessed in a variety of ways:
- Listen attentively to spoken language and how understanding by joining in and responding.
- Explore the patterns and sounds of language through songs and rhymes and link the spelling, sound and meaning of words.
- Engage in conversations; ask and answer questions; express opinions and respond to those of others; seek clarification and help.
- Speak in sentences, using familiar vocabulary, phrases and basic language structures.
- Develop accurate pronunciation and intonation so that others understand when they are reading aloud or using familiar words and phrases.
- Present ideas and information orally to a range of audiences.
- Read carefully and show understanding of words, phrases and simple writing.
- Appreciate stories, songs, poems and rhymes in the language.
- Broaden their vocabulary and develop their ability to understand new words that are introduced into familiar written material, including through using a dictionary.
- Write phrases from memory, and adapt these to create new sentences, to express ideas clearly.
- Describe people, places, things and actions orally and in writing.
St Basil’s is now a member of the Janet Lloyd Primary Languages Network. Membership of this network gives us access to a comprehensive KS2 Scheme of work, meeting all the requirements of the new POS, as stated above.
In the first year of roll out, it is advised that all four year groups will be following the Y3 SoW. This contains key vocabulary and grammar, which will help build a firm foundation for later language learning. In the second year of roll out, it is likely that Y4, Y5 and Y6 will follow Y4 SoW and so on, therefore taking up to four years to complete the roll out of the language programme. This timetable may change as we move through the scheme and learning is accelerated. Y6 will also need to be build on knowledge and skills developed by French teaching from previous years.