ILT Meeting


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Meeting starts 6:00pm – Ends at 9:00pm

Collins Harper OrabonaYrarrazaval

Gabaldon Pedroza RuffValdez

LeePederson RozemaSwanson

Oberreuter TerwilligerCortezSilva


  1. Staff Development –
  2. Professional Development update in August
  3. Cannot flex our days
  4. Aug. 22nd all Sp. Ed. teachers will be pulled out for training
  5. Next steps?
  6. Pivot Learning Partners
  7. Discussion Norms
  8. Respect each other
  9. Don’t talk over others
  10. Focus on Solutions
  11. What is working well?
  12. Peer AVID- inquire more asking questions, higher level questioning
  13. Cornell Note style seen more
  14. Classroom engagement styles- Mr. Pedroza’s class
  15. Well behave students in most classrooms
  16. 9th grade activities
  17. Social studies department moving in right direction, departments now working together, creating cross over, unified plan for students that are failing
  18. 9th grade academics- more communication amongst teachers, mastery learning in 9th grade, bell to bell engagement
  19. Active intervention, Collaborating more with each other, shared strategies and ideas
  20. CST scores gone up

10.Structure in plan for planning

11. After school programs

12. PBIS- being positive, meet and greet, respect

13. Special Ed.- Department chair for Social Science has great involvement, communication a lot better,

14. Discipline Matrix- staff exposed to it, staff developed it and voted

15. Good Communication with staff

16. Passion of teachers and staff to make positive changes for Valley

17. Freshmen Houses and SLC- PE felt more included, more communication, teaching more to standards than activities

18. Removing students from class

19. ILT group believes in student’s ability to learn and teach them

  1. General Discussion on staff development
  2. Linn- school-wide plan to deal with disruptive students, suggesting that we need to know the process for dealing with disruptive students, assuming all interventions have been met, no communication with admin and teachers about discipline consequences, how can we begin the family intervention process?
  3. Frank- PBIS- identify our tier 3 students first to begin working with them, families, etc…, look at case by case for tier 3 students
  4. Pederson- when and how to remove students from classroom
  5. Harper- Do all staff members have a good sense about how to deal with disruptive students? Are they consistent?
  6. Oberreuter- has seen inconsistencies with staff members, rules are not the same
  7. Patrick- lack of consistency with rules, we need procedures in place when students need to leave the classroom, Staff development is needed in how to channel student’s energy to learning, finding ways to work with our students and not pushing their buttons, deescalating situations and re-engaging students in learning, doubts about 3 day staff development agenda, Carr 1 day staff development regarding CHAMP four years ago, Institutionalize at Carr, can’t get to content standards if one does not have good classroom management
  8. Are their teachers on campus that are natural de-escalators?
  9. Jimmy- issues occurred when students push teachers buttons
  10. Crystal- is SOAR matrix school-wide? Has SOAR matrix been dialogued?

10.Everything appears to be all over the place, Need to bring the faculty together to agree on a process to handle discipline

11. Make things simple, fewer items, focused, follow thru

12. Expand on how Pivot Learning has assisted other schools in classroom management. The how part- grouping strategies, pair shared, how many kids are we talking about, The what- has to do with content, what students are actually doing in classroom and is that work aligned with standards, do a lot with actually alignment of what the student is doing with the content standard teachers are teaching, take smaller chunk of what we want to focus on and do it and follow up on it

13. Question? Should we begin with tier 3 first or tier 1? Linn feels it should be done on first day

14. Patrick is fine with adjustments to staff development schedule,

15. Jeff- feels that we should start to positive with tier one students, makes staff members better about starting a strong year

16. Jose Luis- better to start with something positive, however, feels that other staff members won’t buy into it.

17. Crystal- feels that we are not ignoring the tier 3 students but just rearranging the staff development days

18. Erik- feels that we might not be taking teachers concerns seriously if we don’t talk about tier 3 students

19. Orabona- feels that tier 3 staff development much just never end

20. Linn- feels we need to emphasize tier 1, focus on instruction

21. Jeff- everyone needs instruction, focus on 95% of students and not 5%, address instruction and not tier 3 students first

22. Learning how to plan effectively will be expectation for next year

23. Gabaldon- never have time to talk about tier 3 students, never a forum as a staff to discuss these students, we can have the best behavioral strategies but tier 3 students will always be there

24. OB-Discipline vs. behavior- call it behavior instead of discipline

25. Jimmy- feels we need to focus tier 1

26. Linn- college going culture, what do we need to do to promote college going culture

27. Michael- majority of staff development should focused on tier 1 students, tier 3 students have not been handled well with

28. Patrick- volunteer meeting to vent about tier 3 students after 3rd day of staff development not paid.

29. Linn- feels that teachers should be paid for time to discuss tier 3 students

30. Frank- feels we should start with positive climate.

31. Ruff- CHAMP should be done first

32. Conversation Help Activity Movement & Participation

33. Concern about CHAMP being geared for elementary or intermediate students

  1. So what are our next steps?
  2. Consensus on forming a sub-committee? Majority in favor
  3. Ruff
  4. Silva
  5. Pickrell
  6. Swanson
  7. Oberreuter
  8. Gabaldon
  9. Harper
  10. Concern about Agenda and discipline
  11. Suggestion about discipline
  12. Can she and Crystal develop a finalized document on the rules and dress code and send it out to the discipline taskforce and all those interested for feedback, so we can prepare it for the student handbook? Yes.
  1. Vision (Lee)
  2. Brainstorm
  3. Talked to Lisa Hinshaw (Principal of alternative ed)
  4. 6000 students credits deficient
  5. Which is why she has to select students that are most likely succeed at the continuation schools
  6. We have to do a better job at identifying students that need credits
  7. Linn wants to develop roles for student intervention plans
  8. OB—collaborate with middle schools about at risk students
  9. Print shop - Patrick will roll out to staff
  10. Next Meeting
  11. TBD