Animal Farm Essay
Directions: Choose ONE of the following topics to write your essay about. The essays will be graded separately from the test, but will be part of the test. The essays should be divided into paragraphs according to different ideas or examples.
See the outline below: Example Question: Is the story of Animal Farm believable or not? Why or why not? Does it matter?
I. Introduction:
a. Give a little background, as long as it is pertinent to your question: “Animal Farm by George Orwell, is a political novel that is based on the characters and events of the Russian Revolution. This book introduces material about why and how revolutions are begun and also what happens, even if it is started with the best intentions…..”
b. Thesis: What your answer to the question is or the main part of the question and the details that are going to guide your paper. “The novel is a very believable story if the reader allows themselves to go outside of their childhood image of farm animals and transcend to Orwell’s world of animal revolution. The characters and events work to guide the reader into an understanding of the evils of power that is still happening today.”
II. Body:
These paragraphs are going to contain SPECIFIC examples from the story that back up your answer. You must have at least three examples, one paragraph per example. That means that you need at least three sentences about your example.
a. Example 1- do not repeat yourself
b. Example 2- pull out specific examples or passages from the reading
c. Example 3- be sure to explain your reasoning clearly
III. Conclusion:
a. Restate your thesis: your answer to the question. This is your last chance to make your point. Pull everything together and make sure that your reader agrees with you.
Choose one to write your essay on
1. Compare and contrast Napoleon and Snowball. What techniques do they use in their struggle for power? Does Snowball represent a morally legitimate political alternative to the corrupt leadership of Napoleon?
2. Discuss Boxer. What role does he play on the farm? Why does Napoleon seem to feel threatened by him? In what ways might one view the betrayal of Boxer as an alternative climax of the novel (if we consider Napoleon’s banishment of Snowball and the pigs’ initial consolidation of power as the true climax)?
3. Do you think Animal Farm’s message would come across effectively to someone who knows nothing about Soviet history or the conflict between Stalin and Trotsky? What might such a reader make of the story?
4. Of all of the characters in Animal Farm, are there any who seem to represent the point of view of the author? Which of the animals or people do you think come(s) closest to achieving Orwell’s perspective on Animal Farm?
5. Animal Farm contains many extremely effective scenes. Some are humorous or witty, others are bitterly ironic or pessimistic. Which scene did you find most memorable and effective? Why?
6. Orwell’s writing is infused with messages and morals. Which ones did you recognize? How would you define Orwell’s main point? On a separate sheet of paper, paraphrase and explain
Animal Farm’s key moral or morals. Support your explanation with specific examples, patterns, and plot elements from the novel.