Helping employers meet their workforce needs, helping individuals build careers, strengthening the local economy, and meeting the challenges of global competition.

Member Resource Notebook

Meeting Schedule Program Year 2016 – 2017

Date / Meeting Group / Time / Location

July 2016

14th Business Workforce Committee8:30amCSB Boardroom

27th Community Involvement Committee4:00pmCSB Boardroom

August 2016

2nd Executive Committee4:00pmCSB Boardroom

10th Workforce Operations Committee8:30amCSB Boardroom

16th Board Meeting8:00amCSB Boardroom

September 2016

15th E3 Committee8:30amCSB Boardroom

October 2016

6th Business Workforce Committee8:30am-CSB Boardroom

November 2016

1st Executive Committee4:00pmCSB Boardroom

2ndCommunity Involvement Committee4:00pmCSB Boardroom

9th Workforce Operations Committee8:30amCSB Boardroom

15th Board Meeting8:00amCSB Boardroom

December 2016

8th E3 Committee8:30amCSB Boardroom

January 2017

12th Business Workforce Committee8:30amCSB Boardroom

25th Community Involvement Committee4:00pmCSB Boardroom

February 2017

7th Executive Committee4:00pmCSB Boardroom

8th Workforce Operations Committee8:30amCSB Boardroom

14th Board Meeting & Retreat8:00am-12:00pmRCC

March 2017

9th E3 Committee8:30amCSB Boardroom

April 2017

6th Business Workforce Committee8:30amCSB Boardroom

26th Community Involvement Committee4:00pmCSB Boardroom

May 2017

2nd Executive Committee4:00pmCSB Boardroom

10th Workforce Operations Committee8:30amCSB Boardroom

16th Board Meeting8:00amCSB Boardroom

June 2017

8th E3 Committee8:30amCSB Boardroom

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Welcome Board Member!

On behalf of the CareerSource Brevard (CSB), I congratulate and welcome you to your Board of Directors. This appointment reflects your dedication of involvement and leadership in the community. As a CSB Board member, I am looking forward to your wisdom, experience and input to positively affect the quality of life of our fellow citizens in the Brevard region.

CSB has prepared this Member Resource Notebook to familiarize you with the Board’s organizational structure, board responsibilities, job functions, and your individual responsibility as a Board member. I hope your review of this notebook will provide a basic understanding of the role and function of your Board. Additional information will be provided to you via 60 Second Training Messages, and occasional meetings with me, the Board Chair, your CSB President, your Executive Committee and your Committee Chairs. I recognize that you will have questions concerning your responsibilities, and I encourage you to ask them at any time.

One important note: As a Board member your attendance and participation at Committee and Board meetings is critical for us to meet and surpass our goals and objectives. We do have an option of you attending via teleconference but sincerely suggest that you attend in person when at all possible. The meetings are highly productive and provide each member with opportunities for relationship development, input and participation.

I thank you again for sharing your expertise and knowledge with your Board so that together we may provide the Brevard region with a high performing, skilled and productive workforce.

I look forward to a long and productive relationship!


Robert Jordan, Chair

CareerSource Brevard Board of Directors


Funding…Page 4

Organizational Structure…Page 5

Strategic Plan…Page 6

Member Guidance…Page 7

Sunshine Law…Page 7

Business Services…Page 9

Services Delivery…Page 10

State Network…..Page 11

Bylaws…Page 12

Success Stories…Page 16

Labor Market Overview…Page 18

Glossary…Page 19



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The purposes of the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Investment Act (WIOA) are the following:

1) To give American workers access to and opportunities for employment, education, training, and support services.

2) To support the alignment of workforce investment, education, and economic development systems in support of a comprehensive, accessible, and high-quality workforce development system in the United States.

3) To improve the quality and labor market relevance of workforce investment, education, and economic development efforts to provide America’s workers with the skills and credentials necessary to secure and advance in employment with family-sustaining wages and to provide America’s employers with the skilled workers the employers need to succeed in a global economy.

4) To promote improvement in the structure of and delivery of services through the United States workforce development system to better address the employment and skill needs of workers, jobseekers, and employers.

5) To increase the prosperity of workers and employers in the United States, the economic growth of communities, regions, and States, and the global competitiveness of the United States.

6) To provide workforce investment activities, through statewide and local workforce development systems, that increase the employment, retention, and earnings of participants, and increase attainment of recognized postsecondary credentials by participants, and as a result, improve the quality of the workforce, reduce welfare dependency, increase economic self-sufficiency, meet the skill requirements of employers, and enhance the productivity and competitiveness of the Nation.


US Department of Labor

As an organization with diverse functions, DOL carries out its mission through a number of offices and agencies. One of its program areas is the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) which oversees the public workforce system. The ETA administers various federal government programs which contribute to the more efficient functioning of the U.S. labor market by providing high quality job training, employment, labor market information, and income maintenance services primarily through state and local workforce development systems.

Florida Department of Economic Opportunity

In collaboration with its partners, DEO assists the Governor in advancing Florida’s economy by championing the state’s economic development vision and by administering state and federal programs and initiatives to help visitors, citizens, businesses, and communities.

CareerSource Florida

CareerSource Florida is the statewide workforce policy and investment board. Partners include the Department of Economic Opportunity, 24 local workforce development boards and 100 career centers throughout Florida. Together, we help connect businesses with the talented workforce and training needed to succeed and grow.

CareerSource Brevard

CareerSource Brevard is one of 24 Regional Workforce Boards offering employers and job seekers customized services delivered by professionals who live and work in local communities.

CareerSource Brevard’s Strategic Plan

A comprehensive guide for developing the Workforce

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Community Involvement Committee - GOAL 1 – Convene the community and conduct community awareness regarding workforce issues


  1. Increase awareness of and use of CareerSource Brevard business services.
  2. Increase awareness of Workforce issues and services for the purpose of garnering workforce champions and being recognized as a model at local, state and federal levels.
  3. Convene multi-region planning initiatives with other workforce boards.
  4. Increase local awareness that improved skills lead to a better job.

Business Workforce Committee - GOAL 2 – Strengthen key business clusters by working with them to identify and solve workforce issues they face


  1. Understand industry data to use in strategic planning purposes, including identifying industry trends, needs, potential solutions and for allocation of CSB resources.
  2. Participate with other organizations in conducting industry discussions for strategic planning purposes (i.e. planning, analysis, action strategies and pilot programs relevant to that industry).
  3. Grow the resources of the Board.
  4. Develop and implement cluster-based initiatives in key industries.

E3 Committee - GOAL 3 – Enhance the E3 concept (Education, Employment and Economic Development) for the emerging and transitional workforce


  1. Serve as a catalyst for Real Time Occupational Skills Transfer.
  2. Retain, expand, and attract talent that allows the region to grow and attract business through Workforce Development.
  3. Provide increased opportunities for entrepreneurship in a culture of innovation.
  4. Partner with stakeholders in K-14 to increase awareness of careers and career paths based on industry growth.

Workforce Operations Committee - GOAL 4 – Ensure CareerSource Brevard Career Centers sustain the successful operations for businesses and job seekers


  1. Identify skill gaps and facilitate training that result in job placement.
  2. Facilitate the entry of targete4d populations into the workforce.
  3. Enhance the services of the Career Centers, i.e. staff training, additional community resources, etc.
  4. Focus on business relationships and services.

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The Board receives its authority from the US Congress, the Governor of Florida, the Department of Economic Opportunity, and CareerSource Florida. The Board is accountable to the citizen taxpayers and is accountable for the achievement of the goals and its authorizing legislation, and for other goals it sets on behalf of its stakeholders, while avoiding any actions that are illegal, immoral, or unethical.

The Board delegates to its staff and administrative entity all responsibilities related to the day-to-day administration of programs and services. The Board holds the staff accountable for ensuring conformance to all laws, regulations, rules, and policies by operating entities.

Expectations of Board Members

CareerSource Brevard Board members are expected to be active participants in Board proceedings, be a member of at least one committee, participate in an open, honest, respectful, and non-self-serving manner in all deliberations, and be an agent of change for the organization and workforce in our community.

Responsibilities of Board Members

Board members are legally responsible for fiscal oversight, to ensure the organization is well managed, to create the organization’s identity, communicate and promote the organization’s mission and goals, and provide industry knowledge and insight.

Role of Board Members

The Role of the Board Members is to set the strategic direction benchmarks and vision for the workforce system in the coming 5 years. Additionally you will be involved in the strategic planning including setting goals and reviewing the budget. Board staff will handle the daily objectives, actions, tactics and operations.

Sunshine Law

CareerSource Brevard is covered by Florida’s Government in the Sunshine Law, s. 286.011, F.S., commonly referred to as the Sunshine Law, which provides a right of access to governmental proceedings of public boards or commissions at both the state and local levels. The law is equally applicable to elected and appointed boards, and applies to any gathering of two or more members of the same board to discuss some matter which will foreseeably come before that board for action. Members-elected (or appointed) to such boards or commissions are also subject to the Sunshine Law.

To view a Guide to the Sunshine Law please click here

Statement of Financial Interest

In accordance with Sec. 112.3144, Florida Statutes (click here), all Board members are required to file a “Statement of Financial Interests” with the Supervisor of Elections within 30 days of appointment. Thereafter, board members are required to file by July 1st of each following calendar year, and within 60 days of leaving office.

Conflict of Interest and Board Member Code of Conduct

In an effort to maintain the high standards of conduct expected in the management of its affairs, CareerSource Brevard adopts the following Code of Conduct:

No Board member shall:

  1. Have any interest, financial or otherwise, direct or indirect; engage in any business transaction or professional activity; or incur any obligation of any nature which is in substantial conflict with the proper discharge of his or her duties in the public interest.
  2. Vote in his or her official capacity upon any measure which may be to his or her private gain, or shall knowingly vote in his or her official capacity upon any measure which is to be of special gain of any principal other than CSB which he or she is serving. No officers, employees, agents, or board members of CSB shall attempt to influence a vote of others if it is to his or her private gain.
  3. At any time accept any gift or compensation, payment or thing of value when such person knows, or with the exercise of reasonable cause, should know, that it was given to corruptly influence a vote or other action in which the officers, employees, agents or board members of CSB were expected to participate in their official capacities.
  4. At any time accept any gift or compensation, payment or thing of value except as outlined below:

• Gifts valued at $25 or less may be accepted, however no gifts of any value may be accepted from any contractor or vendor.

• Gifts must be immediately reported to the President of CSB.

• Gifts valued at more than $25 must be returned within 30 days of receipt.

• Perishable gifts valued at more than $25 may be kept; however the recipient must notify the sender of our policy and request that no further gifts be sent.

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Employer Services

  • Talent Recruitment
  • Expand Job Posting Options at
  • Assist with applicant matching and resume screening
  • Aptitude and proficiency testing tailored to employer needs
  • On-site/off-site hiring events and job fairs
  • Retention services/support
  • Reduction In Force support
  • Workforce planning/preparations for the future
  • Work tax credit information and application assistance
  • Turnover costs assessment
  • Labor market analysis/wage surveys/labor projections
  • Career Center use for interviewing, testing, video conferencing & interviewing
  • Business seminars
  • Partnership connections
  • Employee Training
  • On-The-Job Training
  • Employed Worker Training
  • Customized Training
  • Work Experiences
  • Assist with state training applications (Incumbent Worker & Florida Flex)
  • Helping business open doors to:
  • Veterans and Military Families
  • Disabled Employment Support
  • Youth Employment Support
  • Federal Contractor Compliance Programs Support

Job Seeker Services

  • Job Search
  • Case Management/Career Coaching
  • Worker Training
  • On The Job Training (AWE, EWE, OJT, EWT & IWT)
  • 5-Steps to Rapid Employment
  • Workshops including but not limited to:
  • Resume Writing
  • Young Adult
  • Reemployment Assistance
  • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
  • Financial literacy
  • Health Insurance options
  • Veteran and Military Family services

Please visit for details



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CareerSource Brevard is part of a network of 24 closely aligned workforce development boards across the State of Florida. What does that mean to you?

  • A network of diverse experts, a state-wide pool of expertise
  • Ability to take advantage of the state-wide university system, which provides us with industry niche or other specialized research
  • More accurate, real-time data analysis for our local Businesses
  • Sharing best practices and collaboration at a deeper level, to help Brevard businesses grow
  • Locally, we have a dedicated advisory board of directors comprised of at least 51% Brevard business leaders
  • We have three career center locations—Titusville, Palm Bay and Rockledge
  • We work with businesses and our education community to develop training curriculum and partnerships
  • A team of Business Liaisons works directly with businesses—to provide information and services, connect employers to resources and help

Are you a business needing workforce data analysis, looking to hire, considering growth, have employees you need to retain? Call us or email us directly.

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CareerSource Brevard Board By-Laws

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A. NAME: The legal name of the organization shall be the Brevard Workforce Development Board Inc, however, it shall conduct business as CareerSource Brevard (CSB), hereinafter referred to as the Corporation.

B. SERVICE AREA: The Corporation shall serve Brevard County, Florida, also known as Region 13.

ARTICLE II – PURPOSE: The Corporation shall facilitate and be the catalyst for workforce development activities that are responsive to the employment and training needs of businesses and job seekers.


A. DUTIES: The business and affairs of the Corporation shall be the responsibility of the Board of Directors, herein referred to as the Board.

B. NOMINATION AND COMPOSITION OF DIRECTORS: Individuals shall be nominated to serve on the Board in accordance with governing legislation and policy direction of the Corporation's funders, and BW procedures. Composition of the Board shall reflect requirements of governing legislation and local charter requirements as amended from time to time. Specifically, business representatives shall represent companies with five (5) or more employees and meet all state and federal requirements. The Corporation will have a minimum of 51% business representation... In the event of conflict among different funders, federal funding requirements shall prevail.

C. APPOINTMENT OF DIRECTORS: The governing legislation and policy direction of the Corporation's funders determine the manner in which Directors are made members of the Board. All board member nominees are appointed by the Brevard Board of County Commissioners as recommended to them by the full Board of Directors. Nominations for appointment of Directors to fill vacancies on the Board or to increase the number of Directors on the Board shall be held throughout the year at Board meetings by a majority of Directors then holding office, including those Directors whose term shall expire at such meeting.

D. MEMBERSHIP ON OTHER COMMITTEES: The Chair (or the President as directed by the Chair) shall appoint Directors of the Board to a committee assignment based on Board need and Director interest. At the discretion of the Chair, non-Board members may serve on CSB committees, with the exception of the Executive Committee. Such non-Board members are not required to file State Financial Disclosures. All Directors are expected to serve on one committee

E. TERM OF DIRECTORSHIP: Directors of the Board shall serve three (3) year terms, with one-third (1/3) of the Director’s terms terminating each year. Board Directors may choose to serve additional term(s) upon the expiration of their term, subject to Board approval.

F. CONFLICT OF INTEREST: No Director shall cast a vote, nor participate in discussion, relating to procurement of provision of services by that Director (or any organization which that Director represents or is affiliated with) or vote on any matter which would provide financial benefit to that Director, its employer or members of its immediate family. Each Director shall be subject to the provisions of the governing legislation and policy direction of the Corporation's funders.

As per Florida Statutes 445.007, if a procurement (contract) is with an organization or individual represented on the board of directors, the contract must be approved by a two-thirds vote of the entire board membership and the board member who could benefit financially from the transaction must abstain from voting on the contract. All such procurements must follow this requirement, except for those where the State Workforce Board has allowed other alternatives to be used.