Connecting Cumbria Programme Board
Meeting Record
Date / 10 July 2013 / Time / 13.00 – 14:55 / Meeting No[1] / PGM004Location / The Grand Jury Room, The Courts, Carlisle CA3 8NA
Dial In No / N/A
Name / Initials / Role (or Representing)
Alan Cook / AC / Cumbria CCSenior Programme Manager [Chair]
Wendy Farmer / WF / BDUK
Lynn Singleton / LS / Cumbria CC Comms & Engagement Manager
Paul Cretney / PC / BT Programme Manager & Secretariat
Martin Dougan / MD / Openreach Programme Manager
Michelle Grandon / MG / BT Finance & Audit Manager
Julia Watts / JW / BT NGA Business Development Director
Steve Watson / SW / BT Programme Manager
Glynis Follon / GF / BT NGA Marketing Manager
Apologies / Absentees
Name / Initials / Role (or Representing)
Chris Edwards / CE / Cumbria CC European Finance Liaison Officer
Steven Thomlinson / ST / Cumbria CC Principal Accountant
Julie Mitchell / JM / BT NGA Senior Marketing Manager
Sara Briggs / SB / BT Programme Control Manager
Distribution –Recipients of Minutes (Other than attendees and absentees)
Name / Role (or Representing) / Name / Role (or Representing)
All listed above / - / - / -
Acceptance of previous meeting record
Acceptance of Previous RecordThe recordhas been accepted. / Yes
The record has been accepted subject to the inclusion of amendments described below / N/A
Record of meeting
Record of items discussedItem / Description / Outcome[2]
1. / Introductions took place with everyone that was in attendance.
Wendy Farmer was introduced as the BDUK representative and was welcomed to the meeting / Information
Agenda was confirmed, no additional items were identified / Information
2. BRAG Report
2.1 / PC provided a walkthrough of the BRAG Report. AC clarified that Black (in BRAG) meant “Reliable information not currently available”. The report was agreed as presented
AC stated that he would be writing to BT regarding the identification of the properties / areas within the “7%” as this was the Council’s primary concern as they wanted to understand what could be done for these communities either through additional funding e.g. RCBF, new technologies or USC solutions
AC advised that project resources for the Connecting Cumbria team were now critical and that this was being escalated. A structures review is expected and AC would be seeking to gain agreement to fill the current vacancies of Contract Manager and Project Support Officer / Information/ Discussion
3. Workstream Updates
3.1 / Deployment:
MD provided an update on deployment progress. The first cabinet is due to be stood (not live or powered, just in place) by the 25th July. At present, Openreach were delivering cabs in Workington as well as Penrith so it may be that the planned Yanwath cab may not actually be the first cab but could still be used as so for publicity. Current plans are for initial cabs to be RFS (Ready for Service) by the end of Sept 2013.
Some 60Km of cabling is required to be laid and for this, Openreach were seeking to use resource from Lancashire. Whilst travel time had to be allowed for, this was still valuable as it maintained progress on the deployment
The Phase 1 milestone for Exchange RFI (Ready for Install) had been completed by 1st July as planned. This is a key milestone for the delivery of the cabs in October 2013. It was clarified that whilst the plan showed Access Fibre completing this was just for initial cabs an in reality it would continue throughout the quarter for each phase / Information/ Discussion
3.2 / Finance:
PC explained that Finance has been covered during the earlier Finance workstream meeting but the headlines were as follow:
1)First Claim had been presented along with evidence – some changes required but nothing major
2)Claim Forecast – this was a key issue as ERDF works on a Calendar Year and therefore forecast of £7.3M would need to be claimed for period ending 31st October and team are looking at mitigating options
AC explained how other projects are lobbying to use European funds so there is a real threat that any underspend would be reallocated.
MD suggested that that cabinets could be ordered, warehoused and asset tagged and this would make them eligible for claim as they would be identifiable to eligible expenditure via the asset tag. MG/PC to investigate this action / Information / Action
3.3 / Comms / Marketing
GF provided an update on progress. The Branding had been agreed and the brochures were printed and used at the Rheged conference. Enquiries were a key issue at present and volumes were increasing as expected. GF had been working with LS and EJ to agree a process for the management of comms and enquiries were being answered on coverage at a parish level for SFBB and Basic Broadband
The urgent action at present is to arrange the signage for cabinets and work areas and MD requested 60x work area signs ACTION GF to progress
GF also stated that she was working with JM on the development of a comms timeline to schedule key events and therefore press releases
AC stated that we needed to agree comms routes and key contacts as Jackie McInnes had been omitted from the invite for the programme launch. This could be taken forward as part of the planned meeting for the Press Team in Carlisle on 31st July / Information / Action
3.4 / Community Projects
JW provided an update on Fell End and advised that work is expected to start with the mole plough of the new ducting in w/c 22 July but this was still subject to the community confirming the funding with DEFRA. The new duct was a pilot but was compliant with open access requirements and therefore a likely possibility for use on other community schemes.
JW also gave an update on Fibre GarDen but this was limited as there has been no dialogue since 28th June. AC agreed to check on the current situation
JW presented a slide around the three bid questions from communities i.e. How and what to tell about coverage; what to do with RCBF bids in flight, and how to deal with the rest of the 7%. / Information
4. Mobilisation Stage Review
4.1 / PC presented a review of the 100 Day Plan and confirmed the actions that remained outstanding. These actions are:
PC confirmed that these actions would be reviewed at the weekly Project Review meeting through to closure and that if we were to close the Mobilisation Stage, the Project Review meeting would move to the format suggested the previous week based on delivery progress reporting.
PC requested agreement from the Board to close the Mobilisation Stage and this was agreed. / Information / Discussion
7. Issue, Risk & Change Logs
7.1 / Issue Log:
The issue log was reviewed, no updates were identified. / Information
7.2 / Risk Log:
The risk log was reviewed.
MD advised that risk 041 relating to Unresolved Premises should remain for the time being as this was critical to ensure claim eligibility / Information
7.3 / Change Log:
CR002 was noted as approved on 14th June. This was to implement the State Aid condition to align the contract definitions with the BDUK Framework. This completed the approvals and the contract is confirmed as effective from the 1st June 2013. Whilst that is the contract start date, work had already started to progress the deployment and therefore effectively started on the 1st April 2013 / Information
Record of “any other business” items discussedItem / Description / Outcome[3]
1. / There was no AOB / Information
Next Meeting
Next MeetingDate: / Wednesday 07 August 2013 / Time / 13:00 – 15:00
Location / TBC, The Courts, Carlisle CA3 8NA
Dial in / N/A
Programme Board Version 1.0 – 10 July 2013
Page 1 of 5 / 20130710_CUM_PMO_ProgBoardMinutes-004 /
[1] Meeting No.: Provide each recurring meeting with a unique and sequential reference
[2] Outcome: Information; Decision; Agreement; Discussion; Risk; Issue; Change; Action
[3] Outcome: Information; Decision; Agreement; Discussion; Risk; Issue; Change; Action