Meeting Record

9.00am – 11.00am


•Joanne Murphy, Representative, Aged care sector / Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers

•David Westhead, Representative, Aged care sector / Community health and/or primary health sector(s)

•Joan Leo, Representative, Higher education providers

•Anne Spence, Representative, Private health and/or not-for-profit health sectors(s)

•Jacinta Watt, Representative, Private health and/or not-for-profit health sector(s)

•Suzanne Metcalf, Representative, Public health sector (Chair)

•Eddie Moore, Representative, Public health sector

•Jacqueline Maloney, Secretariat, Melbourne South Clinical Training Network Coordinator, Department of Health and Human Services

•Jacky Fernandez, Minute Secretary, Information Support Officer, Department of Health and Human Services


•Andrew Ratcliffe, Representative, Aged care sector

•Teresa Valentine, Representative, Higher education providers (Deputy Chair)

•Bob Ribbons, Representative, Higher education providers

•Alana Gilbee, Representative, Public health sector

•Jose Peregrina, Representative, Victorian Medicare Local

•Lucy Brauman, Representative, Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers

•Kirby Leitch, Representative, Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers


•Angela Marroncelli, Representative, Mental health sector

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  1. Welcome
  1. Apologies
  2. Declaration of conflict of interest
  1. Listed above.
  2. No conflicts of interest were declared.
  • Nil

  1. Business arising from previous meeting
  1. New CTN Committee Member
  1. The committee welcomeda new member, Eddie Moore from the Aboriginal and Torres Strait IslanderHealth Unit at Peninsula Health, Community Health. Eddie will be representing the Public healthsector.
  • Melbourne South CTN Coordinator to update CTN committee membership details in TOR and webpage.

  1. Sector Representative Reports
  • Public health sector representative reported that a committee comprising of the Directors of Nursing are discussing standardising processes in clinical placement planning across the public health sector.
  • Higher education provider representative identified that the Fee Schedule has been broadly discussed. Also, due to an increase in new courses of study, there is a need to increase the availability of clinical placements for all disciplines.
  • Private health and/or not-for-profit health sector representatives are currently involved with the DHHS project on clinical training in expanded settings. Also discussed was the increased clinical placement capacity for all disciplines, particularly allied health in rehabilitation.
  • Aged care sector / Vocational Education Training (VET) provider’s representative outlined that many organisations are being approached by new Registered Training Organisations and students for clinical placements.
  • For information
  • Committee members advised to discuss use of viCPlace and engage Melbourne South CTN Coordinator for assistance.

  1. Victorian Clinical Training Council (including reporting entities) update
  1. 20 March 2015 meeting update
  2. 19 June 2015 meeting agenda items
  3. Statewide Advisory Groups update:
  • Advisory Group for Standardised Student Induction (AGSSI)
  • Relationship Agreement Advisory Group (RAAG)
  • Clinical TrainingSymposium for former Clinical Supervision, Simulation and Expanded Settings Expert Advisory Groups
  1. The chair provided an update on the 20 March VCTC meeting.
  2. The chair advised members of agenda items for 19 June VCTC meeting.
  3. AGSSI and RAAG
Feedback is being sought on the Standardised student induction protocol developed by the department in consultation with the Advisory Group on Standardised Student Induction (AGSSI) as published in the May-June newsletter. CTN committee members have been asked to provide feedback from their sectors via the template supplied with the meeting papers and to submit the forms to their CTN Coordinator.
It is intended that this document will be a schedule of the Student Placement Agreement, which is currently being finalised in consultation with the Relationship Agreement Advisory Group (RAAG). Significant legal consultation has been provided in the development of the Student Placement Agreement, and the Standardised Student Induction protocol has also been subject to legal review to ensure it aligns with the agreement.
The committee discussedhow different education providers (EPs) manage the requirements around immunisations and police checks. Some EPs advise students what the requirements are at enrolment, allowing them ample time to complete any course of vaccinations, and obtain documentation that may be necessary.
Clinical Training Symposium
All members of the former Clinical Supervision, Expanded Settings and Simulation Expert Advisory Groups were invited to a symposium on 12 May at the department, where a facilitated discussion on the best structure for advisory group consultation and advice was conducted. The consensus was that there would be one advisory group to provide advice to the department, where sought, on innovation and quality in clinical education/training.
The department will:
  • consider membership of a single advisory group
  • communicate with former EAG members regarding the work program
  • aim to establish a new advisory group, with an initial meeting in late July
  • Meeting record available at
  • Committee Members to complete and return completed form to the Melbourne South CTN Coordinator by 12 June 2015.

  1. Department of Health and Human Services programs update
  1. Networks & Governance
-Clinical placement planning in 2015
  1. Data Quality and Funding
-Best Practice Clinical Learning Environment (BPCLE)
  1. Workforce Development
-Sustainability Blueprint /
  1. The meetings have been conducted and Phase 2: Preparing for planning in viCPlace will commence on 22 June. viCPlace training and support is available for new and existing users via the CTN staff.
  2. BPCLE is a world first and has been implemented for the past year.The survey results are positive and there will be an update at the next VCTC meeting on 19 June 2015.Ongoing data collection and the survey will inform ongoing developments.
The next steps are to work with registered community health services (RCHS), further develop the BPCLEtool and conduct the public health service data collection, which is due again in February 2016.
Workshops to assist RCHSare being conducted in the Melbourne South CTN to assist them with their implementation of the tool.
The committee requested a list of projects currently occurring in the Melbourne South CTN.
  1. A series of three Sustainability Blueprint webinars were conducted to increase understanding of the Sustainability Blueprint and associated tools. All programs and projects are encouraged to use the tool to assess the financial sustainability of their program. CTN Coordinators and Clinical Training Program staff form DHHS recently attended a master class in order to equip them with the skills to support programs and projects when using the blueprint and tools.
  • For information
  • Melbourne South CTN Coordinator to provide a list of current projects at the next meeting.

  1. Workforce Development Implementation Plan Initial Consultation: Key questions
/ As per the VCTC Agenda Item 6 paper supplied with the meeting papers, the department is developing an implementation plan for workforce development to guide the work for the next 4 years.
The committee discussed the VCTC agenda Item 6 and noted the following feedback:
Q1. What are the key actions and/or requirements that may improve interprofessional teamwork and collaboration between professional-entry students; and, in the health workforce?
  • Identify information and innovative modelsimplemented internationally, that can be reviewed in the Australian context.
  • Explore non-health occupations and industries and identify how it may fit in the Australian Healthcare context.
  • Explore the possibility of more flexible curriculum design, such as a multidisciplinary curriculum.
Q2. To build a sustainable health workforce, what are the key actions and/or requirements that may inform approaches to developing flexible career pathways?
  • Industrial conditions have contributed to limitations in the ability to provide more flexible career pathways.
  • Identify how tore-organise patient management in a way that providesstaff-flexibility.
  • Providing more flexible career pathwaysutilising core skills rather than re-training.
  • Provide mentoring, support and advice specifically around career pathways.
  • Identify how to maintain the knowledge and experience in our ageing workforce, particularly in nursing.
Q3. What are the key actions and/or requirements that would improve the ability of the health workforce to engage positively with change?
  • Provide a realistic insight into the chosen career to ensure the expectation from university is met upon graduation and throughout career.
  • Learn more from other industry groups such as aviation and how they have engaged positively.
  • Engagethe community more in pilot studies about different careers.
  • Committee members to provide any further feedback to the Melbourne South CTN Coordinator by 12 June 2015.

  1. Other business
/ No other business /
  • Nil

Next meeting:10 September 2015

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