CLASS LOCATION/TIMES:Location:Building BRoom 125

Days:Monday, Wednesday & Friday

Times: 1:50-2:30


COURSE DESCRIPTION:This course reinforces the fundamentals of medical terminology: word building rules, prefixes, suffixes, and whole body terminology. Terminology relating to the male and female reproductive systems is discussed as well as the special senses, endocrinology, gastrointestinal, and urinary systems, gerontology, obstetrics, and child and mental health.



Office Hours: 7:30-8:00 a.m.; 2:30-3:00 p.m.

(By appointment)

Office Location: Building B, Room

Phone: (425) 235-2352 Ext.5734


COURSE OBJECTIVES (Course Competencies):Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to:

  1. Identify and label the structures of the digestive, male reproductive system and the eye, kidney
  2. List the basic functions of the digestive, urinary system
  3. Identify and define at least 10 pathological conditions of the eye and ear; digestive, endocrine, male and female reproductivesystems;oncology and gerontology.
  4. Identify at least 5 diagnostic techniques used in evaluating disorders of the digestive and male and female reproductive systems, gerontology and in treating obstetrical patients.
  5. Create at least 10 medical terms related to the eye and ear, digestive and endocrine systems and gerontology and identify the applicable combining form(s) for each term.
  6. Identify at least 10 medical abbreviations common to the eye and ear; digestive, endocrine, and female reproductive systems; obstetrics; oncology; mental health and gerontology .
  7. Define diabetes mellitus, gestational diabetes, and diabetes insipidus and identify the differences among the three conditions.
  8. Identify and define at least 10 hormones secreted by the endocrine glands and the gland that secretes each of the hormones.
  9. Identify the pathway of sound from the external auditory canal to the cerebral cortex.
  10. Using a flow chart, identify the appropriate structures involved in he process of forming and expelling urine.
  11. Define at least 10 signs and symptoms that indicate possible urinary system problems.
  12. Define 10 urinary system conditions.
  13. Proof and correct the transcription exercise relative to the urinary, male and female reproductive system.
  14. Identify the characteristics of normal urine.
  15. Identify three secondary sex characteristic changes that occur in the male body and five in the female body at the onset of puberty.
  16. Identify six sexually transmitted diseases.
  17. Identify the four phases of the menstrual cycle.
  18. Demonstrate the ability to correctly identify and label the internal genitalia of the female reproductive system.
  19. Identify and define four surgical approaches to removing a malignant growth from the female breast.
  20. Identify the steps involved in breast self-examination.
  21. State he difference between presumptive and probable signs of pregnancy.
  22. Define 10 physiological changes that occur in the female during pregnancy,
  23. List and define at least 10 complications of pregnancy.
  24. Differentiate between the signs and symptoms of impending labor and those of false and/or true labor.
  25. Identify five treatment methods associated with oncology.
  26. Identify at least 10 diagnostic techniques used in the diagnosis and treatment of onocological disorders.
  27. List and define six surgical procedures used in the diagnosis and cure of malignant tumors.
  28. List and define three tumor responses to radiation therapy.
  29. List and define 10 defense mechanisms and five phobias.
  30. List and define at least 10 mental health disorders.
  31. Identify 10 treatments, therapies, and tests used in the practice of mental health.
  32. Define 10 word elements related to gerontology.

PARTICIPATION AND MAKE-UP POLICY: Throughout the Medical Assistant Program, an outstanding work ethic is emphasized and encouraged. Participation and professionalism are essential to your success as a student and as a Medical Assistant. Ten percent of your grade involves participation and professionalism.Participation points will be deducted at a total of 1 point per 60 minutes of class time missed for each subject. Point deductions will be broken down in 15 minute increments. For example: 0-15 minutes = 0.25 points, 16 -30 minutes = 0.50 minutes, etc.

If you must be absent, make arrangements beforehand to have a fellow student obtain any handouts and reading assignments you miss. You are also responsible for getting assignments from a fellow student by phone or email when you are absent in order to complete an assignment on time. Students missing three (3) or more consecutive class days due to illness are required to submit a note from their healthcare provider certifying they physically are able toreturn to the classroom. The full attendance policy is outlined in your medical assistant packet.

PROFESSIONALISM points are based on the mid-term and final quarterly professional behavior evaluation in addition to the student’s daily professional behavior.

NATURE OF THE COURSE: To accommodate a wide variety of learning and personal styles many different instructional approaches may be used including: lecture, group discussion, demonstrations, interactive exercises, role playing, video programs, computer based training, student research, self directed learning projects and collaborative teaching with Program Instructors.

COURSE OUTLINE: See attached document

GRADING: Grades are based on the following weighted categories and assigned the corresponding decimal grade:




Mid Term/Paper25%

Final Exam30%

TEXT:Davis Jones, Betty. Comprehensive Medical Terminology,Fourth Edition. Clifton Park, NJ, Delmar Cengage Learning, 2011.


Pens: Blue or black ink; no erasable or gel pens


Calendar for assignments

USB Drive to store work


Activity CD-ROM

EMERGENCY INSTRUCTIONS FOR INCLEMENT WEATHER: In case of weather closure of the RTC Campus, class will be cancelled. Call the school at (425) 235-2352 and choose option 9 for weather closure information. Information will also be available on the website ( and local television and radio statio


Renton Technical College recognizes and values diversity between students on campus, including cultural diversity, diversity of age, life style, race, religion, and financial backgrounds. Students are expected to listen respectfully to others and conduct themselves professionally in the classroom, at clinical sites, and at all campus related activities.

Certain behaviors will not be tolerated. Students engaging in those behaviors will be asked to leave the classroom and appropriate disciplinary steps will be taken. Certain behaviors will not be tolerated. Students engaging in those behaviors will be asked to leave the classroom and appropriate disciplinary steps will be taken. Students will also lose all their professionalism points for the day. Examples are:

  • Unprofessional or disruptive behavior
  • Sleeping in class
  • Inappropriate attire
  • Foul language
  • Sexual harassment

Cheating and Plagiarism: As outlined in the Allied Health Department Handbook, Renton Technical College has a zero tolerance policy towards cheating and plagiarism. On a paper or presentation, if wording is taken directly from any source without giving credit to the source, the student will receive a zero (0) on that paper or presentation. When there is doubt, the instructor will make the final judgment on whether plagiarism has occurred.

Disciplinary action includes, but is not limited to, the student receiving a zero (0) on a test, paper or presentation up to and including immediate expulsion from the program.

Reading Assignments: The student is responsible for reading all assigned material prior to the lecture. Much more can be gained from the classroom discussion if there is some basic familiarity with the content.

Quizzes: There will be quizzes given approximately once a week. A Pop Quiz could be given at any point when the instructor needs to evaluate how much information is being assimilated by the students. Pop Quizzes cannot be madeup. The first time an absence occurs 10% of the total possible points will be deducted from the quiz; the second absence 30% will be deducted and the third absence 50%will be deducted from the quiz. Students will not receive credit for a pop quiz if they are absent. The student must make arrangements with the instructor outside of class time to make up a quiz. Arriving more than 10 minutes late for a quiz will be considered an absence.

Mid Term and Final: There will be a mid-term given after which the student and instructor will meet and discuss progress as necessary. A final exam will be given during the last week of the quarter. You will lose one letter grade for every day the final examination is not taken from the date it is offered to the rest of the class. The mid-term and cumulative final will be proctored and may be administered in any form (written, oral, online, etc.).

Homework: is due on the assigned date and must be complete to earn homework points. If a student is absent on the day homework is due the homework is considered late and must be submitted the day the student returns to earn points. Points are earned as follows:

Submitted on time and complete10 points

Submitted late and complete 5 points

Note: Information contained in this syllabus is subject to change.

Allied Health Grading Scale 2013

Decimal Grade / Grade Percent / Letter Grade Equivalent
4.0 / 100 / A
3.9 / 99
3.8 / 98 / A-
3.7 / 97
3.6 / 96
3.5 / 95
3.4 / 94 / B+
3.3 / 93
3.2 / 92
3.1 / 91 / B
3.0 / 90
2.9 / 89
2.8 / 88 / B-
2.7 / 87
2.6 / 86
2.5 / 85
2.4 / 84 / C+
2.3 / 83
2.2 / 82
2.1 / 81 / C
2.0 / 80
1.9 / 79 / C-
1.8 / 78
1.7 / 77
1.6 / 76
1.5 / 75
1.4 / 74 / D+
1.3 / 73
1.2 / 72
1.1 / 71 / D
1.0 / 70
0.9 / 69 / D-
0.8 / 68
0.7 / 67
0.0 / 66 or less / F

Note:Students must earn at least a grade or 2.0 (80%) in each course to continue in the Medical Assistant Program.


Terminology l

MEDA 116

Revised April 2013