December 21st, 2016

Meeting opened at 7:00pm with a moment of silence followed by the Serenity Prayer.

The 12 Traditions and The 12 Concepts were read.



P / A / Group Name / P / A / Group Name
X / 5th Tradition Group
X / A New Beginning / X / No Secrets
XXX / A Promise of Freedom / X / New Friends
X / All About Change II / X / New Visions of Hope
XX / Alive Again / X / One Step Closer
X / Back to the Basics / X / Point of No Return
X / Circle of Hope / X / Recovery @ 8
X / Darby Group / X / Recovery In Ridley
X / Darby Hilltop Group of NA / X / Recovery in Rosetree
XXX / Desire to Stop Using / X / Recovery- It’s No Secret
X / Easy Does It / X / Recovery on the River
X / Free to Recover / X / Recovery on Wednesday
X / Garden Group* / X / Ridley Park Group
X / Get a Grip / X / Saturday Morning Step
XX / Get Another Day / X / Serenity Group
XXX / Get Honest / X / Serenity on 420
XXX / Get it Together / X / Spiritual Connections
X / Gift of Life* / X / Steps to Freedom
X / Glenolden Day Group / X / Strength in Recovery
X / Good Feelings / XXX / The Journey Continues Chester
X / Grateful Not Dead / X / Thursday Night Folsom
X / How Group / X / To the Rescue
XXX / It’s No Secret / XXX / Try Living Clean
XXX / It Works / X / Ultimate Weapon
X / It’s About Time / X / Unity Group
X / Keep it Simple / X / Welcome Home Group
X / Kiss II / X / We Are Hiding
X / Life As We Know It / X / We Are Ready
X / Monday Night Step / X / We Have a Choice Today
XXX / NA Rocks / X / WeCovery in Eddystone
X / Never Alone Group / X / When at the End of the Road
X / Never Too Early / X / Women Rock Recovery

*Returning Groups to Area **New Groups Voted in to Area.

Strikethrough = absent 3 or more and removed from roll


(Open position shown here are from the time of roll call.For an updated list please see the “open positions list” near the end of the minutes. Thank you)

P / A / Officer/Subcommittee / P / A / Officer/Subcommittee
X / Chair / X / Literature Review Chair
X / Co-Chair / Literature Review Co-chair (OPEN)
X / Activities Chair / X / Meeting List Chair
Activities Co-Chair (OPEN) / X / Meeting List Co-Chair
Regional Convention Comm. Rep (OPEN) / X / Policy Chair
Regional Convention Comm. Alt Rep (OPEN) / X / Policy Co-Chair
X / Delco Area Convention Chair / X / Public Relations Chair
X / Delco Area Convention Co-Chair / X / Public Relations Co-Chair
X / H&I Chair / X / RCM
X / H&I Co-Chair / X / RCM Alt
X / Literature Chair / X / Secretary
X / Literature Co-Chair / Co- secretary (OPEN)
X / Digital Media Chair / X / Treasurer
X / Digital Media Co-Chair / X / Co-treasurer

**Group Reports**

Wecovery in Eddystone- We are still uphold the traditions of NA. Still in need of homegroup member. We also have a homegroup member Frank M celebrating 12 years this month.

**Sub-Committee Reports**

Policy:The next printing of the Delco Area Policy is January 2017. Novembers policy was forwarded to digital media.

H&I:Everything is going good with all the commitments with the exception of crisis center unfulfilled again. Commitments for January, February and March go out tonight. We still have a few open spots for keystone men and women and also all of the crisis is still open. So if you have a year or more clean time please come see us and help fill these commitments.

Convention Committee: We have 11 in attendance and out of 13 open positions all are filled but merchandising, arts and graphics, secretary, co-treasurer and co-chair.


**Motions voted on at area.**

Group: Saturday Morning Step

Motion: Nominate Bill L as Convention Chair for the 2017 convention.

Intent: To have a smooth transition to a new convention chair and to serve NA as a whole.

What is your clean date? 06/11/1999

What is the name of your HG? Serenity on 420.

What service work have you been involved with in the past? GSR and homegroup treasurer.

Are you willing and able to complete the full term of office? Yes

Is NA your primary source of recovery? Yes

Have you ever failed to serve the full term of a previous commitment and if so, why? Was GSR of homegroup in Utah but stepped down to move home to PA.

For: 29 Against: 0 Abstain: 7

Group: Convention Committee

Motion: Nominate Maggie L for Convention Chair

Intent: To fill a vacant position.

What is your clean date? 05/17/2005

What is the name of your HG? Recovery Its No Secret.

What service work have you been involved with in the past? GSR, Homegroup, Convention Treasurer.

Are you willing and able to complete the full term of office? Yes

Is NA your primary source of recovery? Yes

Have you ever failed to serve the full term of a previous commitment and if so, why? No.

For: 13 Against: 9 Abstain: 12

Group: Thursday Night Folsom

Motion: Nominate Paul S for the vacant Activities Co-Chair position.

Intent: To fill a vacant position.

What is your clean date? 03/16/2012

What is the name of your HG? Thursday Night Folsom.

What service work have you been involved with in the past? GSR, Literature Review.

Are you willing and able to complete the full term of office? Yes

Is NA your primary source of recovery? Yes

Have you ever failed to serve the full term of a previous commitment and if so, why? No.

For: 38 Against: 0 Abstain: 1

Group: Policy

Motion: Nominate Ian S for Policy Co-Chair.

Intent: To fill a vacant position for 2017.

What is your clean date? 02/17/2015

What is the name of your HG? We Are Hiding.

What service work have you been involved with in the past? GSR and Sponsorship.

Are you willing and able to complete the full term of office? Yes

Is NA your primary source of recovery? Yes

Have you ever failed to serve the full term of a previous commitment and if so, why? No

For: 36 Against: 0 Abstain: 4

Group: We Have A Choice Today

Motion: To Nominate Kristen C for Literature Co-Chair

Intent: To fill a vacant position for 2017.

What is your clean date? 11/09/2011

What is the name of your HG? We Have A Choice Today.

What service work have you been involved with in the past? GSR, Chair of Homegroup and H&I.

Are you willing and able to complete the full term of office? Yes

Is NA your primary source of recovery? Yes

Have you ever failed to serve the full term of a previous commitment and if so, why? No

For: 36 Against: 0 Abstain: 4

Group: New Visions of Hope

Motion: Nominate Dan T for H&I Co-Chair.

Intent: To fill a vacant position for 2017.

What is your clean date? 03/20/2014

What is the name of your HG? New Visions of Hope.

What service work have you been involved with in the past? GSR, Homegroup Service and multiple H&I Commitments.

Are you willing and able to complete the full term of office? Yes

Is NA your primary source of recovery? Yes

Have you ever failed to serve the full term of a previous commitment and if so, why? No

For: 14 Against: 6 Abstain: 7

Group: Never Alone Group

Motion: Nominate Steve S for H&I Co-Chair.

Intent: To fill a vacant position for 2017.

What is your clean date? 10/13/2013

What is the name of your HG? Never Alone Group.

What service work have you been involved with in the past? GSR and H&I.

Are you willing and able to complete the full term of office? Yes

Is NA your primary source of recovery? Yes

Have you ever failed to serve the full term of a previous commitment and if so, why? No

For: 17 Against: 3 Abstain: 7


*All to be voted on by homegroups*

Group: Recovery In Rosetree

Motion: Nominate Mike M for Co-Chair of Digital Media.

Intent: To fill a vacant position.

What is your clean date? 09/09/1999

What is the name of your HG? Recovery In Rosetree.

What service work have you been involved with in the past? HG, Area and Digital Media.

Are you willing and able to complete the full term of office? Yes

Is NA your primary source of recovery? Yes

Have you ever failed to serve the full term of a previous commitment and if so, why? No

Group: Thursday Night Folsom

Motion: Nominate Will M for Convention Co-Chair.

Intent: To fill a vacant position.

What is your clean date? 11/27/2001

What is the name of your HG? Recovery In Ridley.

What service work have you been involved with in the past? GSR, Treasurer, Area.

Are you willing and able to complete the full term of office? Yes

Is NA your primary source of recovery? Yes

Have you ever failed to serve the full term of a previous commitment and if so, why? Yes, death in family.

Group: Its About Time Group

Motion: Nominate Art K for Co-Treasurer.

Intent: To fill a vacant position.

What is your clean date? 06/07/2011

What is the name of your HG? Its About Time Group.

What service work have you been involved with in the past? Co-Treasurer, Treasurer, GSR.

Are you willing and able to complete the full term of office? Yes

Is NA your primary source of recovery? Yes

Have you ever failed to serve the full term of a previous commitment and if so, why? No

Are you employed? How long? Do you have a legal source of income? Retired.

Group: Life As We Know It.

Motion: To amend policy to change the time requirement to 2 years for Area Co-Chair and Area Chair. The chair requirement is 3 years and the co-chair position is a 2 year commitment.

Intent: To allow more people to get in service due to a lack of willingness to fill vacant position.

Group: Convention Committee

Motion: To change prudent reserve for Delco Area Convention to $15,000.

Intent: So area convention will have stable funds each year going forward.

As of December- the following are VACANT POSITIONS and anyone interested in serving can ATTEND THE ASC meeting and the vote will take place there.

-Regional Convention Committee Representative -Literature Review Chair

-Regional Convention Committee Alternate -Literature Review Co-Chair

-Co-Secretary -Co-Chair

-Secretary -Chair

-Delco Area Convention Co-Chair -Activities Co-Chair

2016 Delco ASC Officers

Paul O Treasurer 610 931 5686

James LH&I Chair 610 657 3984

Steve SH&I Co-Chair

Mario CLiterature Chair 610 209 6091

Kristen CLiterature Co-Chair

Paul SActivities Chair 215 303

Mike MDigital Media Chair610 955 3184

Scott MPR Chair484 832 6816

John WPolicy Chair610 803

Ian SPolicy Co-Chair

Mark LMeeting List Chair 484 340

Mike MMeeting List Co-Chair

Bill L DCCC Chair

Brain FRCM610 565

Area Treasury Report 12/21/2016

Previous Balance$3883.21


Total Cash$5782.12



Area Rent$20.00

Regional Phone Line$40.00

Literature (WSO) $1596.31

Regional Meeting List$

Meeting List(Country Press)$180.00

Activities(Xmas eve Marathon)$700.00

PO Box Rental (April) (TBD)$

Insurance Bond (April) (TBD) $

Bank Fees$2.00


Total Expenses-$2538.31


GPRSO (Region) $441.60

WSO (World) $441.60

Net Balance (per bank statement)$2360.61

Less Prudent Reserve -$3,000.00

Final Balance [ + or -] -$639.39