Groundwater thematic workshop
Peer Review Project
8-9 September 2016, Kalmar (Sweden)
South Baltic Water District


I – Objective of the workshop


This workshop aims to gather colleagues from several Member-States to exchange knowledge between interested parties on best practices in the planning process for Integrated Water Resources Management, focusing on groundwater.This workshop is a continuation of the previous peerreviews missions.

The workshop will deal more particularly withfollowing aspects of groundwater management, organised in 3 sessions:

  1. Characterisation and classification of groundwater bodies(groundwater body delineation, quantitative and chemical assessment methodologies, trends evaluation and analysis, groundwater dependent ecosystems, aquatic ecosystems interaction with surface water)
  2. Management of quantitative and chemical monitoring networks (reviewing of groundwater monitoring networks, data management, screening programmes, grouping monitoring points, monitoring of groundwater bodies at risk)
  3. Programme of measures for groundwater bodies (groundwater protection, groundwater remediation, groundwater abstraction management)

The results of the four peer review missions dealing with these topics will be synthetized and participants are invited to describe the situation encountered in their countries as well cases study related to these topics.

Conclusions will be drawn in the form of lessons learnt from the peer review practitioners’ network, and from the presented study cases. Specific recommendations from the workshop will also be produced.

Duration: 2 days

II – List of Participants

Invitationsareprimarily targeting:

  • Receiving Competent Authorities (RCA) involved in peer review project
  • Reviewing experts
  • Members of the corresponding CIS working group
  • SCG for dissemination and direct mailing to practitioners involved in RBMPlanning.

Further dissemination is expected by the primary receivers to all relevant practitioners working in this thematic in European hydrographic districts

List of issues related to groundwater required by RCA in peer review missions

Country / RCA / Specific issues
Italy / Autorità di Bacino dei fiumi dell’Alto Adriatico / Critical analysisof the methodologies usedby the differentadministrationsof the districtfor the assessmentof quantitative status
Critical analysisof the methodologies usedby the differentadministrationsof the districtfor the assessmentof chemical status and trend evaluation
Luxembourg / Water Management Agency / Trend analysis for groundwater bodies at monitoring level, assessment methodologies for groundwater bodies, aquatic ecosystems interaction with surface waters
Spain / Catalan Water Agency / Reviewing methodologies applied to the River Basin Management Plan dealing with groundwater quality assessment and trend analysis, and groundwater to surface water ecosystem relationships in order to exchange knowledge and provide recommendations for improvement
Sweden / South Baltic Water District / An evaluation of our monitoring and characterisation of “Ground waters”. Is this assessment work done at a reasonable level using appropriate models and assumptions?

III – Potential speakers

"RCA counterparts" involved on PR related to groundwater

"Reviewing experts" involved on PR related to groundwater

Other “Reviewing experts” with groundwater competencies

Representatives of nationalorbasin organisation involved in groundwater management

Note: Potential participants are invited to confirm their wish to participate before the 12/07/2015, indicating their interest for simple participation/ giving a presentation and /or contribution as rapporteur to produce the synthesis report on one topic. The proposed draft presentationwill have to be sent to the secretariat, as soon as possible and before the 22/08/2016to allow the workshop to run smoothly.

IV – Program and draft agenda

Overallworkshop program:

  • Introductionto the aims and objectives peer review process, highlighting the need for knowledgeexchange on groundwaterto improve the implementation of our RBMPs
  • Topic 1 - Characterisation and classification of groundwater bodies
  • Methodologies for groundwater body delineation
  • Methodologies for the assessment of quantitative andchemical status
  • Trends evaluation and analysis
  • Derivation of threshold values in groundwater bodies
  • Methodologies for assessing impacts on groundwater dependent ecosystems and aquatic ecosystem interaction with surface water
  • Topic 2 - Management of quantitative and chemical monitoring networks
  • Groundwater monitoring networks – review,data management, data exchange
  • Recommendations for improving groundwater monitoring networks - screening programs, grouping monitoring points, monitoring of groundwater bodies at risk
  • Topic 3 - Programme of measures for groundwater bodies
  • Groundwater protection areas, including groundwater safeguard zones
  • Appraising programmes of measures
  • Measuring/modelling the effectiveness of programmes of measures
  • Groundwater abstractions management
  • Conclusion/Discussions for defining lesson learned and recommendations
  • Field trip to investigate the water supply for the town of Kalmar

V- Draft agenda

Day 1
9 h / Introduction
  • Aims and objectives of the workshop
  • General concepts related to GWD
  • Reminder of issues related to groundwater mentioned by RCA
  • Validation of the agenda
/ -Peer review secretariat
-Groundwater expert
-RCA counterparts
Topic 1: Characterisation of groundwater bodies
10 h / Presentations of cases study showing the methodologies used for: groundwater body characterisation and classification in different countries; threshold values establishment; trends analysis; methodologies for assessing impacts on groundwater dependent ecosystems and aquatic ecosystem interaction with surface water / To be selected from:
- RCA counterparts
-Reviewing experts
-Other experts or national representatives
12 h / Discussions and debate on initial conclusions
13 h / Lunch Break
14h30 / Field trip to visit the water supply for Kalmar and the island Öland during this year’s water shortage - surface water is used to artificially recharge the local esker aquifer (fluvioglacial deposits)
19h / Dinner
Day 2
Topic 2: Management of quantitative and qualitative monitoring networks
9h / Presentations on groundwater monitoring networks in different countries and measured data management (including GIS platforms), recommendations for improving the groundwater monitoring (case studies, if possible) / To be selected from:
- RCA counterparts
-Reviewing experts
Other experts or national representatives
11h / Discussions and debate on initial conclusions
12h / Lunch Break
Topic 3 - Programme of measures for groundwater bodies
13h30 / Presentations of case studies regarding the evaluation of groundwater protection areas (legislation, methodologies), groundwater body clean up and measures proposed for improving groundwater resources management (legislation, permits, models applied for calculation of the critical abstraction levels) / To be selected from:
- RCA counterparts
-Reviewing experts
Other experts or national representatives
15h30 / Discussions and debate on initial conclusions
16h / Debriefing and conclusions

VI – Language

Written presentations and discussions will be in English

VII – Contacts

Ada Pandele, peer review secretariat representative for the workshop:

Peer review secretariat:

Åse Eliasson, information and support from the host institution: