Meeting of Staithes Harbour Board
Held on Thursday 18 May 2017 at 7-00 pm
St Peter’s Centre, Church Street, Staithes
I Banks
W Blackwell
D Chance
N Fowler
D Hanson
J Whitton
I Baxter
D Spriggett
Cllr J Nock
Minute Secretary: S Kendall
J Williams
Apologies: R Marsay, M Hopkinson
- Minutes of Last Meeting held 16 March 2017
Accepted as a true record, apart from the amendment that Cllr D Chance did attend.
- Matters Arising
IB confirmed with Zurich that the insurance did not cover website information (errors or omissions).
Action:IB to ask FC to obtain alternative quote when insurance is due for renewal.
Port Marine Safety Code
IB advised Alan Fawcett had reviewed the manual and found no issues with the content.
Action:IB to get advice from JW on merging all information into one document to distribute to all members.
G Major
IB confirmed he had written but no reply had been received. However, the vessel has been removed.
Notice Board
IB confirmed he emailed JW. He will chase him up again and also mention removal of algae from the slip.
S Baxter
IB confirmed he had written to SB regarding moving moorings and mooring his dinghy.
S Cook
IB confirmed he had written to SC that his application for a beck mooring had been approved. NF advised SC has since paid his harbour dues and is awaiting delivery of his boat.
S Porritt – temporary mooring
IB reported he had discussed the issue with NF and it appears that following the loss of SP’s boat he had not paid harbour dues the following year and therefore he was not at the top of the list for a harbour mooring. He had made a NEW application for a berth in 2016. IB read out the list of applications currently on the waiting list.
Removal of Rocks adjacent to the concrete groyne on the beach
IB confirmed SBC had agreed they would pay for the work from the monies they hold for harbour work. This work has since been completed. D Thompson would be invoicing SBC direct.
Incident Reporting
IB confirmed he had contacted both the RNLI and MCA asking them to provide information on any incidents occurring within SHB jurisdiction. Email detail have been provided to MCA and after discussion it was suggested a simple incident form be completed as and when anything occurs.
- Finance
FC was not in attendance so an up to date financial statement was not available.
NF confirmed all requested paperwork had been submitted, but no payment had yet been received.
Action:DC to chase up.
Harbour Dues
NF confirmed a total of £2177.50 received to date.
NF confirmed the Inland Revenue £100 fine notice had been received which he will pass on to FC to action.
- Harbour Issues
Applications for Moorings
- John Bailey
NF declared an interest in this application so took no part in any decision. It was agreed to offer a beck mooring advising JB that no parking permit was available with this mooring.
- M Steyert
It was agreed to offer a beck mooring advising MS that no parking permit was available with this mooring.
Application for change of vessel from T Wright received, there were no objections.
Action:IB to write and inform above of decisions.
DH raised the question of N Lonsdale’s application for a berth. Following discussion, as it has been 3 years since his application it was agreed he would now have to re-apply.
Action:IB to inform NL of the decision.
Mooring Arrangements
One mooring ring still to put on the spur, IB and JW to complete and also extend the front chain on the beach mooring. All ladders can now be used.
IB stated as 2 commercial boats have left the harbour there is no need for 2 boats to be moored in the corner of the spur as there is room on the main chain. Following discussion a vote was taken as to whether the 2 boats should remain on the spur.
Votes for leaving the boats there= 6
Votes against= 2
IB raised the question of allocating a commercial berth for M Hopkinson. As no agreement was reached on where this would be, it was felt that feedback from the commercial boats was required.
There was discussion as to whether G Quinn has been operating commercially, JW stated GQ had informed him it was his intention to start netting shortly.
DS received a complaint that there was insufficient scope when utilising the new mooring arrangements on the beach chains. IB advised the arrangements employed were in line with industry standards for “Trot Moorings”. If they prove unsuitable then changes could be made.
Action:NF to allocate additional moorings in the harbour when new chains have been installed.
- A.O.B.
IB advised he had discussed concerns with NYMNPA regarding guidelines. He has also read the Surveillance Code of Practice which indicates it is a voluntary code and SHB proposals do not pose any issues. NF advised verbal agreements had been received from residents regarding the use of cctv in the harbour.
Future Developments
WB suggested we concentrate on fund raising to provide a “grid” to enable maintenance to be carried out on boats as at present they need to go to Whitby. IB suggested we approach the Heritage Lottery Fund to reinstate the small jetty on Cowbar side of the beck and to install a grid alongside. DC advised matched funding may be available for such a scheme.
Action:IB to contact RCBC to get them involved.
Action:JN to investigate as the whether the original AMEC drawings for the installation of the Cowbar grid are still available.
Diesel Store
DS advised the current store was too small and in a poor state of repair. He has obtained a cost of £200 for a second hand “site safe”.
Proposed:IBSeconded:NFthat DS measure up and purchase.
Film: Victoria
NF reported he had negotiated a filming fee of £1000.
Staithes Festival of Arts
Due to the problems caused by parking on SHB property last year, it was agreed that no parking facilities would be available for festival purposes this year. A charge of £100 per vehicle would be made in the event of non-compliance. The organisers to provide single point of contact and liaise with NF.
Action: IB to inform organisers of above.
Tyres in Harbour
Marine Conservation Society have advised placing tyres in the harbour is an offence and liable to prosecution by SBC under current “fly tipping” legislation. WB suggested a letter from SBC to the offender would be appropriate.
Action:JN to consult with SBC.
Cleveland Potash Planning Proposal
At a recent parish council meeting ICL (Cleveland Potash) stated that they had consulted with Staithes residents regarding the planning proposal and there were no objections. NF queried who they had consulted with and suggested they attend the next SHB meeting to outline the effects of the proposal on the marine environment.
Action:IB to inform ICL of date and time of next meeting.
- Date and Time of Next Meeting
Thursday 20 July 2017, 7.00 pm in St Peters Centre, Staithes.
W Blackwell (Chairman)
Meeting Of
Staithes Harbour Board
Thursday, 20 July 2017, 7.00 pm St Peters Centre, Staithes
- Minutes of Meeting held 18 May 2017
- Matters Arising
- Finance
- Harbour Issues
- Any Other Business
- Date and Time of Next Meeting