Open Meeting Listings For Districts 6 & 7 (May 2006)

What are A.A. meetings?*
Alcoholics Anonymous is established in over 180 countries. The people in each group get together, usually once or twice a week, to hold A.A. meetings, of two main types:

  • At “open meetings,” speakers tell how they drank, how they discovered A.A., and how its program has helped them. Members may bring relatives or friends, and usually anyone interested in A.A. is also welcome to attend open meetings.”
  • “Closed meetings” are for alcoholics only. These are group discussions, and any members who want to may speak up, to ask questions and to share their thoughts with fellow members. At “closed meetings,” A.A.s can get help with personal problems in staying sober and in everyday living. Some other A.A.s can explain how they have already handled the same problems — often by using one or more of the Twelve Steps.

*Reprinted fromA Brief Guide to Alcoholics Anonymous with permission of A.A. World Services, Inc.


8:00 a.m.

--Early Riser's --OSS, NS--Canterbury United MethodistChurch--350 Overbrook Rd., Mountain Brook.

11:00 a.m.

--Five Points--OS--NS--2012 14th Ave. So

3:00 p.m.

--* Tittusvjlle --OD, OS-Our Lady of Fatima Church--700 First St. So.

5:00 p.m.

--North Jefferson --OD--MorrisCity Hall

6:00 p.m.

--*Live and Let Live --OD, NS--This is a Gay Group --All AA's welcome-Covenant Metropolitan Community Church - 5117 1rst Ave N
--Western --OBB -4516-C 7th Ave.., Wylam
--UAB Center for Psychiatric Medicine (lnst.) OD, NS--1713 6th Ave. So.., 5th Floor

7:00 p.m.

--Bessemer --OSS--824 9th St. No.,.Bessemer

8:00 p.m.

-- # Highland Park -OD, NS--FirstLutheranChurch--2507 Highland Ave.
--Hoover --OS, NS--Chapel-in-the-Pines Presbyterian Church--2269 Chapel Rd.. Hoover
--Leeds --OD--210 9th St. SE. Leeds


9:30 a.m.

-Starting Over--OD--NS---Child Care Provided--Shepherd of the HillsLutheranChurch--4887 Valleydale Rd.


--Huffman --OD--St. Michaels Episcopal-- 901 Kingman Road (Basement of Church)

12:15 p.m

--South Suburban --ODBG, NS--St. Peter's Church--2061 Patton Chapel Rd.., Hoover, Room 202

7:00 p.m.

--Bessemer --OBB--NS-- 824 9th St. No., Bessemer

8:00 p.m

--North Pratt --OD--North Pratt Community Center
--Surrender -OS, NS--2130 11th Ave. No., Birmingham (Salvation Army)


12:15 p.m.

--South Suburban --OD, NS--St. Peter's Church--2061 Patton Chapel Rd.., Hoover, Men--Rm 202; Women--Rm 203


--Pelham--OBB--Women Only--Crosscreek Baptist--600 Crosscreek Trail

8:00 p.m.

-- + Bessemer --OS--824 9th St. No.-Bessemer
--Brooklane Traditions--OBB--512 Quebec St.--McDonalds Chapel
--Huffman --OD-- St. Michaels Episcopal-- 901 Kingman Road (Basement of Church)
--Leeds--OD--210 9th St. S.E.--Leeds
--Westside --OD--Christ Episcopal Church Guilford Hall--4912 Richard Scrushy Pkwy Fairfield


12:15 p.m.

--South Suburban --OD, BG-NS--St. Peter's Church--2061 Patton Chapel Rd., Hoover, Room 202 (Front of Church)
--New Hope--OD--NS-- Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, 4887 Valleydale Road

6:00 p.m.

--IOTA--OD--Old St. Mark CME Church--301 Iota Ave. So.--Birmingham

7:00 p.m.

--Spanish Speaking--OD--NS--St. Peter's Church, 2061 Patton Chapel Rd., Hoover - Room 203
--Plug in the Jug--OD --Alabaster Salvation Army Bldg, 108 Plaza Circle, Alabaster

8:00 p.m.

--Adamsville --OS--Old Adamsville School
--Hueytown --OD--217 Nabors Ave., Hueytown
--Primary Purpose --OD, NS--Our Lady of Sorrows Church--1728 Oxmoor Rd..Homewood
--*Vestavia Hills -- OD, NS, (OS-Last Wed. of each month)--Vestavia Hills Methodist Church-2061 Kentucky Ave.


12:15 p.m.

--South Suburban --OD & OSS- NS--St. Peter's Church--2061 Patton Chapel Rd., Hoover, Room 202 (Front of Church)

12:30 p.m.

--Mid-Day--OBB--New Midfield City Hall--City Council Chambers

6:00 p.m.

--Hope on Highlands--OD--St. Mary's Episcopal-- 1910 12th Ave S

7:00 p.m.

--Montevallo Serenity Group--OD - NS--St. Andrews Episcopal Church-- 935 Plowman St.- Montevallo
--Western --OS--4516-C 7th Ave.., Wylam


--Hueytown --OBG--217 Nabors Ave., Hueytown
--Palmerdale Group--OD--United Methodist Church, Palmerdale
--UAB Center for Psychiatric Medicine (Inst.)--OD--NS--1713 6th Ave. So., 5th Floor, Birmingham
--Westover- OBB--New Life Assembly of God, Hwy 280; Westover


9:30 a.m.

--Starting Over--OD --Shepherd of the HillsLutheranChurch--4887 Valleydale Rd. (Child Care Provided)


--Bessemer --OD--824 9th St. No.,, Bessemer
--Downtown --OD--Advent Episcopal Cathedral--521 20th St. No--Ground Floor

5:30 p.m.

--Western --OD--4516-C 7th Ave., Wylam

6:30 p.m.

--Carraway Hospital - Inst. -- OS --9th Floor--26th St.No., Birmingham
--Now or Never--OD, NS--St. John Baptist Church--Life Center--1180 Alexander St.., Dolomite

7:00 p.m.

--New Hope--OD--NS-- Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, 4887 Valleydale Road (OS on 1rst Friday of the month)
--Pelham -- OD--Crosscreek Baptist Church, 600 Crosscreek Trail (Eating Meeting at 8 pm on last Friday of the month. Supper at 7 pm)

8:00 p.m.

--Brooklane Traditions--OS--512 Quebec St. McDonalds Chapel. (2nd Friday of each month--Pot Luck Supper at 7 p.m.)
--Center Point --OS--Center Point Presbyterian Church---2650 Center Point Rd., Center Point
--Five Points: --OS--NS--2012 14th Ave. So..
--#-Highland Park -Open Step Study, NS--FirstLutheranChurch--2507 Highland Ave.
--Hueytown -OS--Industrial City Community Center--217 Nabors Ave Hueytown (4th Fri of Month's AL-Anon--OS)
--Leeds--OD--210 9th St. S.E.-Leeds
--Mount Olive --OS or OD, NS-- St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church, -334 Main St. Gardendale--In Parish Hall

  • 10:30 p.m.

--Five Points -"Hoot Owl"---OD--NS---2012 14th Ave. So.


10:30 a.m.

--South Suburban- OD--NS- St. Peters Church- 2061 Patton Chapel Rd., Hoover- Room 202

  • 11:00 a.m.

-- New Hope -OD, NS-Shepherd of the HillsLutheranChurch --4887 Valleydale Rd.


--Pathway --OD or OS--BaptistChurch--76th St. & Division Ave.

3:00 p.m.

--Five Points --OD--2012 14th Ave. South

6:00 p.m.

--Five Points -Young at Heart--OD--NS--BG--2012 14th Ave. South

6:30 p.m.

--Riverchase -OD, NS--Riverchase United MethodistChurch - 1953 Old Montgomery Hwy, Hoover

7:00 p.m.

--Montevallo Serenity Group--OD-- NS--St. Andrews Episcopal Church-- 935 Plowman St.
--UABCenter for Psychiatric Medicine (lnst.) --NS--1713 6th Ave. So..5th Floor

8:00 p.m.

--Bessemer -OD--BG--NS--824 9th St. No.,., Bessemer-Eating Meeting on last Saturday of the Month at 6 p.m.
--Eastem --OS--Progressive Baptist Church--215 84th St. So.. (Al-Anon Meeting last Sat. of each month)
--Five Points --OD--NS--2012 14th Ave. So
--Leeds --OD--210 9th St. SE. Leeds
--29-13 North Birmingham --CD -- 2926 13th Avenue North
--Westover--OD--New Life Assembly of God--Trailer behind the church--Hwy 280, Westover

  • 10:30 p.m.

--Five Points -"Hoot Owl"---OD--NS--*2012 14th Ave. So.

Outlying Areas


8:00 a.m.-Blount County --OD--Trailer behind Methodist Church/Allgood
1:00 p.m.--Pell City--OD--Serenity House-28 Cogswell Ave.., Pell City
8:00 p.m. --Blountsville --OD--Mockingbird Lane- Behind A Frame House- Blountsville
8:00 p.m.--Cullman --OS--3321 1/2 2nd Ave. SW Cullman
8:00 p.m.-Pell City --OD--Serenity House--28 Cogswell Ave., Pell City


12:00 noon-- Lincoln --OD--Lincoln Chip Club-- 140 Dovie Circle
7:00 p.m.-- Lincoln --OD--Lincoln Chip Club-- 140 Dovie Circle
7:00 p.m.-- Sobriety Getters --OD--NS--Harkey's Chapel--Hwy 144--( 6 miles from Pell City)
7:30 p.m.--Childersburg --OS--#8 9th St., Childersburg
8:00 p.m.-Blount County --OD--Trailer behind Methodist Church/Allgood


12:00 noon --Tuscaloosa--OD--Queen City AA Bldg 2025 River Rd ., Tuscaloosa
7:00 p.m. -Coosa River - OD - NS - Baptist Church at Lay Lake - Hwy 145 - Shelby, AL
7:00 p.m.--Sobriety Getters -OD--Pell City Community Center-- 405 S. 19th St.
8:00 p.m. --Blountsville --OD--Mockingbird Lane- Behind A Frame House- Blountsville
8:00 p.m.-Cullman -OS- (upstairs)--312 1/2 2nd. Ave. SW Cullman
8:00 p.m.--PellCity --OD--Serenity House--28 Cogswell Ave... PellCity


12:00 noon--Coosa Valley--OD-107 6TH ST S Gadsden
12:00 noon-- Lincoln --OD--Lincoln Chip Club-- 140 Dovie Circle
7:30 p.m.--Cheaha--OD--Women's Meeting--1660 Highway 511, Sylacauga
* 8:00 p.m.--Pell City --OD--Serenity House--28 Cogswell Ave. Pell City


7:00 p.m.-*-Clearly Sobriety--ClearBranchMethodistChurch-- 8051 Glenn Road -- Argo
7:00 p.m. New Life - OD - 2250 Highway 78 West - Oxford
7:00 p.m.-- Lincoln --OD--Lincoln Chip Club-- 140 Dovie Circle
7:00 p.m.--Sobriety Getters -OD--Pell City Community Center-- 405 S. 19th St.
7:30 p.m.--Cheaha--OS--1660 Highway 511, Sylacauga
7:30 p.m.--Childersburg --OD--., #8 9th Street Childersburg
8:00 p.m.-Ashville -OD-American Legion Post Asheville
8:00 p.m.--Pell City --OSS--Serenity House--28 Cogswell Ave. Pell City


12:00 noon-- Lincoln --OD--Lincoln Chip Club-- 140 Dovie Circle
7:00 p.m. New Life - OD - 2250 Highway 78 West - Oxford
7:00 p.m.--Sobriety Getters -OD--PellCityCommunityCenter--405 S. 19th St.
7:30 p.m.-New Freedom --OS--Atkinson Bldg., Sylacauga
8:00 p.m. --Blountsville --OD--Mockingbird Lane- Behind A Frame House- Blountsville
*8:00 p.m.--Jasper -OS--216 Garner Rd. Jasper
8:00 p.m. - Maplesville- OS-- Old School-- Highway139
*8:00 p.m.--Pell City --OD--Serenity House--28 Cogswell Ave., Pell City


9:00 a.m.--Cheaha--OD--Old Birmingham Hwy. Sylacauga
7:00 p.m.--Sobriety Getters -OD--PellCityCommunityCenter--405 S. 19th St.
7:30 p.m.--Chapter 5 --OS--St. Peter's Episcopal Church
8:00 p.m.--Childersburg --OS--#8 9th St.. Childersburg
8:00 p.m.--OD--410 Sutton Bridge Rd.--Rainbow City
8:00 p.m.--Jasper Primary Purpose--OS--Old Church at 19th St. and 15th Ave.
*8:00 p.m.--BlountCounty -OD or OS-Trailer behind Methodist Church/Allgood

OD -Open Discussion
OS -Open Speaker
CD -Closed Discussion
NS -Non-smoking AA Meeting
OBB -Open Big Book Study
OSS -Open Step Study
CSS -Closed Step Study
CBB -Closed Big Book Study
BG - Beginner Meeting
* - Designates Al-Anon Meetings at same time and place
+ -Designates Alateen Meetings at same time and place
(Inst.) - Designates Institutional Meetings
# - Handicapped Accessible