Bear Creek Jr. Sport Association
Meeting Minutes: September 19, 2016

Meeting held at BCHS after a 6:00 pm PCA Workshop Course

Called to order by: Amy Nuanes

Attendees: Claude Vigil,Amy Nuanes,Melissa Joy, Pam Miranda, Bob Brown, Stephanie Cordova, Dan Carroll, Chris Cushing, Tara Martinez, John Martinez, Jack Mestas

Meeting called to order: 7:00 pm


President:No updates

Treasurer:Working with new sports to properly utilize capital funds.

Vice President: We need to work with football and fall baseball to make sure that the shed is left in good order at the end for each sport.

Fields & Facilities: No updates

Website & Fundraising: We got the lights in for the shed. They now just need to be installed.


Investigative Committee: nothing at this time

Scholarship – no updates

Capital Reserve– golf cart, shed remodel – Claude is going to bring in three contractors to give us pricing to see what we can do with current space. He will bring back to the exec committee to best utilize the space. Cages at Schaefer need new turf on the lanes. Looking to find an indoor facility to use for all sports.


Sports Reports

Baseball: Registration open.
Basketball: Stephanie reporting for David. We do not have enough registered girls for a team. Touched base with JP sports and she was ok with our kids playing in Jeffco.

Golf –Season has wrapped up. Next year they will be a more competitive/elite. Each week they would play at a different course. This will also include more 18 hole courses.

Football –. Season underway. One issue with a parent/coach. Parent has been asked not to return to practices or games as he has broken the parent code of conduct. Golf cart has been replaced. AED will be on board for all game days. Battery operated and should be long lasting. Future bear night still being finalized

Flag football –Scheduling has been difficult, and are facing double headers. George is working to fix the conflicts.

Soccer– No updates.

Lacrosse – Season underway. Bandits we pay $75 per kid, depending on what level we are interested in. not sure about uniforms or colors, however the cost is included in the registration They can fill in where coaches are needed. Working to arrange a winter league and practicing in the indoor arena. Ensuring that all BCJSA members get emails about LAX. Next meeting should have more finalized info about the Bandits.


Softball- No updates

Fall Softball–. No updates

Cheerleading – Everything going well. As program expands, we should be able to have “teams” as of right now they sign up for which games they can attend. Uniforms, warm ups and hoodies.

Wrestling –Date approved for tournament January 29th, at BCHS. Would like to have another month to get numbers finalized for capital. Registration will open October 1st.

NEW BUSINESS: Nominations for President, President elect and website need to be given to Amy Nuanes by October 17th. Reminder that you need to have attended 4 meetings in the last calendar year in order to vote.

October 17th meeting will be budget and capital and announcement of nominees.

Voting will be for the November 14th meeting. Ralston House will also be presenting at that meeting.

Meeting adjourned :