Application for Accreditation – Part A

General Details

Purpose of this form

This form is used to apply for accreditation as an Accredited Certificate Provider or ‘ACP’. Itshould also be accompanied by a completedApplication for Accreditation - Part B(Method Details) for the relevant calculation method and other supporting documentation as indicated in these forms.

Refer to the Application for Accreditation Guide to assist you in preparing application documentation. Essential informationabout the requirements of applicants and ACPs is set out in therelevant Method Guide, Record Keeping Guide,and the Guide to Accredited Certificate Provider’s Obligations. Your application information must be consistent with and meet the requirements set out in these documents. Information on the application process can be found on the ESS website.

Meaning of key terms,icons and colours in this form

Key terms

ACP means accredited certificate provider. If this application for accreditation issuccessful, you will be an ACP.

RESA means recognised energy saving activity. If this application for accreditation is successful, you will be accredited in respect of a specificrecognised energy saving activity.

ESC means energy savings certificate. If this application for accreditation is successful, you may be able to create ESCs from the implementation of the RESA.


Indicates an instruction for completing this form.

Indicates a document or supporting evidence to be provided with the application.

Important information to assist you with completing the application.


Blue shaded questions must be completed by all applicants.

Amber shaded questionsmust only be completed if relevant to the application.

How to complete and submit an application

1.Complete the formsApplication for Accreditation - Part A andApplication for Accreditation - Part B (Method Details) relevant to the calculation method for which you are applying.

2.Finalise supporting documentation.

3.Review the completed application forms and supporting documentation to ensure that they are concise, complete, relevant and accurate. This is an opportunity to demonstrate the effectiveness of your quality assurance procedures to IPART.

4.Submit the application forms and supporting documentation to IPART.

Applicant details

  1. Who is applying for accreditation?
  • Trusts and partnerships are not eligible to apply.
  • If this application is approved, the information in this question will be publicly available.

Legal name of entity applying for accreditation: / Click here to enter text.
ABN(not required if providing ACN): / Click here to enter text.
ACN(not required if providing ABN): / Click here to enter text.


  • Attach aCurrent CompanyExtract that is dated less than four weeks from the date the application is submitted.
  • CurrentCompany Extracts may be purchased from the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) or an ASIC approved information broker.

File name – Current Company Extract: / Click here to enter text.
  1. Does the applicant operate under a registered business or trading name?
  • Check the appropriate box and respond accordingly.

☐ / No /  Go to Question 4
☐ / Yes /  Provide a response to Question 3
  1. What isthe registered business or trading name of the applicant?

Registered businessor trading name: / Click here to enter text.


  • Attach evidence of the registered business name.

File name – evidence of registered business name: / Click here to enter text.
  1. What is the primary purpose and function of the applicant’s organisation?

Describe the applicant’s organisation, its activities and the goods and/or services provided: / Click here to enter text.

Project details

  1. What is the name of the proposed RESA?
  • Provide a concise and meaningfulname for the RESA that describes the activity, is no more than 60characters long (including spaces), and does not include the acronym ‘RESA’.
  • If this application is approved, the information in this question will be publicly available.

RESA name: / Click here to enter text.
  1. What is involved in the proposed RESA?
  • Provide a concisesummary of the RESAthat includes information about the activity, the equipment, where and when the RESA will take place and how energy savings will be achieved.

RESA description: / Click here to enter text.
  1. What sites will the proposed RESAtake place at?
  • ARESAmay be implemented at a single site or multiple sites within NSW. The type of site may be, for example, commercialbuildings, industrial sites, residential dwellings, small businesses etc. If industrial sites are involved, include the types of industrial sites as categorised by ANZSIC codes.

Number of site(s): / Choose an item. /
Address(es) of sites, if known: / Click here to enter text.
Estimate of the number of sites and their regions/locations if addresses are unknown: / Click here to enter text.
Description of the type(s) of the site(s) where the RESA will occur: / Click here to enter text.
  1. How does the proposed RESA increase the efficiency of energy consumption?

Describe how the RESA will increase the efficiency of energy consumption: / Click here to enter text.
  1. What is the intended duration of accreditation for the proposed RESA?
  • If the RESA doesn’t have a particular end date then you may specifiy the scheme end date (2025).

Estimatedduration of RESA accreditation: / Click here to enter text.
  1. What is the estimated ESC creation?
  • Successful applicants generally enter into an undertaking with IPARTto withhold a percentage of ESCs fromsale or trade until ESCs have been confirmed as valid through an audit. Refer to Notice 03/2017: Undertakings.

Estimated number of ESCsproposed to be created in the first three years: / Year 1: Click here to enter text.
Year 2: Click here to enter text.
Year 3: Click here to enter text.
Estimated frequency of ESC registration: / Choose an item. /
  1. Which calculation method is beingapplied?
  • Provide the name of the calculation method or sub-method for which you are applying.
  • RESAs are undertaken in respect of a particular ESS calculation method or sub-method. Refer to the list ofESS calculation methodsand sub-methods.

ESS calculation method or submethod: / Click here to enter text.


  • Attach acompleted Application for Accreditation - Part B (Method Details) for the calculation method or submethod.

File name – Application for Accreditation - Part B (Method Details): / Click here to enter text.

Participation as an energy saver

  • ACPs may be the original energy saver or a nominated energy saver. ACPs that are not the original energy saver, must be nominated as the energy saver for each implementation of the RESA.
  • ACPs that are nominated energy savers must maintain appropriate insurance, and have suitable systems for customer engagement and management.
  1. Will the applicant need to be nominated as the energy saver?
  • Check the appropriate box and respond accordingly.

☐ / No / Go to Question16
☐ / Yes / Provide responses to Questions 13 to 15
  1. What is the process for providing us with evidence of current insurance?
  • ACPs that are nominated energy savers must provide IPART with current certificates of insurance, within seven days of each renewal, reissue or change of policy.

Describe the process for providing IPART with renewed, reissued or amended insurance on an ongoing basis: / Click here to enter text.


  • Attachcurrent certificate(s) of insurance.

File name – certificate(s) of insurance: / Click here to enter text.
  1. What is the process for obtaining nomination?
  • Provide information about how you will obtain nomination from the original energy saver.
  • Nomination must be made after the accreditation date but before or on the relevant implementation date. ACPs must use the nomination form template on the ESS website to develop their nomination form.

Describe the process for obtaining nomination for each implementation of the RESA: / Click here to enter text.
  1. What is the process for customer engagement, customer service and customer complaints?
  • ACPs and their representatives must provide appropriate customer service. Refer to Notice 01/2013: Minimum requirements for conduct of persons acting on behalf of ACPs.
  • ACPs using the Commercial Lighting Method must provide a copy of theCommercial Lighting Fact Sheetto their customers. ACPs using Home Energy Efficiency Retrofits Method must provide a copy of theHEER Fact Sheet to their customers.

Describe the process for engaging customers: / Click here to enter text.
Describe the process for customer service: / Click here to enter text.
Describe the process for managing complaints: / Click here to enter text.


  • Attach relevant documents that will be used for customer engagement, including those to be provided to customers.

File name – customer engagement documentation: / Click here to enter text.

Engaging contractors and third party representatives

  • ACPs that engage contractors or third party representatives (‘contractors’), such as installers or salespeople, must ensure that their contractors meet the minimum requirements of conduct. Refer to Notice 01/2013: Minimum requirements for conduct of persons acting on behalf of ACPs.
  1. Will contractors or third party representatives be engaged to perform any aspect of the proposed RESA?
  • Check the appropriate box and respond accordingly.

☐ / No /  Go to Question 20
☐ / Yes / Provide responses to Questions 17to19
  1. Who are the contractors?
  • ACPs must maintain a register of all representatives conducting activities on their behalf. The register must include information relevant to the calculation method for example, name, contact details, training, qualifications, licence number, relationship, date of contract and responsibilities. Refer to the relevant Method Guide.


  • Attachthe register of contractors (eg, installers and salespersons) that would be conducting activities on your behalf. If contractors have not yet been engaged, provide anunfilled register of contractors to illustrate the information that will be maintained.

File name – register of contractors: / Click here to enter text.
  1. What is the process for engaging and managing contractors?
  • ACPs must have a formal, documented and enforceable contract or agreement with each person undertaking any aspect of theirRESA.
  • ACPs are responsible for the conduct of third party representatives acting on their behalf.

Describe the contractual arrangements that will be in place with each contractor: / Click here to enter text.
Describe the process for engaging contractors: / Click here to enter text.
Describe the process for managing contractors on an ongoing basis and maintaining the register of contractors: / Click here to enter text.
  1. What is the process for providing us with evidence of contractors’ current insurance?
  • ACPs must provide IPART with current certificates oftheir contractors’ insurance, within seven days of each renewal, reissue or change of policy.

Describe the process for providing IPART with renewed, reissued or amended insurance of your contractors on an ongoing basis: / Click here to enter text.


  • Attach certificate(s) of insurance of all contractors, if available.

File name – certificate(s) of insurance: / Click here to enter text.

Roles, responsibilities and training

  1. What are the roles and responsibilities of the people involved in theproposed RESA?
  • Provide information about the roles and responsibilities of all people involved in the RESA (employees and, if relevant, contractors) and how they relate to each other.


  • Attachthe RESA organisation chart that includes the names and roles of all employees and contractors involved in the RESA and how they relate to managing the accreditation and implementing the RESA.
  • Attacha table of roles and responsibilites that includes the name,job title, RESA role description, skills and qualifications of all employees and contractors involved in the RESA.

File name – RESA organisation chart: / Click here to enter text.
File name – table of roles and responsibilities: / Click here to enter text.
  1. What training will be given to the people involved in the proposed RESA?
  • Provide information about the training that will be given to employees and, if relevant, contractors undertaking any aspect of the RESA.
  • Training material should include, where relevant: customer engagement, explanation of the ESS,record keeping requirements, work health and safety, correct procedures for installing equipment and disposal of replaced or removed equipment.
  • There are additional requirements for some of the calculation sub-methods under the Deemed Energy Savings Method (refer to the relevant Method Guide).

Describe how and when training will be provided: / Click here to enter text. /


  • Attachthe training material that will be used to train employees and, if relevant, contractors.

File name – training material: / Click here to enter text.

Record keeping and quality assurance processes

  1. What are the record keeping and quality assurance arrangements?
  • ACPs are required to collect and retain evidence to support ESC creation. ACPs must maintain appropriate record keeping arrangements to ensure thatthey are able to collect and retain the required evidence. Refer to the Record Keeping Guide.
  • ACPs’ activities and record keeping arrangements are reviewedby external auditors.

Describe how the requirements of the Record Keeping Guidewill be met: / Click here to enter text.
Describe the procedures for ensuring that the records are complete, accurate and reliable: / Click here to enter text.
Provide the names and job titles of the people who are responsible for ensuring quality assurance of RESA documentation: / Click here to enter text.
Describe the procedures for conducting internal audits of record keeping and quality assurance procedures: / Click here to enter text.
Describe the status of the record keeping and quality assurance procedures, including whether they arecurrently operational and when they were last audited: / Click here to enter text.


  • Attach the documented record keeping and quality assurance procedures, including the document register that lists all records that must be collected and retained for each implementation of the RESA.
  • Record keeping procedures must detail the step-by-step process of how records will be obtained, processed, maintained and controlled, and identify the position(s) of the person(s) responsible for each of these steps.
  • Quality assurance procedures must ensure that the records will becomplete, accurate and reliable. You must also show the processes and responsibilities for checking records, in particular the calculations and steps in the creation and registration of ESCs. Quality assurance procedures must be performed by a person that was not involved in the work or process.
  • The document register must detail, at a minimum, the document name and number, location, version number, owner, author, approver, date of issue and approval, and revision information. Additional requirements specific to the calculation method are set out in the relevant Method Guide.

File name – record keeping and quality assurance procedures: / Click here to enter text.
File name – document register: / Click here to enter text.
  1. How are records collected and stored?
  • Provide information about the systems for retaining documentation and records.
  • External auditors will require access to thesystems, documentsand records that support the energy saving activities and calculations.

Describe how records will be collected from other parties, including contractors (if applicable): / Click here to enter text.
Describe theinformation systems, databases, and/or spreadsheets used to collate, manage and store records: / Click here to enter text.
Describe the process for ensuring that records will be in a form suitable for an external audit: / Click here to enter text.
Describe how the record keeping proceduresensure that records will be kept for at least six years: / Click here to enter text.
  1. Are theseprocedures certified with an accredited quality management system?
  • To support this application, you may provide information about thequality management system and the standard against which it is certified eg, AS/NZS ISO 9001.
  • Check the appropriate box and respond accordingly.

☐ / No /  Go to Question 26
☐ / Yes /  Provide a response to Question 25
  1. How will thequality management system support good record keeping?
  • Provide information about the quality management systemand the relevant certification.

Describe the quality management system and certification status: / Click here to enter text.
Describe how the certified quality management system improves your record keeping: / Click here to enter text.


  • Attach evidence of certificationof the quality management system against a recognised standard.

File name – evidence of certification: / Click here to enter text.
File name – copies of the most recent independent audit reports (no more than two) of your business systems, completed in the last two years: / Click here to enter text.

Interconnection of activities, people and processes

  1. How do the energy saving activities, people, processes and documentation interconnect?
  • You must provide the RESA ‘delivery process flow chart’. This is a key document in the application as it links all of the people, information and processes to the energy saving activities.
  • TheRESA ‘delivery process flow chart’shouldset out all of the activities, people, documentation and quality assurance procedures involved in carrying out the RESA. It should includekey activities such as engaging customers, issuing quotes and managing payments, nomination, implementing the energy saving activities, collecting and storing documentation, carrying out quality assurance and applying to register ESCs.


  • Attach the RESA delivery process flow chart.

File name – RESA delivery process flow chart: / Click here to enter text.

Participation in other schemes

  1. Has the applicant participated in other government energy efficiency schemes?
  • We will consider an applicant’s compliance performance in other government energy efficiency programs or schemes in our assessment of the application. Refer to our Compliance and Performance Monitoring Strategy for information about our approach for setting and adjusting audit regimes.
  • Checkthe appropriate box and respond accordingly.

☐ / No / Go to Question 29
☐ / Yes /  Provide responses to Question 28
  1. What is the nature and scope of participation in other schemes?
  • Provide details about the applicant’sinvolvement with other schemes and grantprograms, including nature of involvement and activities conducted.

List the government energy efficiencyprograms or schemes that you have participated in: / Click here to enter text. /
Describe the nature and scopeof the applicant’s participation in theseprograms or schemes: / Click here to enter text.
