August 27, 2014

Present: Representative Lindberg, Representative Gelbsman

Absent: Representative Hulse

Also present: Board Chair Clark, Representative Lentz

Department heads present: Brian Pokorny, Kristen Leahy, Hank Schecher, Frances Wright and Carol McGovern


Frances Wright gave a presentation, giving a general overview of the Department of Office for the Aging. Within the overview, Mrs. Wright explained an organizational chart including who she reports to and her department’s staffing. Mrs. Wright explained services available through OFA and NY connects noting that the department assists mainly individuals 60 years of age and older.

Representative Hulse arrived during the presentation.

After the Office for the Aging presentation the regular monthly meeting moved to the conference room.

Present: Representative Hulse, Representative Lindberg

Absent: Representative Gelbsman

Also present: Board Chair Clark, Brian Pokorny and Hank Schecher


Brian Pokorny continued discussion related to his risk reduction proposal noting that he currently has 3 voids in his department, which are:

1. Technical/help desk

2. Administrative duties

3. Programming overlap/cross training

Brian Pokorny stated that after having further discussions, he would like to alter his proposal related to staffing. Mr. Pokorny would like to fill a vacant funded IT Administrative Coordinator position and fill a vacant funded Microcomputer Specialist position due to a promotion. Mr. Pokorny added that he will discuss/request a Computer Programmer position in the 2015 budget.

Representative Gelbsman and Representative Lentz arrived during the IT discussion.

Representative Hulse supports the staffing proposal as well as would like to explore purchasing programs/software to assist in business processes.

Representative Hulse motioned to recommend the staffing proposal presented above. Seconded, Lindberg. Total: 3; Ayes: 3. Motion carried.

Representative Hulse motioned to recommend that IT begin preparing and obtain related costs for 2015 regarding prepackaged business packages on windows platform to replace AS400 processes, with the priority on a Civil Service package. Seconded, Gelbsman. Total: 3; Ayes: 3. Motion carried.


The committee wants to move forward with a centralized Accounts Payable plan to include using existing staff.

Representative Hulse noted receiving the results from the survey sent to department heads related to Accounts Payable and that the next step is to interview department heads, so they can explain their detailed process.

The committee requested the Clerk of the Board send out a survey as related to how A/R, Accounts Receivable, is handled in each department, to be returned by September 15th.


Jennifer Pajerski was unable to attend the meeting; therefore the committee did not discuss possible changes/recommendations to the current Purchasing Policy.


Representative Hulse asked committee members for their future ideas as related to the county structure. Representative Lindberg added he would like to close 1 DMV office, relocate departments currently at the Old Jail building and sell the building and be more productive in processing receivables and increasing revenues. Representative Lentz recommends a business manager and strategic planning.


Hank Schecher reiterated the need for more staff in his office to be able to provide better customer service. Mr. Schecher proposes hiring a full time Account Clerk Typist or similar position in the 2015 budget.

There being no further business to discuss, the committee adjourned until Wednesday, September 24th at 9:15 a.m. at the County Office Building, for the Department of Health presentation with the regular monthly meeting to follow.