Access to HE Diploma (The Diploma)
Observation Record / /
Provider name:
Diploma title:
Unit title and code:
Assignment title and number:
Assessor name:
Student name:
Description of activity undertaken and mapping to assessment criteria
Learning outcome(s) and assessment criteria targeted / Evidence observed of achievement of the requirements of the assessment criteria (this does not confirm achievement of assessment criteria or confer an assessment decision. Also, no reference will be made to grading)
e.g. Learning outcome 1:
Learning outcome 2:
Assessor Name:


An observation record is used to provide a formal record of an assessor’s observation of a student’s performance (e.g. during presentations, practical activities etc) against the targeted assessment criteria.

Please note:

An observation record is a source of evidence and does not confer an assessment decision. Also, if the observation relates to a graded unit, no reference can be made to performance against grade descriptors.

The record will:

·  relate directly to the evidence requirements in the unit specification

·  provide useful information to students on the quality and sufficiency of their performance

·  provide primary evidence of performance to support subsequent assessment decisions, including grading judgements

Observation records should:

·  be accompanied by supporting/additional evidence. This may take the form of visual aids, video/audio tapes, CDs, photographs, handouts, preparation notes, cue cards, diary record or log book and/or peer assessments records, etc.

·  be completed by the assessor, who must have direct knowledge of the unit specification

·  record the assessor’s comments

·  be signed and dated by the assessor

·  be included with the student’s assignment, along with relevant supporting evidence, when submitted for assessment.

An Observation Record Sheet may be the main source of evidence for an assignment, however it should not be the only source of evidence and must be supported in some way, for example by a video, presentation, student notes etc.

In all cases summative assessment and grading judgements, including constructive feedback to students, should be completed on the Student Feedback Form (AP4).

Version 1.1 / Page 1 of 1
Original created: 21 September 2016 / Last edited: 04 August 2017 / Due for review: July 2018
Observation record sheet