Advisory Board |MINUTES

Meeting date | time 2/25/2014 3:30 AM | Meeting location 2A5

Meeting called by

/ Denaro /

Type of meeting

/ Board Meeting /


/ Kathleen Denaro /

Note taker

/ Tina Muscato /

Previous minutes

/ 1/21/2014 Approved
/ Attendees
K. Denaro, D. Polonia, R. Goldsberry, P. Buonomo, L. Sanger, T. Muscato, MP Cottengim, K. Mayberry, M. Merulla, D. Merrill,B.Gushue, R. Diluglio, J. Cook, S. Hencke., A. Casey

Agenda topics

Time allotted | - | Agenda topic Principal Report | Presenter K. Denaro

DiscussionA. The count as of today for students that qualify for internships are as follows: AOHS-10; AOE-13; AOIT-10; total 33. AOHS would like internships to include lab technician positions. Students may need to be 16 to work in a lab setting. We will look at RGH via hillside for lab internships for AOHS. Contact with Pat from Xerox is needed to see how many interns they can accommodate. S. Hencke will work with admin & counselors to secure spots, meeting Friday at 8 in the morning. Timeline: Job description to be provided by partners. Final head count-due 2/25 (33), applications are due 3/18, interviews 4/8, placement 4/22. Interns will work from July 7th through August 29th. B. Adv. Board visits are 3/18; partners to pair with student chaperones, the full day will be allotted for visits. Job shadowing is going well, can the students doing the job shadow share their experiences with other students. Career seminar is scheduled for 3/18. Al Casey will help set up the seminar. C. Support from the Advisory Board is ongoing. The school is in good shape. D. Tina to send out members list. E. College applications are coming in;MCC came to our school and heldimmediate acceptance to college interviews, 48 students participated, have been accepted and have MCC as an option for college. AOHS-40, AOE-20, AOIT-26 student accepted to colleges. The college accuplacer test is available for purchase; Kit to supply Mr. Goldsberry with contacts.

Additions information:Graduation date set for June 27, 2014 @ Nazareth, MCC Expo March 19th, RIT Expo May 3rd. CTE binder update: we are submitting applications, we have chosen NOCTI assessments, and seniors can take the assessment so to graduate with CTE certification.

Action items


Person responsible

Stuart Hencke to look for intern slots- 33 needed / S. Hencke /
P. Buonomo and K. Denaro to organize partner day / Buonomo/Denaro /

Time allotted | - | Agenda topic Chairperson’s Report | Presenter Allen Casey

Discussion A. another meeting will be set up with Dr. Vargas and groups of staff/board members to discuss the 4 areas of concerns in the agenda. Meeting should take place the week of March 3rd. B. P-Tech update: Dr. Vargas meeting with MCC in the future, P-Tech is slated to reside at Edison. C. The staff at Edison complex will worktogether to come up with ideas to support the ideas that came put in the report. We will use half of superintendent’s day for this workshop. Doug Merrill will facilitate the meetings. D. Discussion regarding Advisory Board members, need for more members, and rotation of advisory board assignments needs to take place. We will also reach out to absentee board members to question their interest in continuing on as board members and their company’s interest in STEM.

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